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The National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) project (www.ga.gov.au/ngsa) was part of Geoscience Australia's Onshore Energy Security Program 2006-2011 and was carried out in collaboration with the geological surveys of all States and the Northern Territory. It delivered (1) Australia's first national geochemical atlas, (2) an underpinning geochemical database, and (3) a series of reports. Catchment outlet sediments (similar to floodplain sediments in most cases) were sampled in 1186 catchments covering ~80% of the country (average sample density 1 sample per 5500 km2). Samples were collected at 2 depths each sieved to 2 grain size fractions. Chemical analyses carried out on the samples fall into 3 main categories: (1) total (using mainly XRF and total digestion ICP-MS), (2) aqua regia, and (3) Mobile Metal Ion® element contents. Here results of robust multi-variate analysis performed on the total element content data are reported. After clr-transformation of the raw data, a principal components (PCs) analysis was undertaken. The first five PCs account for 59.2% of the total variance. For instance, PC1 (27.9%) is dominated by Mg, Ca, S and Sr (negative loadings) and rare earth elements and Y (positive loadings). Thus, the PC1 map should reflect the distribution of carbonates and gypsum as well as resistate minerals typical of highly weathered environments and heavy mineral sands. By comparing this to known occurrences of rock and soil types, weathering regimes, etc. inferences can be drawn about the major, continental-scale processes influencing the distribution of chemical elements in Australia's surficial environment.
The National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) project (www.ga.gov.au/ngsa) was part of Geoscience Australia's Onshore Energy Security Program 2006-2011 and was carried out in collaboration with the geological surveys of all States and the Northern Territory. It delivered (1) Australia's first national geochemical atlas, (2) an underpinning geochemical database, and (3) a series of reports. Catchment outlet sediments (similar to floodplain sediments in most cases) were sampled in 1186 catchments covering ~80% of the country (average sample density 1 sample per 5500 km2). Samples were collected at 2 depths each sieved to 2 grain size fractions. Chemical analyses carried out on the samples fall into 3 main categories: (1) total (using mainly XRF and total digestion ICP-MS), (2) aqua regia, and (3) Mobile Metal Ion® element contents. Results to date indicate a common spatial coincidence of elevated commodity element concentrations near areas of known mineralisation, for instance of U, Au and REEs. The survey data also identifies areas with elevated concentrations of energy and ore-related elements away from known deposits or occurrences, information which may be useful to the exploration industry. Comparison with airborne radiometric data indicates reasonable correlations between ground and airborne concentrations of K, U and Th. The phenomenon of disequilibrium in the radioactive decay chain of U does lead to some insights about leaching and accumulation of the more mobile daughter products (e.g., Rn, Ra). A continental-scale correction factor for airborne gamma-ray U surveys applicable to depositional areas is being developed.
This dataset contains species identifications of all taxa collected from grabs during survey SOL4934 (R.V. Solander, 27 August - 24 September, 2009). Animals were collected from the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf with a Smith-MacIntyre grab. Echinoderms, molluscs, and worms were identified by taxonomists Tim O'Hara, Richard Willan, and Belinda Glasby, respectively, and lodged at museums. All other taxa were identified to operational taxonomic units by Rachel Przeslawski and lodged at the Australian Museum on the 27 August 2011. See GA Record 2010/09 for further details on survey methods and specimen acquisition.
The overarching theme of this book (and for the GeoHab organisation in general) is that mapping seafloor geomorphic features is useful for understanding benthic habitats. Many of the case studies in this volume demonstrate that geomorphic feature type is a powerful surrogate for associated benthic communities. Here we provide a brief overview of the major geomorphic features that are described in the detailed case studies (which follow in Part II of this book). Starting from the coast we will consider sandy temperate coasts, rocky temperate coasts, estuaries and fjords, barrier islands and glaciated coasts. Moving offshore onto the continental shelf we will consider sandbanks, sandwaves, rocky ridges, shallow banks, coral reefs, shelf valleys and other shelf habitats. Finally, on the continental slope and deep ocean environments we will review the general geomorphology and associated habitats of escarpments, submarine canyons, seamounts, plateaus and deep sea vent communities.
This report contains the preliminary results of Geoscience Australia survey 273 to northwest Torres Strait. This survey was undertaken as part of a research program within the Torres Strait CRC aimed at understanding marine biophysical processes in Torres Strait and their effect on seagrass habitats. Two Geoscience Australia surveys were undertaken as part of this program, survey 266 measured monsoon season conditions (Heap et al., 2005), and survey 273 measured trade wind conditions. Section 6 compares and contrasts the survey results acquired for both surveys. Section 7 addresses the results of the survey program in light of the objectives of the CRC proposal. Survey 273 acquired numerous different data types to assist with characterising the mobile sediments and hydrodynamic nature of the region. Multibeam sonar, current meters, grab samples, vibro-cores, underwater video, meteorological data (from the Bureau of Meteorology), Landsat imagery, were all used to characterise the seabed hydrodynamics of Torres Strait.
