Type of resources
Publication year
An A2 scale time-space chart of published geochronology jpeg file complements the 3D map Appendix 1_1 time space plot jpg
Y4 Microsoft project files of the project plans by Research Node
Y4 Quarterly reports to sponsors for 2005, 2006 and 2007
Metamorphic fluid origins in the Osborne Fe oxide Cu Au deposit, Australia: evidence from noble gases and halogens
Geochronological constraints on tourmaline formation in the Western Fold Belt of the Mount Isa Inlier, Australia: Evidence for large-scale metamorphism at 1.57 Ga?
Noble gas and halogen constraints on regionally extensive mid-crustal Na Ca metasomatism, the Proterozoic Eastern Mount Isa Block, Australia
Nature and origin of the lithogeochemical halo across section 110 of the Broken Hill Zn-Pb-Ag deposit - Darin Evans, BSc (Hons) thesis, La Trobe University
Powerpoint presentation: Gibson G.M., Henson P., Barlow M. & Murphy B. 2004. Basin architecture and fault geometries in the Mount Isa Western Succession: implications for mineral exploration. North Queensland Exploration and Mining 2004.
Project I1 Mt Isa GIS Data - topographic
Project Y4 Deliverable #10 Reports, maps and databases on intergrated mineral paragenesis and architecture and chemical modelling for selected camps and deposits.