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  • Geodetic Calculations - Vincenty's Formulae, Inverse Method Given latitude and longitude of two points, calculate the ellipsoidal distance and forward and reverse azimuths between the points.

  • This application allows the user to guess what cities are indicated by the satellite images.

  • As the Cocky Flies will calculate the distance between two places in Australia. This query searches the Gazetteer of Australia 2008 Release, which is a compilation of over 310 000 geographic names in Australia provided by members of the Committee for Geographic Names in Australasia.

  • AUSGeoid98 is the current model in a series of national geoid models for Australia produced by Geoscience Australia. It replaced AUSGeoid93 and uses the latest available data and techniques.

  • Rock properties provide the vital link between observed geophysical data and interpreted geology. Geoscience Australia has periodically made measurements of rock properties to support various investigations into the composition and structure of the subsurface. The Rock Properties Project consolidates this information into a single database structure and makes it accessible to external clients via a web delivery application. We have chosen to initially concentrate on mass density and magnetic properties, as these are of prime importance to the important gravity and magnetic datasets maintained for the Australian region by Geoscience Australia. Additional property types and more extensive datasets will be added over time.

  • Natural hazards have an impact on every Australian State and Territory. These hazards include bushfires, cyclones, earthquakes, floods, landslides, severe weather, tsunami and volcanoes. These phenomena threaten lives and damage private and public assets, as well as disrupt water, power, transport and communication services. These hazards and their associated impacts also can seriously affect employment, public administration and incomes to industry, agriculture and commerce.

  • OCCAM VLBI Processing Software FTP site Geodetic Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations provided the first direct confirmation of tectonic plate motion at the end of the 1980s. Now VLBI observations measure the motions of stations with accuracy better than 1mm/year together with other space geodetic techniques such as Global Positioning System (GPS) and Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) Analysis.

  • <p>The Australian Stratigraphic Units Database (ASUD) is the national authority on stratigraphic names in Australia. It originated as the National Register of Stratigraphic Names in 1949. The register was originally set up to help geoscientists adhere to the then newly created Australian Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature (Lenz, et al, 1996). All information was held in a card file system until 1979 when the database was first developed electronically. The database now records information on all Australian stratigraphic units and their usage in published literature. <p>The database contains about 17500 currently approved stratigraphic names and over 36000 variations, most of which are superseded, obsolete, or misspelt versions of the current names. This information is based on over 16000 published references. <p>The database is maintained by Geoscience Australia on behalf of the Australian Stratigraphy Commission, a standing committee of the Geological Society of Australia. <p>Procedures can be queried at: <p>Data can be queried and downloaded at the ASUD website at: <p>Email contact:

  • International Quiet Days (IQD's) are the days where the geomagnetic variations are a minimum in each month. International Disturbed Days (IDD's) are 5 days in each month where the geomagnetic variations are maximum. The classification of days is relative only to the month of calculation. The average disturbance level in one month may differ from another.

  • View information on or download scanned images of all 1:250 000 scale geology maps of Australia in the AUSGIN Geoscience Portal. The images are available in 125 DPI and 250 DPI resolution JPG files. These images include the full map surrounds and legends, and are not georeferenced. For full instructions, consult the user guide for the Geoscience Portal.