Type of resources
Publication year
22-2/D51-15/4-6 Vertical scale: 200
22-2/F52-4/2-3 Contour interval: 25
50% coverage 22-2/F52-4/2-4 Contour interval: 25
22-2/D51-16/6-4 Vertical scale: 1200
This report on the Perth Basin, Western Australia, is the tenth in the Australian Petroleum Accumulation Series. The series presents data on Australia's identified petroleum resources, together with an appraisal of their geological setting, hydrocarbon habitat and characteristics. In the case of commercial accumulations, details of their size, development and production history are included. The APA database, on which this series is based, was developed in cooperation with petroleum companies and State and Northern Territory Mines Departments. It is linked to PEDIN, the publicly available petroleum exploration information database maintained jointly by the Bureau of Resource Sciences and the Australian Geological Survey Organisation.
Legacy product - no abstract available
22-2/D51-12/6-4 Vertical scale: 1500
22-2/F52-8/4-5 Vertical scale: 150