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This map shows copper locations by Event, Type and Status. It also shows copper regions and copper occurrences that fall within these regions. The map includes a Time-Space-Event chart, and pie charts.
Australia crustal elements map based on the distribution of geophysical domains
ASCH or ERMapper format
The first edition ACE - Australian Continental Elements dataset is a GIS representation of the lithosphere fabrics of the Australian plate, interpreted from linear features and associated discontinuities in the gravity anomaly map of continental Australia (Bacchin et al., 2008; Nakamura et al., 2011) and the global marine gravity dataset compiled from satellite altimetry (Sandwell & Smith, 2009). It should be used in context with these input data sources, at scales no more detailed than the nominal scale of 1:5 000 000.
This map shows area of the West Coast Tasmania Shark Gillnet and Shark Hook Sector 130m Depth Commonwealth Closure. Modified from GeoCat 65105 (2007) as per the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (Closures) Direction No. 1 2009 - Schedule 14. Produced for the Australian Fisheries Management Authority. Not for public sale or distribution by GA.
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No product available. Removed from website 25/01/2019
No abstract available
Map of uranium content in non-igneous rocks. This map shows the distribution of collated geochemical data points, coloured and sized by their uranium content, set against a backdrop of non-igneous rock type.