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  • The Geology of the Northern Jetty Peninsula map service displays the shapefiles and tables of the basement geology of the Northern Jetty Peninsula in East Antarctica. This map service is derived from the map product ‘Geology of Northern Jetty Peninsula, Mac.Robertson Land, Antarctica'. Northern Jetty Peninsula, incorporating Else Platform (~140 km2) and Kamenistaja Platform (~15 km2), represents a mostly ice-free low-lying region located on the western flanks of the Lambert Graben. The region is underlain by granulite-facies Proterozoic gneisses and unmetamorphosed Permian sediments.

  • The annual offshore petroleum exploration acreage release is part of the government’s strategy to promote offshore oil and gas exploration. Each year, the government invites companies to bid for the opportunity to invest in oil and gas exploration in Australian waters. The 21 areas shown have been nominated by petroleum industry stakeholders to be considered for the 2021 acreage release. Areas nominated for release will not receive endorsement from government until submissions resulting from a public consultation process can be considered. This publication does not indicate a commitment to a particular course of action.

  • Offshore Minerals Act (OMA 1994) - Mineral Blocks. This service displays the most recent realisation of the Mineral Blocks as defined under the Offshore Minerals Act 1994 (OMA 1994) as realised in GDA94. Block data extends beyond the area of operation of the OMA and includes areas of coastal waters and land within the constitutional limits of the States and Territories.

  • This web service depicts potential geological sequestration sites and has been compiled as part of the Australian Petroleum Cooperative Research Centre's GEODISC program (1999-2002).

  • This web service provides access to the Foundation Rail Infrastructure dataset. This contains the spatial locations and attributes of Railway lines and Railway Station points.

  • The Mineral Potential web service provides access to digital datasets used in the assessment of mineral potential in Australia. The service includes maps showing the potential for sediment-hosted base metal mineral systems in Australia.

  • The Geomorphic Features of Australia's Marine Jurisdiction web service brings together various datasets produced by Geoscience Australia that describe the distribution and types of geomorphic features found on the seabed of Australia's marine jurisdiction. This jurisdiction covers Australia's Exclusive Economic Zone, including offshore islands and territories. Geomorphic features have been identified using the best available bathymetric data with features generally mapped at a scale of 1:5 000 000.

  • The sea level service is designed to be used within the Carbon Capture and Storage application for 3D visual representation. It is an elevation service that represents the sea and elevation 0.

  • This service is the processing inputs that are used within the Route Planning geoprocessing service. This service is specifically for use within the Carbon Capture and Storage application.

  • Not current – This service has been deprecated in favor of the 2019 epoch, which includes amendments reflecting new boundary arrangements with Timor-Leste, which came into force on 30 August 2019. The Seas and Submerged Lands Act (SSLA) is the Australian legislation that provides the framework for Australia to declare the baselines, limits and zones provided under the first six parts of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. These baselines, limits and zones are declared by Proclamations provided for under this act. This service depicts official spatial representation of these proclamations. The service includes feature layers: Normal and Straight baselines limits and locations, Contiguous Zone and limit, Territorial Sea Zone and limit, Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and limit, Continental Shelf limit and locations. NOTE: There are two versions of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) provided. One depicts the EEZ as proclaimed in the Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 - Proclamation under section 10B (26/07/1994). The second version includes amendments reflecting the provisions of the signed but not unratified Treaty between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, establishing an Exclusive Economic Zone Boundary and Certain Seabed Boundaries (Perth, 14 march 1997) [1997] ATNIF 9 - (not yet in force). (Perth Treaty). The version reflecting Perth Treaty EEZ limits and area should be the standard depiction.