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  • This resource contains a bathymetry compilation prepared by the University of Western Australia for the North West Shelf of Australia, between the Cape Range and the Dampier Peninsula. The compilation includes, by decreasing resolution: - Publicly available MBES datasets, made available by Geoscience Australia by December 2019. - Satellite derived bathymetry produced using 1000+ images acquired between January 2017 and December 2019. - Seismic derived bathymetry extracted from 100+ surveys acquired between 1981 and 2015. - SRTM topography, reprocessed by Galant et al, 2011: - 2009 Australian Bathymetry and Topography grid: The Seismic and Satellite derived bathymetry grids are also available as individual layers. The vertical and spatial accuracy of the datasets have been thoroughly assessed using high-resolution datasets including publicly available MBES and LADS surveys. The assessment indicates that the seismic derived bathymetry has a depth accuracy better than 1 m + 2% of the absolute water depths while the satellites derived bathymetry has a depth accuracy better than 1 m + 5% of the absolute water depths. A detailed methodology is provided in: Lebrec et al, 2021. Towards a regional high-resolution bathymetry of the North West Shelf of Australia based on Sentinel-2 satellite images, 3D seismic surveys and historical datasets. (in prep.) This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia. AUTHOR’S NOTICE: This dataset should not be used, under any circumstances, for navigation. When used, the dataset should be referenced as follow: Lebrec, U., Paumard, V., O'Leary, M. J., and Lang, S. C.: Towards a regional high-resolution bathymetry of the North West Shelf of Australia based on Sentinel-2 satellite images, 3D seismic surveys and historical datasets, Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2021.

  • The Bonaparte and Browse Basins 3D seismic derived bathymetry compilation (20220002C) was produced by the University of Western Australia, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute and UniLasalle in collaboration with Geoscience Australia through the AusSeabed initiative. The compilation integrates 127 bathymetry grids derived from available and workable 3D seismic datasets into a 30 m resolution 32-bit geotiff. A detailed workflow is described in: Lebrec, U., Paumard, V., O'Leary, M. J., and Lang, S. C., 2021, Towards a regional high-resolution bathymetry of the North West Shelf of Australia based on Sentinel-2 satellite images, 3D seismic surveys, and historical datasets: Earth System Science Data, v. 13, no. 11, p. 5191-5212, 2021. This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes.