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  • ACRES Update, Issue 24, July 2001 STAR Service shortens delivery time ACRES Poster features impace crater A unique applicaiton using satellie imagery as art

  • Digital image data in BIL format of pixel image maps for three areas of North Queensland: 1. Cooktown/Mossman; 2. Atherton; and 3. Gilberton 1:250 000 sheet areas. Each area consists of three maps: 1. Total Magnetic Intensity, reduced to pole, colour; 2. First Vertical Derivative greyscale; 3. Gamma-ray spectrometric colour composite.

  • Product no longer exists, please refer to GeoCat #30413 for the data

  • Product no longer exists, please refer to GeoCat #30413 for the data

  • Product no longer exists, please refer to GeoCat #30413 for the data

  • Product no longer exists, please refer to GeoCat #30413 for the data

  • In 1997, AGSO - Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Tectonics Special Research Centre (TSRC) at the University of Western Australian (UWA) and Curtin University conducted a joint research project to image the crustal setting of the Hamersley Province of northern Western Australia. This joint research was aimed at investigating the shallow structure of the Hamersley Province, the regions deeper basement structure and in so doing, developing an understanding of the region's tectonics and possible fluid migration pathways. The project's objectives were to obtain a better understanding of sub-surface geology of the Hamersley Province at both a regional scale and a mine scale. In particular, the project's objectives were to provide more information on: * regional crustal thickness and major features, * stratigraphic architecture of the regions mineral system, * structural architecture of the mineral system, * timing and locations of fluid migration pathways The seismic survey obtained 132 km of nominally 10 fold CMP (common midpoint) deep reflection seismic data along two transects over approximately 5 weeks of acquisition.

  • An interpretation of the Mulgathing Complex, a late Archaean high grade metamorphic complex in the northwest of the Gawler Craton, host to the Challenger Au deposit. This interpretation is based on gravity, drillhole and airborne magnetic datasets, ground reconnaissance and published geological maps. This map presents an interpretation of basement geology based on ground reconnaissance,interrogation of drill-hole databases, and interpretation of airborne magnetics, gravity data, and previous geological mapping: Benbow, M.C., 1981, COOBER PEDY 1:250 000 Geological Series SH53-6; Daly, S.J., 1985, TARCOOLA 1:250 000 Geological Series SH53-10; Benbow, M.C., 1986, TALLARINGA 1:250 000 Geological Series SH53-5; Benbow, M.C. et al., 1995, BARTON 1:250 000 Geological Series SH53-9; Vitols, V., 1974, COOBER PEDY 1:250 000 Geological Series SH53-6(Preliminary Edition). All the above authors from the Office of Minerals and Energy Resources, South Australia (or predecessors). The boundaries of some mapped units were modified to be consistent with geophysical data or ground truthing. As the map area is essentially under cover, the interpretation is necessarily broad and many anomalies remain uninterpreted. Granulite facies metamorphism has demagnetised much of the Mulgathing Complex and lithological packages, known to exist, could not be distinguished or differentiated. Areas where Palaeozoic cover has attenuated potential fields are shown. Gravity data come from 3851 stations out of a combined database of the Gawler Craton compiled by N.G. Direen (AGSO, unpublished data). These data comprise Commonwealth, State, and open file company surveys. Gravity data were converted to Simple Bouguer Anomalies at an S.G. of 2.67, according to the method of Wellman et al. (1985, BMR Record 261). Geodetic data were converted onto WGS84 and projected to MGA53. An ERMapper grid was produced in Intrepid using a multi-pass, variable density minimum curvature technique with a final grid cell size of 200 m. Intermediate gridding parameters included a coarse cell size of 21 km and a 32 cell extrapolation radius.

  • No abstract available