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This service represents a combination of two data products, the DEM_SRTM_1Second dataset and the Australian_Bathymetry_Topography dataset. This service was created to support the CO2SAP (Co2 Storage application) Project to create a transect elevation graph within the application. This data is not available as a dataset for download as a Geoscience Australia product. The DEM_SRTM_1Second service represents the National Digital Elevation Model (DEM) 1 Second product derived from the National DEM SRTM 1 Second. The DEM represents ground surface topography, with vegetation features removed using an automatic process supported by several vegetation maps. eCat record 72759. The Australian_Bathymetry_Topography service describes the bathymetry dataset of the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone and beyond. Bathymetry data was compiled by Geoscience Australia from multibeam and single beam data (derived from multiple sources), Australian Hydrographic Service (AHS) Laser Airborne Depth Sounding (LADS) data, Royal Australian Navy (RAN) fairsheets, the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) bathymetric model, the 2 arc minute ETOPO (Smith and Sandwell, 1997) and 1 arc minute ETOPO satellite derived bathymetry (Amante and Eakins, 2008). Topographic data (onshore data) is based on the revised Australian 0.0025dd topography grid (Geoscience Australia, 2008), the 0.0025dd New Zealand topography grid (Geographx, 2008) and the 90m SRTM DEM (Jarvis et al, 2008). eCat record 67703. IMPORTANT INFORMATION For data within this service that lays out of the Australian boundary the following needs to be considered. This grid is not suitable for use as an aid to navigation, or to replace any products produced by the Australian Hydrographic Service. Geoscience Australia produces the 0.0025dd bathymetric grid of Australia specifically to provide regional and local broad scale context for scientific and industry projects, and public education. The 0.0025dd grid size is, in many regions of this grid, far in excess of the optimal grid size for some of the input data used. On parts of the continental shelf it may be possible to produce grids at higher resolution, especially where LADS or multibeam surveys exist. However these surveys typically only cover small areas and hence do not warrant the production of a regional scale grid at less than 0.0025dd. There are a number of bathymetric datasets that have not been included in this grid for various reasons.
Geoscience Australia carried out a marine survey on Carnarvon shelf (WA) in 2008 (SOL4769) to map seabed bathymetry and characterise benthic environments through co-located sampling of surface sediments and infauna, observation of benthic habitats using underwater towed video and stills photography, and measurement of ocean tides and wave-generated currents. Data and samples were acquired using the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) Research Vessel Solander. Bathymetric mapping, sampling and video transects were completed in three survey areas that extended seaward from Ningaloo Reef to the shelf edge, including: Mandu Creek (80 sq km); Point Cloates (281 sq km), and; Gnaraloo (321 sq km). Additional bathymetric mapping (but no sampling or video) was completed between Mandu creek and Point Cloates, covering 277 sq km and north of Mandu Creek, covering 79 sq km. Two oceanographic moorings were deployed in the Point Cloates survey area. The survey also mapped and sampled an area to the northeast of the Muiron Islands covering 52 sq km. TheGA0308_Carnarvon_SOL4976 folder contains video footage and still images. The MS databse, the Excel files are video characterisation datasets: Carnarvon_video data (export).mdb; all_substrata_tx.xls (transect level); all_substrata_patch.xls (patch level); all_benthos_tx.xls (transect level); all_benthos_patch.xls (patch level); Carnarvon_QAQC_VIDEOlog.doc (QAQC document); Attribute_metadata.xls (attribute definition). Underwater towed-video footage abd still images represent the raw data. Video characterisation datasets include percent cover of substrata and benthic taxa characterised at two spatial scales: transect scale (mean values per transect) and patch scale (mean values for each patch type within a transect).
Geoscience Australia carried out marine surveys in Jervis Bay (NSW) in 2007, 2008 and 2009 (GA303, GA305, GA309, GA312) to map seabed bathymetry and characterise benthic environments through co-located sampling of surface sediments (for textural and biogeochemical analysis) and infauna, observation of benthic habitats using underwater towed video and stills photography, and measurement of ocean tides and wave-generated currents. Data and samples were acquired using the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) Research Vessel Kimbla. Bathymetric mapping, sampling and tide/wave measurement were concentrated in a 3x5 km survey grid (named Darling Road Grid, DRG) within the southern part of the Jervis Bay, incorporating the bay entrance. Additional sampling and stills photography plus bathymetric mapping along transits was undertaken at representative habitat types outside the DRG. Sample/species matrix of infaunal taxa derived from Van Veen grab samples taken on the HMS Kimbla surveys GA0312 and GA0315 in Jervis Bay.
Geoscience Australia carried out marine surveys in Jervis Bay (NSW) in 2007, 2008 and 2009 (GA303, GA305, GA309, GA312) to map seabed bathymetry and characterise benthic environments through co-located sampling of surface sediments (for textural and biogeochemical analysis) and infauna, observation of benthic habitats using underwater towed video and stills photography, and measurement of ocean tides and wave-generated currents. Data and samples were acquired using the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) Research Vessel Kimbla. Bathymetric mapping, sampling and tide/wave measurement were concentrated in a 3x5 km survey grid (named Darling Road Grid, DRG) within the southern part of the Jervis Bay, incorporating the bay entrance. Additional sampling and stills photography plus bathymetric mapping along transits was undertaken at representative habitat types outside the DRG. This 110 sample data-set comprises salinity, dissolved oxygen, water temperature and light attenuation (KD) measurements from Jervis Bay.
