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  • This report contains new whole-rock and isotope geochemical data, associated sample metadata, an assessment of the data’s quality assurance, for 742 samples collected in and around the Curnamona and Delamerian provinces, across numerous drillcore sampling campaigns through 2021-23. The data can be downloaded via the Geoscience Australia EFTF portal ( or in the files attached with this record ( Geochemical sampling in the Curnamona region straddles both South Australia and New South Wales. The objective of sampling was to obtain representative coverage (both stratigraphically and spatially) to support developing regional geochemical baselines (in conjunction with existing geochemistry). Thus, this sampling included both the Curnamona Province and the overlying basins (Eromanga Basin, Lake Eyre Basin). Whole-rock geochemistry is reported for 562 samples, with a subset of 13 samples analysed for Pb and Sr isotopes, and another subset of 36 samples analysed by thin section petrography (all presented herein). Geochemical sampling in the Delamerian region has focussed on available legacy drill core in South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria. The objective of sampling was to (systematically) constrain the geochemical character of magmatic rocks across the mainland extent of the Delamerian Orogen, as well as younger volcanics within the Delamerian Orogen and/or overlying cover. This geochemical sampling was conducted in conjunction with geochronology, mineral systems sampling and stratigraphic drilling (all components of the DCD project) to reinterpret the timing, character and fertility of the Delamerian Orogen. Whole-rock geochemistry is reported for 180 samples. Version 2.0 (published 28 November 2023) has added whole rock geochemistry for 22 new samples in the Delamerian region. The data products and report have been updated accordingly.

  • <div>A groundwater chemistry, regolith chemistry and metadata record for legacy geochemical studies over the southern Curnamona Province done by GA and partners as part of CRC LEME from 1999 to 2005, that was never fully released. This includes comprehensive groundwater chemistry from more than 250 bores in the Broken Hill region, containing physicochemical parameters, major and trace elements, and a suite of isotopes (34S, Pb, Sr, 18O, D). Recent work on this dataset (in 2021) has added hydrostratigraphic information for these groundwater samples. Also included is a regolith geochemistry dataset collected adjacent to some of the groundwater bores which tests the geochemical response of a range of different size fractions, depths and digests.</div>

  • <div><strong>Output Type: </strong>Exploring for the Future Extended Abstract</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Short Abstract: </strong>Groundwater geochemistry is an important and often under-appreciated medium to understand geology below surface and is a valuable tool as part of a regional mineral exploration program. This study presents an assessment of hydrogeochemical results from the Curnamona and Mundi region with respect to their insights into mineral prospectivity and characterisation of groundwater baselines. The work is a collaboration with the Mineral Exploration Cooperative Research Centre (MinEx CRC), the Geological Survey of New South Wales and the Geological Survey of South Australia as part of Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future program. It combines new and legacy groundwater chemistry from 297 samples to identify multiple elevated multi-element anomalies (Ag, Pb, Cd) and signatures of sulfide mineralisation (d34S and sulfur excess), which are interpreted as potential features from subsurface Broken Hill Type mineralisation (Pb-Zn-Ag). Additional multi-element anomalies (Cu, Mo, Co, Au) may be attributable to Cu-Au, Cu-Mo and Au mineralisation. We then apply hierarchical cluster analysis to understand sample hydrostratigraphy and characterise robust hydrogeochemical baselines for the major aquifer systems in the region. This reveals that the majority of anomalies are restricted to groundwaters derived from basement fractured rock aquifer systems, with a couple anomalies observed in the Lake Eyre Basin cover, which helps narrow the search-space for future groundwater-based mineral exploration in this region (to prioritise these aquifers and anomalies). In addition, we demonstrate the capability of these local hydrogeochemical baselines to support more sensitive resolution of hydrogeochemical anomalies relating to mineralisation, as well as reveal hydrogeological processes such as mixing.</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Citation: </strong>Reid, N., Schroder, I., Thorne, R., Folkes, C., Hore, S., Eastlake, M., Petts, A., Evans, T., Fabris, A., Pinchand, T., Henne A., & Palombi, B.R., 2024. Hydrogeochemistry of the Curnamona and Mundi region. In: Czarnota, K. (ed.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts. Geoscience Australia, Canberra.</div>

