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  • Australian Presentation for the International Seabed Authority Workshop on the 'classification of polymetallic nodule resources' from the deep seabed.The UNFC provides a universal framework for deep sea polymetallic manganese nodules and other seabed mineral resources; that can be collated and utilised in a consistent way by the ISA. The UNFC allows for alignment of various national and commercial mineral reporting systems, reconciling mineral resource assessments derived though these various frameworks.

  • PowerPoint presentation at the AusIMM Uranium Conference in Perth (June 2011)

  • Presented at the Evolution and metallogenesis of the North Australian Craton Conference, 20-22 June 2006, Alice Springs. The southern Arunta region contains a number of small (<5 Mt) Zn-Cu-Pb (Ag-Au) deposits. Although none of these deposits are economic, they do indicate a moderate level of base-metal potential for this region. Most of these deposits are located in the Strangways Range, which forms part of the Aileron Province. These deposits were classified as Oonagalabi-type deposits by Warren & Shaw (1985), citing similarities in metal assemblages, alteration assemblages, and host units, and interpreted as volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VHMS) deposits. More detailed geological mapping and geochemical and geochronological data suggest that the Oonagalabi group should be subdivided further into three types, the Utnalanama-type, the re-defined Oonagalabi-type and the Johnnies-type (Hussey et al., 2005). <p>Related product:<a href=";catno=64764">Evolution and metallogenesis of the North Australian Craton Conference Abstracts</p>

  • Presented at the Evolution and metallogenesis of the North Australian Craton Conference, 20-22 June 2006, Alice Springs. The area covered by the Tanami 3D geological model (Meixner et al., 2004; Vandenberg and Meixner, 2004) straddles the Northern Territory - Western Australia border and includes the Tanami Region and the north-western portion of the Arunta Region. The model is an integration of recent outcrop and basement mapping, rock property data, and gravity and magnetic data to show 3D relationships between the main geological features of the upper crust. Seventeen geological sections, tested by forward modelling of potential-field data using ModelVision, were used to constrain the model. Over 250 rock property measurements (density and magnetic susceptibility) taken from field samples of the Palaeoproterozoic stratigraphy also constrained the modelling. The sections were sited, where possible, to cross geophysical anomalies at right angles, thereby simulating a 2D potential-field modelling environment. The sections were also sited to cross areas with exposed geology to provide the further geological and geometrical constraints for the modelling. Some major geological features were crossed more than once, to enable comparison and testing on multiple sections. <p>Related product:<a href=";catno=64764">Evolution and metallogenesis of the North Australian Craton Conference Abstracts</p>

  • The oldest rocks in the Australian continent, older than about 3.0 billion years, have long been thought to be restricted to relatively small areas of the Yilgarn and Pilbara cratons in Western Australia. Recent results from GA's new SHRIMP facility are changing that view, showing that early Mesoarchean (~3150 Ma) rocks are present on the eastern margin of the Gawler Craton. These rocks are approximately half a billion years older than the oldest previously-dated rock from South Australia, and indicate that parts of the Gawler Craton are of similar antiquity to parts of the Yilgarn and Pilbara. The new results have significant implications for the geodynamic evolution of the Gawler Craton and Australia more broadly. The distribution of this newly-identified ancient crust may also provide explanation for contrasting patterns of mineralisation within the Gawler Craton, and guide predictive models for mineral exploration.

  • Presention providing an update of studies currently underway at Geoscience Australian that are focused on the regional conventional and unconventional prospectivity of the Georgina and Cooper basins. For Good Oil Conference, Fremantle, 9-10 September 2014

