Type of resources
Publication year
22-2/I55-4/8-1 Vertical scale: 150
22-3/I55-4/4-1/2 Vertical scale: 500
65% coverage to the west 22-1/H53-6/4 Vertical scale: 2000
No abstract available
22-3/I55-4/8-5/4 Vertical scale: 100
22-3/I55-4/5-4/1 Vertical scale: 300
22-2/I55-4/9-5 Vertical scale: 200
No abstract available
May River #1 well was drilled by West Australian Petroleum Pty Ltd about 48 km east of Derby on the Lennard Shelf, to investigate facies and obtain biostratigraphic data from pollution of the Devonian Reef Complex (Johnson & Brownhill 1967). It penetrated Triassic (Blina Shale), Permian (Liveranga, Noonkanbah, Poole, and Grant Formations), and Lower Carboniferous (Anderson Formation) strata (Fig. 1), before the first core was taken in the Lower Carboniferous Laurel Formation. We have no access to palaeontological data above this level, so this summary deals only with the Carboniferous and Devonian parts of the section. Palynological samples from the well were analysed and reported on by Balme (1967), and conodonts were retrieved from one of the cores (Seddon 1970). We summarise and updatE the information from these reports, based on other published and unpublished sources. No samples have been re-examined. Each level yielding palaeontological information is listed below, with formation name and age specified where this information is available. Where several horizons contain datable fossils indicating the same age, the name of the formation and the age based on fossil content are given beside the lowest level. Depths have been converted to the nearest metre, with the original depth in feet in parentheses. Stage names for the various geological periods conform to usage in the 'Australian Phanerozoic Timescales' series published by the Bureau of Mineral Resources (preliminary editions, 1989-1990). Throughout, 'E', 'M', and 'L' are abbreviations for Early, Middle and Late subdivisions of units of geological time.