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  • Geoscience Australia marine reconnaissance survey TAN0713 to the Lord Howe Rise offshore eastern Australia was completed as part of the Federal Government's Offshore Energy Security Program between 7 October and 22 November 2007 using the New Zealand Government's research vessel Tangaroa. The survey was designed to sample key, deep-sea environments on the east Australian margin (a relatively poorly-studied shelf region in terms of sedimentology and benthic habitats) to better define the Capel and Faust basins, which are two major sedimentary basins beneath the Lord Howe Rise. Samples recovered on the survey contribute to a better understanding of the geology of the basins and assist with an appraisal of their petroleum potential. They also add to the inventory of baseline data on deep-sea sediments in Australia. The principal scientific objectives of the survey were to: (1) characterise the physical properties of the seabed associated with the Capel and Faust basins and Gifford Guyot; (2) investigate the geological history of the Capel and Faust basins from a geophysical and geological perspective; and (3) characterise the abiotic and biotic relationships on an offshore submerged plateau, a seamount, and locations where fluid escape features were evident. This dataset comprises chlorin indices measured on seabed sediments (0-2 cm). Some relevant publications which pertain to these datasets include: 1. Heap, A.D., Hughes, M., Anderson, T., Nichol, S., Hashimoto, T., Daniell, J., Przeslawski, R., Payne, D., Radke, L., and Shipboard Party, (2009). Seabed Environments and Subsurface Geology of the Capel and Faust basins and Gifford Guyot, Eastern Australia - post survey report. Geoscience Australia, Record 2009/22, 166pp. 2. Radke, L.C. Heap, A.D., Douglas, G., Nichol, S., Trafford, J., Li, J., and Przeslawski, R. 2011. A geochemical characterization of deep-sea floor sediments of the northern Lord Howe Rise. Deep Sea Research II 58: 909-921

  • The Petrel Sub-basin Marine Environmental Survey GA-0335, (SOL5463) was undertaken by the RV Solander during May 2012 as part of the Commonwealth Government's National Low Emission Coal Initiative (NLECI). The survey was undertaken as a collaboration between the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and GA. The purpose was to acquire geophysical and biophysical data on shallow (less then 100m water depth) seabed environments within two targeted areas in the Petrel Sub-basin to support investigation for CO2 storage potential in these areas. This dataset comprises an interpreted geomorphic map. Interpreted local-scale geomorphic maps were produced for each survey area in the Petrel Sub-basin using multibeam bathymetry and backscatter grids at 2 m resolution and bathymetric derivatives (e.g. slope; 1-m contours). Five geomorphic units; bank, plain, ridge, terrace and valley, were identified and mapped using definitions suitable for interpretation at the local scale (nominally 1:10 000). Maps and polygons were manual digitised in ArcGIS using the spatial analyst and 3D analyst toolboxes.

  • Geoscience Australia undertook a marine survey of the Vlaming Sub-basin in March and April 2012 to provide seabed and shallow geological information to support an assessment of the CO2 storage potential of this sedimentary basin. The survey was undertaken under the Australian Government's National CO2 Infrastructure Plan (NCIP) to help identify sites suitable for the long term storage of CO2 within reasonable distances of major sources of CO2 emissions. The Vlaming Sub-basin is located offshore from Perth, Western Australia, and was previously identified by the Carbon Storage Taskforce (2009) as potentially highly suitable for CO2 storage. The principal aim of the Vlaming Sub-basin marine survey (GA survey number GA334) was to look for evidence of any past or current gas or fluid seepage at the seabed, and to determine whether these features are related to structures (e.g. faults) in the Vlaming Sub-basin that may extend up to the seabed. The survey also mapped seabed habitats and biota in the areas of interest to provide information on communities and biophysical features that may be associated with seepage. This research addresses key questions on the potential for containment of CO2 in the Early Cretaceous Gage Sandstone (the basin's proposed CO2 storage unit) and the regional integrity of the South Perth Shale (the seal unit that overlies the Gage Sandstone). This dataset comprises an interpreted geomorphic map.