  • Presented at the Evolution and metallogenesis of the North Australian Craton Conference, 20-22 June 2006, Alice Springs. The Eastern Tanami region of northern Australia has emerged over the last two decades as the largest gold producing region in the Northern Territory, with an estimated total resource of >12 Moz Au. Gold is present in epigenetic quartz veins hosted by metasediments and mafic rocks, and in sulphide-rich replacement zones within banded iron formations (BIF). Most deposits are associated with late (D5) faults and shear zones. Structures active during D5 include ESE-trending sinistral faults that curve into north-trending reverse faults localised between and around granitoid domes. Limited geochronological data suggest that most gold mineralisation is temporally associated with granitoid intrusion at about 1815 Ma to 1790 Ma. The region contains over 100 gold occurrences, largely concentrated in three goldfields: Dead Bullock Soak (DBS); The Granites; and the Tanami. The DBS goldfield (total resource >7.0 Moz Au) contains mineralisation in folded greenschist facies siltstone, BIFs, and chert of the Dead Bullock Formation. At Callie, the largest deposit in the region (>6.0 Moz Au), mineralisation is in D5 sheeted quartz veins associated with fold closures within carbonaceous metasiltstone. The remaining DBS deposits consist of Au + quartz ± carbonate stringers in BIF and chert beds and the gold is contained within arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite and minor pyrite. <p>Related product:<a href=";catno=64764">Evolution and metallogenesis of the North Australian Craton Conference Abstracts</p>

  • Introduction Our understanding of the geological history and resource potential of Australia has been underpinned by over half a century of surface geological mapping. A synthesis of this effort is captured in the 1:1 000 000 surface geology map of Australia (Raymond et al., 2012), which shows that ~80% of the bedrock geology of Australia is covered by a veneer of sediments and regolith. Now, the challenge is to continue to unravel the geological history and resource potential of Australia beneath this cover. With this goal in mind, Geoscience Australia (GA), in collaboration with state/territory geological surveys, is embarking on compiling a series of national solid geology maps based on time slices. These maps will be compiled at an optimal scale of 1:1,000,000 exploiting potential field datasets, radiometric coverages, seismic profiles, borehole data and regional solid geology compilations. In the interest of efficiency, solid geology compilations at scales between 1:500 0001:2 500 000 will be incorporated with minimum modification. The end product will be a series of national geology maps in chronostratigraphic order, including the 1:1 000 000 surface geology of Australia, pre-Cenozoic solid geology, and ultimately older time slices (to be determined). Current work Pre-Cenozoic Geology of South Australia, New South Walse and Victoria in conjunction with a program to construct a chronostratigraphic isopach map of the Murray Basin. Work also started to produce a Pre-Cenozoic Geology map of Northern Territory.

  • Pesentation by Clinton Foster regarding Energy Security

  • The Paleoproterozoic Westmoreland region is located 1250 km southeast of Darwin. The Westmoreland region is flanked on the southeast by the Paleoproterozoic Mt Isa Inlier and the Neoproterozoic South Nicholson Basin and in the northwest it is overlapped by Mesoproterozoic sediments of the McArthur Basin. The northern and southern ends of the McArthur basin share many geologic attributes including correlative stratigraphic rock types, which suggests that there is potential for unconformity-related uranium deposits in the southern McArthur basin and adjacent Westmoreland region. In fact, over fifty occurrences of uranium (some with minor gold) and copper mineralisation have been recorded in the Westmoreland region. Fluid inclusion studies have been carried out on selected uranium and copper prospects on the Northern Territory side of the Westmoreland region. Four types of inclusions have been observed, (Type A) Vapour-rich inclusions containing 30 100 vol.% vapour. Varying amounts of CO2 ± N2 ± CH4 have been detected in these inclusions, (Type B) Liquid-rich inclusions with up to 30 vol.% vapour, (Type C) Liquid-only inclusions, and (Type D) Three-phase (vapour + liquid + solid) liquid-rich inclusions containing a small daughter crystal. Type A, vapour-rich inclusions and some Type B, liquid-rich inclusions homogenised over the range 171 to 385 °C and are thought to be related to early metamorphic events. Other Type B and Type D inclusions typically homogenised between 100 and 240 °C with a mode around 120 °C, while the presence of liquid-only inclusions suggests trapping at temperatures below 50 °C. Eutectic melting temperatures indicate the presence of CaCl2 in the fluids but final melting temperatures show the presence of both high and low salinity brines. This suggests mixing between saline basinal fluids and low salinity meteoric fluids that continued down to temperatures below 50 °C.