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Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
One page article discussing aspects of Australian stratigraphy; this article discusses new unit definitions, ne regional publications and changes to the membership of the Australian Stratigraphy Commission.
The Map Reading Guide is an ideal resource for a wide range of map users and is an excellent and simplistic introduction to topographic maps which are suitable for anyone with an interest in maps. It contains: - an explanation of what is a topographic map - steps on how to read topographic maps, including explanations of map scale and how to use a map scale to calculate distance - the differences between grid north, true north and magnetic north - an explanation of symbols used on topographic map symbols - how hills and mountains are shown on maps using relief shading, hypsometric tinting, and contours - what a datum is and why there are different datum - explanations of the difference between geographic and grid coordinates - how to quote grid references from topographic maps - how to plan a successful trip using topographic maps - using Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers and magnetic compasses with topographic maps - using a topographic map to find your current position and to set a course. This product is the guide/map roamer card combination.
Legacy product - no abstract available
Shared geological and geochemical processes are involved in the formation of particular groups of uranium deposits. Three families of uranium mineral systems are recognised: magmatic-, metamorphic- and basin-related. End-member fluids in each family are magmatic-hydrothermal, 'metamorphic' (including fluids reacted with metamorphic rocks at elevated temperatures), and surficial fluids such as meteoric water, lake water and seawater. Most well known uranium deposit types can be accommodated within this tripartite framework, which explicitly allows for hybrid deposit types.
Class set of 30 A4 elevation images of Australia. The teachers' guide provides information about the creation of this special image and gives suggestions for classroom activities.
Legacy product - no abstract available