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This report describes the results of a micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the Lesi and Oiapu structures, Papua.
The present author accompanied Mr. R.W. Coxon, Director, Mines Department, Alice Springs, and Mr. S.M. Sneddon, Mines Inspector, Alice Springs, as geologist on their journey for road survey and inspection in the mining area of "Tom Hanlon's Camp" in the Eastern Jervois Ranges. The author's observations of the metamorphosed formations, the Oorabra Creek and Eastern Jervois Range areas, and the sandstones south of Alice Springs are recorded in this report.
This report gives an overview of the bauxite resources of the Inverell district, New South Wales, including, in particular, those deposits held or examined by the Australian Aluminium Production Commission. A description of each deposit is given, which includes information on the geology of the area, grade of bauxite, and production figures. Figures are given for the proven reserves of economic bauxite in the district.
The Tennant Creek Mining Field occupies an area extending some 70 miles east and west and 40 miles north and south. Over this area are scattered a large number of small mines and prospects and it is sometimes difficult to bring a field such as this into perspective so as to obtain some idea of its true valuation. The following notes are designed to help in this direction. The output and nature of the orebodies, and the respective positions and productivity of the major deposits, are discussed in this report.
The occurrence of ferruginous laterite in the vicinity of Moss Vale, Bundanoon and Wingello, County of Camden, has long been known. In order to define any zones enriched in alumina, a subsurface prospecting campaign was undertaken by the Australian Aluminium Production Commission at Wingello during July and August, 1948 and at Ellsmore in the early part of 1949. The results of this investigation and previous work are summarized in this report. Detailed descriptions of the laterite and of the individual deposits are given.
A survey of deposits of radio-active minerals was carried out in an area between Coongan and Yule Rivers, Pilbara Goldfield, W.A., during September and October, 1948. This was a continuation of the survey commenced in the previous year (Record 1947/078). The survey was mainly confined to an inspection of localities from which radio-active minerals had previously been reported. Some other mineral localities were inspected, and the Geiger counter was used extensively on many types of rocks and detrital materials in the areas examined. In this way an occurrence of radio-active columbite was found at Mount Francisco, and columbite and tantalite were therefore included among the minerals to be investigated. Alluvial samples were all concentrated by means of a yandie. Rough estimates of the reserves of radio-active minerals were made. The findings of the survey are outlined in this report. The geology of the area and the occurrence of radio-active minerals are described. Accompanying geological plans are included.
The authors were engaged in geological reconnaissance work in the Fitzroy Crossing - Halls Creek area, during the period 16th August to 23rd September, 1948. The principal object of the investigation was to examine the area covered by the Mt. Ramsay Sheet of the Army Series. Work was extended beyond the limits of this sheet however in order to obtain information with regard to the age relationship of some formations, and a visit was made to the Wolf Creek Meteorite Crater 63 miles south of Halls Creek. During the survey, work was concentrated chiefly in mapping the distribution of rocks and different geological periods, determining their relationships and economic possibilities, and recognising areas warranting more detailed investigations. Accompanying geological plans and aerial photographs are included.
Later in September, 1948, the writer, accompanied by L.C. Noakes and an officer of the Department of Works and Housing, Mr. F.K. Hosking, spent part of a morning examining the rock in Mt. Mugga quarry. The object of the examination was to find whether the rock was suitable for aggregate, as the presence of pyrite had been reported some years ago. A set of representative specimens was collected, and these have been studied microscopically. The geological and petrographic characteristics of the rock specimens are described in this report.
The Kowan District occupies the north-eastern lobe of the A.C.T., to the north-east of Queanbeyan. The purpose of the survey was to determine the general geology and structure of the Kowen District as part of a planned mapping of the whole of the A.C.T. In addition a search was made for commercial occurrences of rock suitable for use as a building stone. Field work was extended over most of January and February, 1949. Igneous intrusions were plotted directly onto aerial photographs where possible. Strikes of beds and faults and other suitable information were measured by prismatic compass and dips and pitches were measured by Abney level or clinometer compass. Information was then plotted on a Federal Territory feature map. A full account of this survey work and its findings is given in this report. Descriptions of specimens and geological plans of the district are appended.
The Lesi structure, situated near the coast of the Gulf of Papua, about 100 miles north-west of Port Moresby, was surveyed by plane table. A full account of this survey work is set down in this report. The general characteristics, physiography, and regional geology of the area are described. A detailed account of the geology of the Lesi structure is given, including descriptions of the lithology, palaeontology, stratigraphy, and geological structure. The structure's relation to adjoining structures and the possibility of oil accumulation are discussed. An extract from a micropalaeontological report, geological plans, and photographs of the area are appended.