  • <div>As part of Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future program, the Curnamona Geochemistry project is producing a comprehensive compilation of geochemical data from the Broken Hill region, encompassing rock, regolith and groundwater. As part of these efforts, geochemical data has been compiled, cleaned and standardised to enable more seamless interpretation and exploration of geochemical anomalies. This project improves the quality, accessibility and volume of geochemical data across the Curnamona region and supports our ongoing efforts to define regional geochemical baselines.</div> This presentation was given to the 2022 Geological Survey of South Australia (GSSA) Discovery Day 1 December (

  • A poster presenting the new comprehensive compilation of geochemical data from a range of sample media has been undertaken across the highly prospective, but largely buried, Curnamona Province and cover sequences. The data has sourced from Geoscience Australia and State Geological Survey databases, company reports and academic studies. Each dataset has been run through rigorous quality control processes to correct or remove major data problems, remove duplicates, and standardise the data structures. This will be the go-to source for geochemical data in the Curnamona, enabling quick access to usable geochemical data, which is valuable to quickly feed into geochemical exploration and mineral modelling activities. Concurrently, the compilation is supporting Geoscience Australia’s ongoing research in the next two years into characterising geochemical baselines to enable more sensitive anomaly detection. This presentation was given to the 2022 Uncover Curnamona 2022 Conference 31 May - 2 June:<br>(

  • <div>Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future program provides precompetitive information to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This leads to a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. This includes supporting Australia’s transition to net zero emissions, strong, sustainable resources and agriculture sectors, and economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. The Exploring for the Future program, which commenced in 2016, is an eight year, $225m investment by the Australian Government.</div><div><br></div><div>We present a 3-D resistivity model derived from magnetotelluric data collected by two recent surveys in the Curnamona and Delamerian Region: the Curnamona Cube survey led by the University of Adelaide and funded by AuScope and the Curnamona Cube Extension survey ( by Geoscience Australia as part of Exploring for the Future Program. In total, data from 231 sites were used to produce 3-D models using the ModEM code. Details of data inversion are provided in the Readme.pdf file. The resistivity model can be used to enhance the understanding of the geodynamics and mineral potential in the Curnamona Province and Delamerian Orogen.</div><div><br></div><div>We greatly appreciate that Prof. Graham Heinson from the University of Adelaide has made the Curnamona Cube survey data available for this work. The modelling work was undertaken with the assistance of resources from the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI Australia).</div><div><br></div><div>This release package contains the preferred 3-D resistivity model in SGrid format and geo-referenced depth slices in .tif format.</div><div><br></div>

  • The Upper Darling Floodplain AEM Survey is part of the Exploring for the Future Program. This scientific research is being carried out to obtain data that will enhance understanding of the groundwater resources of the upper Darling River region. This information will support future water resource management decision-making in the region.

  • Geoscience Australia, in collaboration with state governments, will be carrying out airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveys in eastern South Australia and western NSW and Victoria during 2022. The Australian Government’s Exploring for the Future program, led by Geoscience Australia, is committed to supporting a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of Australians. At its heart, the program is about contributing to a sustainable, long-term future for Australia through an improved understanding of the nation’s mineral, energy and groundwater resource potential <p>

  • <div>A powerpoint presentation given by Ivan Schroder at Uncover Curnamona 2022. The presentation covers the activities and upcoming products of the Curnamona Geochemistry module (within the Darling Curnamona Delamerian Project of the Exploring for the Future Program)</div>

  • As part of the program, the Darling-Curnamona-Delamerian project is investigating the groundwater potential of the upper Darling River floodplain, as well as the mineral and groundwater potential of parts of eastern South Australia, western New South Wales, western Victoria and western Tasmania. Communities, industries and the environment in the upper Darling River region have been impacted by recent droughts. During periods of low flow in the Darling River, groundwater has the potential to be an alternative water source for towns, agriculture and mining. The aim of the Upper Darling River Floodplain Groundwater study is to identify and better understand groundwater supplies beneath the floodplain and its surrounds. When combined with innovative water storage options, these groundwater resources could provide enhanced drought security and promote regional development. The study area covers ~31,000 km2 and includes a 450 km stretch of the Darling River floodplain from Wilcannia upstream to Bourke and Brewarrina.