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  • Australia's Satellite Utilisation Policy provides a vision for Australia's use of space and space-related technologies including providing strategies to enable Australia to meet its national priorities through space and to ensure Australia meets its future space-related education and innovation needs. The Policy emphasises the importance of space based navigation and timing as components of Australia's smart infrastructure and social, economic and national security. Annexed to the Policy is the National Positioning Infrastructure (NPI) Plan. This Plan proposes improved governance of the national positioning infrastructure, additional investment in ground infrastructure to deliver accurate and reliable positioning information to users across Australia and the development of a sovereign capability for GNSS product generation and integrity monitoring through an indigenous Analysis Centre Software (ACS). The objective of the ACS project is the development of a multi-GNSS, multi-frequency network processing platform. It shall deliver as output the numerical estimation and quality description of the network parameters for all available GNSS satellites and CORS network stations receivers that the users require to position themselves in a Precise Point Positioning mode in real-time (PPP-RTK). This presentation focuses on the development activity of the ACS and the research challenges of PPP-RTK

  • Earthquake Risk Model (EQRM) is capable of earthquake scenario ground motion and scenario loss modeling as well as probabilistic seismic hazard (PSHA) and risk (PSRA) modeling. It is a product of Geoscience Australia an Australian Government Agency.

  • The GNSS database contains metadata and data quality statistics for continuous operating GNSS stations in Australia, its Territories and the South Pacific. GNSS stations consist of permanent geodetic quality GPS receivers, on geologically stable marks, with eight stations within Australia known as the Australian Fiducial Network (AFN) . These stations provide the geodetic framework for the spatial data infrastructure in Australia and its territories. They also provide input for the measurement of earth processes, such as crustal dynamics and sea level rise. Data from the GNSS network also contributes to the International GNSS Service . Where stations are managed by Geoscience Australia, Rinex data and quality statistics are available from this website.

  • This product is a Web Application intended to facilitate the discovery and delivery of Petroleum related datasets and information.

  • In 2014, the first version of the DOI minting software was produced,allowing machine to machine minting of DOIs. Written in Java, it accessed the GeoCat database for metadata, sent that to DataCite, and reinserted the returned DOI back into the database.

  • This page provides quick-look images and basic metadata for all Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) acquisitions made by Geoscience Australia Earth Observation in the past seven days. Each swath is labelled by orbit number and date, and is divided into scenes or "Granules". Time of day is shown using Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) which is similar to Greenwich Mean Time. Australian Eastern Standard time is UTC plus 10 hours. Data for download is in a specialised format suitable for image analysis by professional users. If a simple image file (*.jpg) only is required, click on the magnifying glass, then right-click on the enlarged image and Save Picture As to save to your local drive. First enlargement is approx five kilometre pixels and the second enlargement is approx one kilometre pixels. Quick-look images derived from HDF datasets are cropped at 180°E - (The HDF datasets themselves are complete).

  • Geodetic Calculations - Vincenty's Formulae, Inverse Method Given latitude and longitude of two points, calculate the ellipsoidal distance and forward and reverse azimuths between the points.

  • This system provides magnetic, radiometric, gravity and digital elevation data from Australian National, State and Territory Government geophysical data archives.

  • If you felt an earthquake, or know of an earthquake that occurred recently, please fill in this form. Even if you did not feel the earthquake yourself, please fill in the form, as this information will assist us.

  • An application to calculate geomagnetic field values in Australia using the 2010 Australian Geomagnetic Reference Field model (AGRF) model.