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  • Australia. Petrology & volcanology. Research projects. Directories

  • This glossary has been written to compile a single reference for terms commonly used in regolith science, to bring consistency and uniformity to the terminology of regolith science, and to explain the way words have been used in the regolith literature

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • 1. Blevin et al.:Hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Bight Basin - petroleum systems analysis in a frontier basin 2. Boreham et al : Geochemical Comparisons Between Asphaltites on the Southern Australian Margin and Cretaceous Source Rock Analogues 3. Brown et al: Anomalous Tectonic Subsidence of the Southern Australian Passive Margin: Response to Cretaceous Dynamic Topography or Differential Lithospheric Stretching? 4. Krassay and Totterdell : Seismic stratigraphy of a large, Cretaceous shelf-margin delta complex, offshore southern Australia 5. Ruble et al : Geochemistry and Charge History of a Palaeo-Oil Column: Jerboa-1, Eyre Sub-Basin, Great Australian Bight 6. Struckmeyer et al : Character, Maturity and Distribution of Potential Cretaceous Oil Source Rocks in the Ceduna Sub-Basin, Bight Basin, Great Australian Bight 7. Struckmeyer et al: The role of shale deformation and growth faulting in the Late Cretaceous evolution of the Bight Basin, offshore southern Australia 8. Totterdell et al : A new sequence framework for the Great Australian Bight: starting with a clean slate 9. Totterdell and Bradshaw : The structural framework and tectonic evolution of the Bight Basin 10. Totterdell and Krassay : The role of shale deformation and growth faulting in the Late Cretaceous evolution of the Bight Basin, offshore southern Australia

  • This Geocat record is a CD of presentations delivered as part of the 4th Technical Advisory Group workshop for the Palaeovalley Groundwater Project. The workshop was held in Canberra at Geoscience Australia on 5 and 6 April 2011 and involved ~20 people including GA staff and invited guests from state government water resource and geological survey organisations in SA, NT and WA. The CD has been compiled as a record of the workshop and will be delivered to the workshop participants as a record of the event.