Objectives To determine whether there are patterns in cancer occurrence in NSW which might be related to geological setting, in particular the occurrence of elevated uranium in granites. Methods The full cancer record of the top 10 cancers for NSW for the period 1974-2003 was obtained from the NSW Cancer Registry, along with Census data from the ABS, and geological data from Geoscience Australia. Geostatistical methods were used to predict the spatial distribution of radiogenic granites across NSW. Analyses were carried out in ArcGIS to map 1) the spatial distribution of cancer occurrence by Statistical Local Area (SLA), 2) relate it to census data for the determination of Standardised Morbidity Ratios, and 3) calculate a range of spatial statistics to determine local and global spatial autocorrelation and hotspots. SatScan statistical cluster analysis software was used to analyse the distribution of common ingestion related cancers, excluding lung cancer, using a Poisson spatial model. Results The spatial statistical analysis in ArcGIS indicates the presence of strong autocorrelation in cancer incidence in south-eastern NSW as well as high clustering in the data. The SatScan analysis identified primary clusters in the Hunter Valley, western Sydney and south-eastern NSW. The Hunter Valley and western Sydney clusters are most likely due to industrial exposure, but this is unlikely for south-eastern NSW. Elevated uranium in granites occurs primarily in south-eastern NSW and to a lesser extent in northern NSW. Conclusion Results indicate a potential correlation exists between highly radiogenic granite bodies and elevated rates of cancer incidence, although it is difficult to ascertain exposure modes and the influence of other confounders such as exposure to agricultural chemicals, nitrates in drinking water and lifestyle effects.
Geoscience Australia often produces spatially continuous marine environmental information products using spatial interpolation methods. The accuracy of such information is critical for well-informed decisions for marine environmental management and conservation. Improving the accuracy of these data products by searching for robust methods is essential, but it is a vexed task since no method is best for all variables. Therefore, we experimentally compared the performance of 32 methods/sub-methods using seabed gravel content data from the Australian continental EEZ. In this study, we have identified and developed several novel and robust methods that significantly increase the accuracy of interpolated spatial information. Moreover, these methods can be applied to various environmental properties in both marine and terrestrial disciplines.
A series of short field surveys in Jervis Bay, New South Wales, were undertaken by Geoscience Australia staff as part of the Surrogates Program in the Commonwealth Environmental Research Facilities (CERF) Marine Biodiversity Hub. The aim of the Jervis Bay field work was to collect accurately co-located physical and biological data to enable research into the utility of physical parameters as surrogates for patterns of benthic biodiversity in shallow soft-sediment habitats. In this report the survey design and sampling methods are described; selected field datasets are mapped and discussed; initial results of the laboratory analysis of seabed samples are presented; and there is a brief description of the upcoming analysis of covariance of the physical and biological datasets. The major outputs of the survey work to date are: 1. High-resolution multibeam acoustic datasets for priority areas along the open coast of Jervis Bay (Beecroft Head to Drum and Drumsticks), within the Jervis Bay National Park; and within the southern bay around Darling Road, and in the bay entrance. 2. High quality underwater video footage of benthic habitats in the Darling Road study area acquired with Geoscience Australia's shallow-water towed-video system. The video was used to characterise benthic habitat types, relief/bedform types, and biota occurrence. Characterisations were collected in real-time along bi-directional (six offshore and four alongshore) towed video transects, and were subsequently processed and mapped into three ArcGIS map layers. 3. A set of broad-scale (bay-wide) widely-spaced, co-located sediment and biotic (infauna) seabed samples from the bay's soft-sediment habitats (polychaete mounds, drift algal beds, sand flats, and sand ripple and wave habitats); 4. Sediment samples for geochemical, biogeochemical and sedimentological analyses. 5. A new acoustic doppler current profiler was successfully trialed, and is now being used to collect seabed current data in the Darling Road study area. 6. A progress report on the survey work was presented at the annual CERF Marine Biodiversity Hub's Annual Science Workshop in October 2008.
Community concern about changes in the earth's environment has intensified during the past decade. The Government's response is reflected in the Prime Minister's statement on the Environment, in the setting up of the Resource Assessment Commission to investigate the developmental and environmental use of resources, and in the ASTEC review of environmental research in Australia. There is increasing recognition that science provides the framework for the protection of the Australian environment and for the responsible use of its resources. The geosciences are vital for the understanding of the environment, the development of essential resources, and the simultaneous conservation of environmental quality and diversity. The Government's new charter for BMR, tabled in the Senate in June 1989, recognised the need for BMR to provide the knowledge base for the resolution of environmental issues. For BMR to respond to the increasing demand for geoscientific base line data and advice in the context of sustainable development for Australia, it needs to identify the areas of geoscience necessary to take on a new role in understanding and conserving Australian earth resources in parallel with its traditional role of guiding the development of those resources. It is proposed that new environmental projects should be managed under a new Unit of Environmental Geoscience. For 1989/90 the development of the program will require approximately 1% of BMR resources - in professional staff and funding. In 1990/91, expenditure should be close to 2%. For fully operational programs in 1991/92 we estimate costs will be around 5-6% of total BMR resources.
This dataset contains species identifications of macro-benthic worms collected during survey SOL4934 (R.V. Solander, 27 August - 24 September, 2009). Animals were collected from the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf with a benthic sled or a Smith-McIntyre grab. Specimens were lodged at Northern Territory Museum on the 24 September 2009. Species-level identifications were undertaken by Chris Glasby at the Northern Territory Museum and were delivered to Geoscience Australia on the 26 October 2009 See GA Record 2010/09 for further details on survey methods and specimen acquisition. Data is presented here exactly as delivered by the taxonomist, and Geoscience Australia is unable to verify the accuracy of the taxonomic identifications.