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  • Covering an area of approximately 247 000km2, the Galilee Basin is a significant feature of central Queensland. Three main depocentres contain several hundred metres of Late Carboniferous to Middle Triassic sediments. Sedimentation in the Galilee Basin was dominated by fluvial to lacustrine depositional systems. This resulted in a sequence of sandstones, mudstones, siltstones, coals and minor tuff in what was a relatively shallow intracratonic basin with little topographic relief. Forty years or more of exploration in the Galilee Basin has failed to discover any economic accumulations of hydrocarbons, despite the presence of apparently fair to very good reservoirs and seals in both the Permian and Triassic sequence. Despite some relatively large distances (upwards of 500km) between sources and sinks, previous and ongoing work on the Galilee Basin suggests that it has potential to sequester a significant amount of Queensland's carbon dioxide emissions. Potential reservoirs include the Early Permian Aramac Coal Measures, the Late Permian Colinlea Sandstone and the Middle Triassic Clematis Sandstone. These are sealed by several intraformational and local seals as well as the regional Triassic Moolayember Formation. With few suitable structural traps and little faulting throughout the Galilee sequence, residual trapping within saline reservoir is the most likely mechanism for storing CO2. The current study is aimed at building a sound geological model of the basin through activities such as detailed mapping, well correlation, and reservoir and seal analysis leading to reservoir simulations to gain a better understanding of the basin.

  • The presence of abundant bedded sulfate deposits before 3.2 Ga and after 1.8 Ga, the peak in iron formation abundance between 3.2 and 1.8 Ga, and the aqueous geochemistry of sulfur and iron together suggest that the redox state, and the abundances of sulfur and iron in the hydrosphere varied widely during the Archean and Proterozoic. We propose a layered hyddrosphere prior to 3.2 Ga in which sulfate produced by atmospheric photolytic reactions was enriched in an upper layer, whereas the underlying layer was reduced and sulfur-poor. Between 3.2 and 2.4 Ga, biolotical and/or inorganic sulfate reduction reactions removed sulfate from the upper layer, producing broadly uniform, reduced, sulfur-poor and iron-rich oceans. As a result of increasing atmospheric oxygenation around 2.4 Ga, the flux of sulfate into the hydrosphere by oxidative weathering was greatly enhanced, producing layered oceans, with sulfate-rich, iron-poor surface waters and reduced, sulfur-poor and iron-rich bottom waters. This process continued so that by 1.8 Ga, the hydrosphere was generally oxidized, sulfate-rich and iron-poor throughout. Variations in sulfur and iron abundances suggest that the redox state of the oceans was buffered by iron before 2.4 Ga and by sulfur after 1.8 Ga.

  • Within the GEODISC program of the Australian Petroleum Cooperative Research Centre (APCRC), Geoscience Australia (GA) and the University of New South Wales (UNSW) completed an analysis of the potential for the geological storage of CO2. The geological analysis produced an assessment from over 100 potential Environmentally Sustainable Sites for CO2 Injection (ESSCI) by applying a deterministic risk assessment. Out of 100 potential sites, 65 proved to be valid sites for further study. This assessment examined predominantly saline reservoirs which is where we believe Australia?s greatest storage potential exists. However, many of these basins also contain coal seams that may be capable of storing CO2. Several of these coal basins occur close to coal-fired power plants and oil and gas fields where high levels of CO2 are emitted. CO2 storage in coal beds is intrinsically different to storage in saline formations, and different approaches need to be applied when assessing them. Whilst potentially having economic benefit, enhanced coal bed methane (ECBM) production through CO2 injection does raise an issue of how much greenhouse gas mitigation might occur. Even if only small percentages of the total methane are liberated to the atmosphere in the process, then a worse outcome could be achieved in terms of greenhouse gas mitigation. The most suitable coal basins in Australia for CO2 storage include the Galilee, Cooper and Bowen-Surat basins in Queensland, and the Sydney, Gunnedah, and Clarence-Moreton Basins in New South Wales. Brief examples of geological storage within saline aquifers and coal seams in the Bowen and Surat basins, Queensland Australia, are described in this paper to compare and contrast each storage option.

