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On Saturday, 20th September, we visited the Chemistry Department, Crawley, Western Australia, and saw the experimental plant erected for the treatment of Lake Campion alunite. The process was discussed with Professor Bayliss and Mr. H. Bowley, Government Mineralogist and Assayer. On the morning of Monday, 22nd September, we met the Minister for Mines, State Officials and Messrs. F.B. Norwood and L. Gibbons at the Mines Department, Perth. At this meeting the Whim Creek and Ravensthorpe (Phillips River) copper areas were discussed. On the afternoon of the 22nd we met the Aluminium Panel at the Department of Industry and discussed the Lake Campion proposals. On Tuesday 23rd, lateritic bauxites were examined as several localities on the Darling Range and at Toodyay. Following is a review of the matters discussed in Western Australia.
The Mineral Deposits and Mineral Resources OGC service provides data from Geoscience Australia’s OZMIN database in EarthResourceML 2.0 and ERML Lite 1.0 and associated contextual layers in simple WMS and WFS formats.
These notes are supplementary to an earlier report (1948/016), and are designed to elucidate certain points brought up in that report. The issues of grade, workings, development, expenditure, production, and future prospects are generally discussed.
In the present report it is sought to explain a number of points, including, in particular, to give an explanation as to why the Company now estimates that its annual loss would be £169,000 per annum as against an estimate of £100,000 per annum, given in the statement issued by the Chamber of Mines. Information is also given in this report concerning the present ore reserve position which is closely bound up with the proposed development program.
Note on production, efficiency factors, and costs of twelve West Australian gold mines. Figures are provided for each mine respectively. A table showing mining and cost statistics is appended.
The enquiry into this mine resulted from an application by the company for a loan from the Commonwealth to carry out exploration and development. The Tindalls Gold Mine has not been examined by the Bureau and unless this is done no definite statement about the ore possibilities of the property can be made. However, from past reports it seems likely that the deposit has a chance of producing a large tonnage of ore. Under present conditions and with the mining methods now employed, it is extremely doubtful whether ore of this grade could be mined at a profit. The ore reserves, mining, milling, costs, and general financial outlook with respect to the mine are discussed in this report.
Summary report on the ore prospects of some Western Australian gold mines. The report provides details on production, ore deposits, and operations.
The period 30th to 31st May, 1946, was spent in selecting five sites for diamond drilling at the Cosmopolitan Howley Mine, Brocks Creek district. A description of the geology and the conclusions reached as regards drilling are given in this report. A plan of the mine and sections plan are included.
On June 20th King Island Scheelite N.L. asked for advice on the location of suitable drill holes north of their present 150 and 170ft. faces to determine the geology along the No. 3 fault. In this report a scheme of drilling is set out, which would determine the geological structure of the area and indicate tonnage of ore and overburden. A plan is attached to the report which shows the bench limits, the main geological features and selected diamond drill hole sites.
The operational history, orebody, workings, grade, tonnage, and financial considerations relating to the Chesney mine are discussed in this report. Two geological plans are included.