The Apollo Marine Park bathymetry survey was acquired by Deakin University Marine Mapping lab onboard the M/V Yolla during the period 07 January - 22 May 2021 using a Kongsberg EM2040C multibeam sonar system. The survey was completed as part of a contract with Parks Australia to map the shallow bathymetry in the Marine Park and an Our Marine Parks grant to extend the mapping within the park. The survey was led by Dr. Daniel Ierodiaconou (Deakin University). This dataset contains a 2m-resolution 32-bit floating point GeoTIFF file of the bathymetry in the study area, derived from the processed EM2040C bathymetry data, using CARIS HIPS and SIPS software. This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes.
The Geophysical Processing and Data Access (GPDA) project at Geoscience Australia has undertaken a programme of collating, editing and cataloguing all bathymetry data in the Australian Region. For convenience this region has been loosely defined as extending from 5CS to 80CS and 45CE to 180CE. The contents of the Bathymetric Database consists of four datatypes: - Multibeam Echosounder Data (including LADS) - Singlebeam Echosounder Data - Depths from the digitisation of pre-existing maps - Depths: derived from remote sensing techniques (and produced grids) The dataset described by this metadata record is the Singlebeam Echosounder Dataset. It consists of the soundings from a number of marine surveys, that vary in size from a few hours data collection to surveys of several months duration. Data coverage of the defined region is very variable with some areas having quite dense data coverage whilst others are data poor. The datasets were collected by a variety of vessels (Australian and foreign) using a range of sensor systems. Although the formats often differed, nearly all datasets have been received as well defined ASCII files. Quite often the bathymetry data are associated with additional data such as shotpoint number, gravity, magnetics and sometimes an amplitude value of the returned echo. Further details can be found in the lineage section. In general the data are of good quality, although some poor segments of data are known to exist. Intersections with sources of reliable bathymetric data are needed to determine these poor data areas and to make data corrections and edits. More subtle problems such as wide angled beams, unknown (or poor) speed of sound corrections, poor navigation tidal and vessel draft corrections (in shallow water) are also known to exist. It is hoped that many of these problems can be minimised by tying these data to better quality datasets using modern bathymetric analysis applications. The original data files are maintained in UNIX directories. Those with sufficient metadata have also been loaded into the OZMAR database at Geoscience Australia
This dataset contains topographic slope data (in degree) from seabed mapping surveys on the Van Diemen Rise in the eastern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf of the Timor Sea. The survey was conducted under a Memorandum of Understanding between Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in two consecutive years 2009 (GA survey number GA-0322 and AIMS survey number SOL4934) and 2010 (GA survey number GA-0325 and AIMS survey number SOL5117). The surveys obtained detailed geological (sedimentological, geochemical, geophysical) and biological data (macro-benthic and infaunal diversity, community structure) for the banks, channels and plains to investigate relationships between the physical environment and associated biota for biodiversity prediction. The surveys also provide Arafura-Timor Sea, and wider northern Australian marine region context for the benthic biodiversity of the Van Diemen Rise. Four study areas were investigated across the outer to inner shelf. Refer to the GA record 'Methodologies for seabed substrate characterisation using multibeam bathymetry, backscatter, and video data: A case study for the Eastern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, Northern Australia' for further information on processing techniques applied (GeoCat: 74092; GA Record: 2013/11).
Bathymetric map showing geological features with contours in metres. Includes Australian Fishing zone limit, seismic survey lines, petroleum exploration wells. Index to adjoining sheets, reliability diagram and locality map. Project coordination by C.R. Johnston, J. Williams, B. Willington ; data compilation D. Jongsma, H.L. Davies. "A joint project of the Hydrographic Service, RAN, Department of Defence, the Bureau of Resource Sciences and the Australian Geological Survey Organisation". <b>Note</b> - The attached map for Rowley Shoals was provided by Murray Woods but was never delivered. This record was changed to internal only September 2024 when it was discovered that this map was never delivered.
This is a compilation of bathymetry surveys GA-4415 and GA-0348. GA-4415 survey was conducted by the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) and the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) onboard the RAN vessel Wyatt Earp in 2013/2014, while GA-0348 survey was a collaboration between Geoscience Australia (GA) , the Royal Australian Navy and Australian Antarctic Division acquired by the AAD workboat Howard Burton during December 2014 to February 2015. The survey goal was to acquire high resolution bathymetry data to improve our understanding of the seafloor using multibeam sonar. The bathymetry data collection will be supplemented by physical sampling of the seafloor sediments and video recordings of the biological communities living in the seafloor. The survey covers areas that are frequently used by the RSV Aurora Australis. Improving our understanding of the seabed environment in these shallow coastal waters will ultimately lead to a better environmental management of the Australian Antarctic Territory. The data will also help the RAN to develop more accurate navigation charts therefore reducing the risk to maritime operation in the region. This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes.
Bathymetric map showing geological features with contours in metres. Includes Australian Fishing zone limit, seismic survey lines, petroleum exploration wells. Index to adjoining sheets, reliability diagram and locality map. Project coordination by C.R. Johnston, J. Williams, B. Willington ; data compilation D. Jongsma. "A joint project of the Hydrographic Service, RAN, Department of Defence, the Bureau of Resource Sciences and the Australian Geological Survey Organisation".