PMD*CRC Publication
Type of resources
Publication year
Heath, C.J., Goleby, B.R., Fomin, T., 2004. Investigation of advanced seismic processing techniques; improving the resolution of near surface seismic data derived from deep crustal reflection seismic surveys. Unpublished pmd*CRC report, 39p.
Fomin, T., 2004. Models of the upper crust from wide-angle and reflection studies, Northeast Yilgarn: Why we need both. Predictive Mineral Discovery Cooperative Research Centre, Barossa Conference - Poster.
Sources and Reservoirs: Computer simulation of possible fluid sources and pathways in Yilgarn Au systems
K. Petersen P-T-x-fO2-t of hydrothermal end-member fluids and fluid evolution in the St. Ives gold camp
J.Walshe Comparative camp-scale studies in the Eastern Yilgarn Craton
Flowpaths & drivers: New spectral methods and products for resource and surface materials mapping QLD; Methods and applications for industry
Metamorphic devolatilisation as a fluid source for mineralisation?
Archaean Gold: 3D geological models of the Eastern Yilgarn Craton
Project I1 project development team meeting, Mount Isa, November 2003.
Structural history poster presented at the pmd*CRC Barossa conference June 2004.