  • Multibeam sonar data incorporates a wide range of metrics of physical seabed properties that can be utilised to generate substrate maps for marine habitat mapping. In particular, statistical descriptors of seabed form and texture can be derived to maximise the information provided by multibeam data. This study investigates the full potential of multibeam data for mapping seabed properties for an area of geomorphically complex seabed on the continental shelf offshore from Point Cloates, Western Australia. In 2008, as part of a collaborative survey within the Commonwealth Environmental Research Facilities (CERF) Marine Biodiversity Hub, Geoscience Australia acquired high resolution multibeam data and sediment samples across a 280 km2 area of the shelf, using a Kongsberg EM 3002 (300 kHz) system. Using this data, a two stage analysis was developed to: (i) separate 'hard seabed (e.g., reefs, ridges and mounds) from 'soft' sediments, and; (ii) predict textural properties for seabed sediments, including %Gravel, %Sand, %Mud, mean grain size and sorting. For a mapping tool, we chose the Random Forest Decision Tree technique. This entailed using ten combinations of input datasets as explanatory variables, including morphometric variables derived from bathymetry, and angular response curves and related statistics derived from backscatter mosaics. The training dataset was derived by combining sediment data from grab samples with locations of hard substrate inferred from bathymetry data. The predictive mapping of 'hard' and 'soft' seabed types resulted in predictions with very strong confidence levels, especially when bathymetry information was combined with backscatter data (i.e., cross-validated Area Under Curve = 0.99). The five sediment properties were predicted with moderate to good cross-validation accuracies (Figure 1). The highest accuracies were achieved for %Mud and Sorting, (R2s equal 0.73 and 0.68, respectively).

  • This dataset contains species identifications of molluscs collected during survey SOL4934 (R.V. Solander, 27 August - 24 September, 2009). Animals were collected from the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf with a benthic sled. Specimens were lodged at Northern Territory Museum on the 8 February 2010. Species-level identifications were undertaken by Richard Willan at the Northern Territory Museum and were delivered to Geoscience Australia on the 15 March 2010. See GA Record 2010/09 for further details on survey methods and specimen acquisition. Data is presented here exactly as delivered by the taxonomist, and Geoscience Australia is unable to verify the accuracy of the taxonomic identifications.<p><p>This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes.

  • Australia is increasingly recognised as a global hotspot for sponge biodiversity, with sponges playing key roles in habitat provision, water quality, bioerosion, and biodiscovery. Despite the intense focus on marine resource management in northern Australia, there is a large knowledge gap about sponge communities in this region. This study focuses on shelf environments of the Timor Sea, in particular the Van Diemen Rise and Londonderry Rise which are characterised by extensive carbonate terraces, banks and reefs, separated by soft sediment plains and deeply incised valleys. These carbonate terraces and banks are recognised as a Key Ecological Feature (KEF) in the marine region plans for northern Australia (North and Northwest Marine Regions) and are in part incorporated into the Oceanic Shoals Commonwealth Marine Reserve. To support the management of this marine reserve and its associated KEF, we use new datasets to investigate regional patterns in sponge assemblages and their relationships to seabed geomorphology. To do this, we use sponge assemblage data and multibeam-derived variables (depth, backscatter, slope, geomorphic feature) from seven survey areas located on the Van Diemen Rise (four sites) and Londonderry Rise (three sites), spanning approximately 320 km in an east-west direction. The dataset was collected during three collaborative surveys undertaken in 2009, 2010 and 2012 by Geoscience Australia, the Australian Institute of Marine Science and the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory as part of the Australian Government's Offshore Energy Security Initiative and the National Environmental Research Program Marine Biodiversity Hub. All surveys returned geophysical, biological, geochemical, and sedimentological data. Benthic biota were collected with a benthic sled across a range of geomorphic features (bank, terrace, ridge, plain, valley) identified from high-resolution multibeam sonar. Sponges were then taxonomically identified to 350 species, with the species accumulation curve indicating there may be over 900 sponge species in the region. Sponge assemblages were different between the Van Diemen Rise and Londonderry Rise, as well as between individual banks in the same area, indicating that different suites of species occurred at regional (east-west) and local (between banks) scales. Relationships between sponges and other multibeam-derived variables are more complex and warrant further research. The current study will help: i) facilitate integrated marine management by providing a baseline species inventory; ii) support the listing of carbonate banks of the Timor Sea shelf as a Key Ecological Feature, and; iii) inform future monitoring of marine protected area performance, particularly for areas of complex seabed geomorphology.

  • We report the presence of a prominent bathymetric expression of the Fitzroy River palaeochannel on the continental shelf of the southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia. The Fitzroy River, and the Burdekin River are the two largest point sources of terrigenous sediment to the GBR, which represents the worlds largest tropical mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sedimentary province. The Fitzroy River palaeochannel differs from that of the previously discovered Burdekin palaeochannel in that it has not yet been buried by sediments. Evidently, the dominance of platform reef rather than barrier reef geomorphology, coupled with macrotidal oceanographic conditions has limited aggradation behind the shelf edge, as postulated for the Burdekin region. Contrary to current models for the central GBR which suggest that slope sedimentation is limited to periods of transgression, the palaeo-Fitzroy probably contributed sediment directly to the continental slope of the southern GBR throughout the lowstand. Additionally, it appears that during the highstand, accumulation of terrigenous sediment on the middle and outer shelf has been minimal. The southern GBR represents a transition between the mainly terrigenous wave and ocean current dominated shelf of southeastern Australia, and the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate storm-influenced shelf of the GBR. The discovery of the Fitzroy River palaeochannel in the southern GBR physiographic setting provides new data by which the response of major rivers to sea level change can be characterised.

