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Black coal of Permian age has been found near Oaklands and Coorabin in the Riverina District, New South Wales. The coal is low-grade compared with the bituminous coals of Permian age at Newcastle, but has significance due to its situation in the south-western part of New South Wales, near the Murrumbidgee and Murray irrigation areas, and not far from the Victorian border. This report has been compiled mainly from field observations and from the files of the Bureau. The report gives a broad overview of the situation of the field and aspects of geology. The discovery, development, and workings of the coalfield are described. The characteristics of the coalfield are discussed, including petrography, the quality of the coal, the presence of water, and the extent of the field. Extensive data on the shafts and bores are appended. Accompanying geological plans are included.
Black sand on beaches in Knocker Bay, near Black Point, and at Record Bay, Port Essington, has been noticed from time to time by Captain F.E. Wells, who mentioned these occurrences to the writer. Opportunity was taken during a recent visit to the locality to secure a sample from the beach at Record Point. The presence of black sand on a narrow beach between Black and Reef Points was confirmed by observations from the ship through binoculars. The locality, general geology of the area, and the occurrence of black sand at Record Point are described in this report. The results of the laboratory examination of the sample are recorded.
This report describes the results of a micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from Pidinga.
In 1946 and 1947 the writer had excellent opportunities to study the effect of lateritisation in the course of geological reconnaissances in Northern Australia. From field evidence which has been collected on several aspects of lateritisation - origin, products and relationship to geomorphological processes - a detailed account of lateritisation in Australia can be given. Lateritisation and the occurrence of opal are discussed in this report.
This report comprises notes on the geology, ores reserves, and exploration of the Maude and Yellow Girl Gold Mining Company.
Four deposits at Ellsmore were sampled for bauxite content. The results, showing the economic bauxite proved, are tabulated in this report. Figures are given for each of the individual deposits and for the Ellsmore area.
In March of this year Mr. A.E. Hawker, of Jindare, forwarded to Canberra a small bottle containing water and a yellowish, oily substance which had formed a coating on the inside of the bottle. Microscopic examination of part of the coating proved the presence of globules of oil and also revealed Desmid algae. It seemed probable that the oil had been derived from the decomposition of algae or other recently dead plants. However, as the locality from which the sample was taken lies within a belt of Cambrian limestone, it was possible that the oil had its origin in this rock. While recently engaged in field work in the Northern Territory, Mr. C.J. Sullivan and the writer examined the localities where oil was said to occur. This report comprises an account of the field observations and geological notes made during the examination.
A geological field party was engaged in this area from 9th May to 30th September, 1948. This report provides an account of the field operations undertaken throughout this period and describes personnel involvement.
This report provides an overview of copper mining production in the Northern Territory between 1885 and 1947. Production, distribution, and economic considerations are generally discussed, and the principle copper producing mines are described in some detail. This description includes details of the geology and working of the lodes, ore grade, and recorded production figures.
This report describes the results of a micropalaeontological examination of three rock samples from the vicinity of the Watheroo magnetic observatory.