  • No abstract available

  • The middle to lower Jurassic sequence in Australia's Surat Basin has been identified as a potential reservoir system for geological CO2 storage. The sequence comprises three major formations with distinctly different mineral compositions, and generally low salinity formation water (TDS<3000 mg/L). Differing geochemical responses between the formations are expected during geological CO2 storage. However, given the prevailing use of saline reservoirs in CCS projects elsewhere, limited data are available on CO2-water-rock dynamics during CO2 storage in such low-salinity formations. Here, a combined batch experiment and numerical modelling approach is used to characterise reaction pathways and to identify geochemical tracers of CO2 migration in the low-salinity Jurassic sandstone units. Reservoir system mineralogy was characterized for 66 core samples from stratigraphic well GSQ Chinchilla 4, and six representative samples were reacted with synthetic formation water and high-purity CO2 for up to 27 days at a range of pressures. Low formation water salinity, temperature, and mineralization yield high solubility trapping capacity (1.18 mol/L at 45°C, 100 bar), while the paucity of divalent cations in groundwater and the silicate reservoir matrix results in very low mineral trapping capacity under storage conditions. Formation water alkalinity buffers pH at elevated CO2 pressures and exerts control on mineral dissolution rates. Non-radiogenic, regional groundwater-like 87Sr/86Sr values (0.7048-0.7066) indicate carbonate and authigenic clay dissolution as the primary reaction pathways regulating solution composition, with limited dissolution of the clastic matrix during the incubations. Several geochemical tracers are mobilised in concentrations greater than found in regional groundwater, most notably cobalt, concentrations of which are significantly elevated regardless of CO2 pressure or sample mineralogy.

  • The economics of the storage of CO2 in underground reservoirs in Australia have been analysed as part of the Australian Petroleum Cooperative Research Centre's GEODISC program. The analyses are based on cost estimates generated by a CO2 storage technical / economic model developed at the beginning of the GEODISC project. They also rely on data concerning the characteristics of geological reservoirs in Australia. The uncertainties involved in estimating the costs of such projects are discussed and the economics of storing CO2 for a range of CO2 sources and potential storage sites across Australia are presented. The key elements of the CO2 storage process and the methods involved in estimating the costs of CO2 storage are described and the CO2 storage costs for a hypothetical but representative storage project in Australia are derived. The effects of uncertainties inherent in estimating the costs of storing CO2 are shown. The analyses show that the costs are particularly sensitive to parameters such as the CO2 flow rate, the distance between the source and the storage site, the physical properties of the reservoir and the market prices of equipment and services. Therefore, variations in any one of these inputs can lead to significant variation in the costs of CO2 storage. Allowing for reasonable variations in all the inputs together in a Monte Carlo simulation of any particular site, then a large range of total CO2 storage costs is possible. The effect of uncertainty for the hypothetical representative storage site is illustrated. The impact of storing other gases together with CO2 is analysed. The other gases include methane, hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen, nitrous oxides and oxides of sulphur, all of which potentially could be captured together with CO2. The effect on storage costs when varying quantities of other gases are injected with the CO2 is shown. Based on the CO2 storage estimates and the published costs capturing CO2 from industrial processes, the econ

  • A question and answer style brochure on geological storage of carbon dioxide. Questions addressed include: - What is geological storage? - Why do we need to store carbon dioxide? - How can you store anything in solid rock? - Could the carbon dioxide contaminate the fresh water supply? - Could a hydrocarbon seal leak? - Are there any geological storage projects in Australia?

