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  • Assessments of the uranium and geothermal energy prospectivity of east-central South Australia have been undertaken using a GIS-based geological systems approach. For uranium, sandstone-hosted (including both roll-front and palaeochannel varieties), iron oxide copper-gold-uranium, unconformity-related and sediment-hosted copper-uranium mineral systems were considered. For geothermal energy, both hot rock and hot sedimentary aquifer systems were considered.

  • Australia's Identified Mineral Resources is an annual national assessment that takes a long-term view of Australian mineral resources likely to be available for mining. The assessment also includes evaluations of long-term trends in mineral resources, world rankings, summaries of significant exploration results and brief reviews of mining industry developments.

  • As part of Geoscience Australia's Onshore Energy Security Program the authors have investigated whether there is any evidence that a sandstone hosted uranium system has operated in the Eromanga Basin and assessed the basin's potential to host significant uranium mineralisation.

  • Australia's Identified Mineral Resources is an annual nation-wide assessment of Australia's ore reserves and mineral resources.

  • Over the past 10 years, Australia has maintained 65-85% self-sufficiency in oil and better than 100% suffiency in gas. This has generated significant societal benefits in terms of employment, balance of payments, and revenue. However the decline of the super-giant Gippsland fields, discovery of smaller oil pools on the Northwest Shelf, and the increasing reliance on condensate to sustain our liquids supply sharpens the focus on Australia's need to increase exporation and discover more oil. Australia is competing in the global market place for exploration funds but as it is relatively under-explored there is a need to simulate interest through access to pre-competitive data and information. Public access to exploration and production data is a key plank in Australian promotion of petroleum exploration acreage. Access results from legislation that initially subsidised exploration in return for lodgement and public availability of exploration and production (E&P) data. Today publicly available E&P data ranges from digital seismic tapes, to core and cuttings samples from wells, and access to relational databases, including organic geochemistry, biostratigraphy, and shows information. Seismic information is being progressively consolidated to high density media. Under the Commonwealth Government?s Spatial Information and Data Access Policy, announced in 2001, company data is publicly available at the cost of transfer, after a relatively brief confidentiality period. In addition, pre-competitive regional studies relating to petroleum prospectivity, undertaken by Government, and databases and spatial information is free over the Internet, further reducing the cost of exploration. In cooperation with the Australian States and the Northern Territory, we are working towards jointly presenting Australian opportunities through the Geoscience Portal ( and a virtual one stop data repository. The challenge now is to translate data availability to increased exploration uptake, through client information, and through ever-improving on-line access.

  • This report deals with the results of 25,000 ft. of boring over an area of 15 sq. miles. Twenty-six coal seams were identified and named. Total reserves of all seams with band-free thickness greater than 4.0 ft. are 200,000,000 tons. Net open-cut reserves (to 9:1 ratio) of 7,500,000 tons over an area of 400 acres were tested and defined on four seams. All work in the Howick Area was done in the period March, 1952, to June, 1953.

  • The rare-earth elements (REE) are a group of seventeen speciality metals that have unique and diverse chemical, magnetic, and luminescent properties that make them strategically important in a number of high-technology industries. Consequently, the REE are increasingly becoming more attractive commodity targets for the mineral industry. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the distribution, geological characteristics and resources of Australia's major REE deposits. REE in Australia are associated with igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks in a wide range of geological environments. Elevated concentrations of these elements have been documented in various heavy-mineral sand deposits (beach, dune, marine tidal, and channel), carbonatite intrusions, (per)alkaline igneous rocks, iron-oxide breccia complexes, calc-silicate rocks (skarns), fluorapatite veins, pegmatites, phosphorites, fluviatile sandstones, unconformity-related uranium deposits, and lignites. The distribution and concentration of REE in these deposits are influenced by various rock-forming processes including enrichment in magmatic or hydrothermal fluids, separation into mineral species and precipitation, and subsequent redistribution and concentration through weathering and other surface processes. The lanthanide series of REE (lanthanum to lutetium) and yttrium, show a close genetic and spatial association with alkaline felsic igneous rocks, however, scandium in laterite profiles has a closer affinity with ultramafic/mafic igneous rocks.

  • The Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment involves a basin-scale investigation of water resources to fill knowledge gaps about the status of water resources in the basin and the potential impacts of climate change and resource development. This report addresses findings in the Western Eromanga region. Citation: Smerdon BD, Welsh WD and Ransley TR (eds) (2012) Water resource assessment for the Western Eromanga region. A report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment. CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, Australia

  • A medium term forecast of undiscovered hydrocarbon resources for the Bonaparte Basin has been generated by Geoscience Australia and reveals that there is the potential to discover 56 gigalitres (350 million barrels) of oil, 82 billion cubic metres (2.9 trillion cubic feet) of gas, and 18 gigalitres (115 million barrels) of condensate in the next ten to fifteen years.

  • How much oil and gas remains to be discovered? At the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) Conference in Hobart in 2001, Dr Trevor Powell, Chief of the Petroleum and Marine Division, delivered a paper discussing the future of Australia?s hydrocarbon production1. Australia has enjoyed a high level of self-sufficiency for its liquid hydrocarbon requirements but forecasts of future production suggest that as early as 2005, the level of production will drop by about 33% and by 2010, production will be down by about 50%. This production forecast includes forecast production from already developed and soon to be developed fields, as well as a component from fields yet to be discovered.