  • High resolution multibeam bathymetry is used to map and interpret seabed geomorphology for part of the northern Lord Howe Rise plateau in the Tasman Sea. A mapping system of geomorphic units and elements is used, extending the previous hierarchy of geomorphic provinces and features used for the Australian margin. The mapped area covers ~25,500 km2 and incorporates broad ridges, valleys and plateaus. Superimposed on these features are clusters of volcanic peaks, smaller ridges, holes, scarps and aprons. An additional characteristic of the seabed in this area is an extensive network of polygonal furrows that cover the plateaus and the lower slopes of larger ridges. These furrows are formed in stiff, unconsolidated carbonate ooze that forms a near-continuous sediment cover across the area. Peaks are the only geomorphic feature not fully draped in pelagic ooze. The distribution of geomorphic units suggests strong controls from underlying geological structures. In water depths of 1400 m to 1600 m some peaks occur in clusters on ridges that sit above acoustic basement highs and volcanic intrusions. Elsewhere, broad plains and valleys slope to the southwest following the regional dip of the Lord Howe Rise plateau. In contrast, localised geomorphic elements such as moats and holes have likely explanation in terms of spatial variations in sedimentation rates in relation to bathymetric highs. Polygonal furrows are attributed to dewatering processes. The geomorphology of the seabed mapped in this study incorporates examples of forms that have not been previously mapped in such detail on the Australian margin. These are unlikely to be unique to the mapped area of the Lord Howe Rise and can be expected to occur elsewhere on the Rise and presumably on other parts of the Australian margin with a similar geological history.

  • This resource contains surface sediment data for Bynoe Harbour collected by Geoscience Australia (GA), the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and Department of Land Resource Management (Northern Territory Government) during the period from 2-29 May 2016 on the RV Solander (survey SOL6432/GA4452). This project was made possible through offset funds provided by INPEX-led Ichthys LNG Project to Northern Territory Government Department of Land Resource Management, and co-investment from Geoscience Australia and Australian Institute of Marine Science. The intent of this four year (2014-2018) program is to improve knowledge of the marine environments in the Darwin and Bynoe Harbour regions by collating and collecting baseline data that enable the creation of thematic habitat maps that underpin marine resource management decisions. The specific objectives of the survey were to: 1. Obtain high resolution geophysical (bathymetry) data for outer Darwin Harbour, including Shoal Bay; 2. Characterise substrates (acoustic backscatter properties, grainsize, sediment chemistry) for outer Darwin Harbour, including Shoal Bay; and 3. Collect tidal data for the survey area. Data acquired during the survey included: multibeam sonar bathymetry and acoustic backscatter; physical samples of seabed sediments, underwater photography and video of grab sample locations and oceanographic information including tidal data and sound velocity profiles. This dataset comprises the results of sediment oxygen demand experiments undertaken on seabed sediments. A detailed account of the survey is provided in Siwabessy, P.J.W., Smit, N., Atkinson, I., Dando, N., Harries, S., Howard, F.J.F., Li, J., Nicholas W.A., Picard, K., Radke, L.C., Tran, M., Williams, D. and Whiteway, T., 2016. Bynoe Harbour Marine Survey 2017: GA4452/SOL6432 Post-survey report. Record 2017/04. Geoscience Australia, Canberra. Thanks to the crew of the RV Solander for help with sample collection, Matt Carey, Craig Wintle and Andrew Hislop from the Observatories and Science Support at Geoscience Australia for technical support and Jodie Smith for reviewing the data. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia

  • This dataset contains species identifications of echinoderms collected during survey GA2476 (R.V. Solander, 12 August - 15 September 2008). Animals were collected from the Western Australian Margin with a BODO sediment grab or rock dredge. Specimens were lodged at Museum of Victoria on the 10 March 2009. Species-level identifications were undertaken by Tim O'Hara at the Museum of Victoria and were delivered to Geoscience Australia on the 24 April 2009. See GA Record 2009/02 for further details on survey methods and specimen acquisition. Data is presented here exactly as delivered by the taxonomist, and Geoscience Australia is unable to verify the accuracy of the taxonomic identifications.