  • Many industries and researchers have been examining ways of substantially reducing greenhouse gas emissions. No single method is likely to be a panacea, however some options do show considerable promise. Geological sequestration is one option that utilises mature technology and has the potential to sequester large volumes of CO2. In Australia geological sequestration has been the subject of research for the last 2? years within the Australian Petroleum Cooperative Research Centre's GEODISC program. A portfolio of potential geological sequestration sites (?sinks?) has been identified across all sedimentary basins in Australia, and these have been compared with nearby known or potential CO2 emission sources. These sources have been identified by incorporating detailed analysis of the national greenhouse gas emission databases with other publicly available data, a process that resulted in recognition of eight regional emission nodes. An earlier generic economic model for geological sequestration in Australia has been updated to accommodate the changes arising from this process of ?source to sink? matching. Preliminary findings have established the relative attractiveness of potential injection sites through a ranking approach. It includes the ability to accommodate the volumes of sequesterable greenhouse gas emissions predicted for the adjacent region, the costs involved in transport, sequestration and ongoing operations, and a variety of technical geological risks. Some nodes with high volumes of emissions and low sequestration costs clearly appear to be suitable, whilst others with technical and economic issues appear to be problematic. This assessment may require further refinement once findings are completed from the GEODISC site-specific research currently underway.

  • Geological Storage Potential of CO2 & Source to Sink Matching Matching of CO2 sources with CO2 storage opportunities (known as source to sink matching), requires identification of the optimal locations for both the emission source and storage site for CO2 emissions. The choice of optimal sites is a complex process and can not be solely based on the best technical site for storage, but requires a detailed assessment of source issues, transport links and integration with economic and environmental factors. Many assessments of storage capacity of CO2 in geological formations have been made at a regional or global level. The level of detail and assessment methods vary substantially, from detailed attempts to count the actual storage volume at a basinal or prospect level, to more simplistic and ?broad brush? approaches that try to estimate the potential worldwide (Bradshaw et al, 2003). At the worldwide level, estimates of the CO2 storage potential are often quoted as ?very large? with ranges for the estimates in the order of 100?s to 10,000?s Gt of CO2 (Beecy and Kuuskra, 2001; Bruant et al, 2002; Bradshaw et al 2003). Identifying a large global capacity to store CO2 is only a part of the solution to the CO2 storage problem. If the large storage capacity can not be accessed because it is too distant from the source, or is associated with large technical uncertainty, then it may not be possible to reliably predict that it would ever be of value when making assessments. To ascertain whether any potential storage capacity could ever be actually utilised requires analysis of numerous other factors. Within the GEODISC program of the Australian Petroleum Cooperative Research Centre (APCRC), Geoscience Australia (GA) and the University of New South Wales (UNSW) completed an analysis of the potential for the geological storage of CO2. Over 100 potential Environmentally Sustainable Sites for CO2 Injection (ESSCIs) were assessed by applying a deterministic risk assessment (Bradshaw et al, 2002). At a regional scale Australia has a risked capacity for CO2 storage potential in excess of 1600 years of current annual total net emissions. However, this estimate does not incorporate the various factors that are required in source to sink matching. If these factors are included, and an assumption is made that some economic imperative will apply to encourage geological storage of CO2, then a more realistic analysis can be derived. In such a case, Australia may have the potential to store a maximum of 25% of our total annual net emissions, or approximately 100 - 115 Mt CO2 per year.

  • This paper briefly summaries how intrinsic uncertainties in reservoir characterization, at the proposed Otway Basin Naylor Field carbon-dioxide geo-sequestration site, were risk managed by a process of creation and evaluation of a series of geo-models (term to describe the geo-cellular geological models created by PETREL software) that cover the range of plausible geological possibilities, as well as extreme case scenarios. Optimization methods were employed, to minimize simulation run time, whilst not compromising the essential features of the basic geo-model. For four different Cases, 7 geo-models of the reservoir were created for simulation studies. The reservoir simulation study relies primarily on production history matching and makes use of all available information to help screen and assess the various geo-models. The results suggest that the bulk reservoir permeability is between 0.5 - 1Darcy, the original gas-water-contact was about 2020 mSS and there is a strong aquifer drive.