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  • The Workflow Manager JavaScript Application is designed to work with Esri Workflow Manager. This is a Javascript web application that connects to a Workflow Manager web service and allows users to access the workflows without needing the Esri Workflow Manager desktop application. There is a read me file associated with the application in the GitHub repository.

  • Geoscience Australia have used Workflow Manager to significantly improve the publication of OGC-compliant web services from the agency. The creation of web service publication workflows has streamlined the process and made it more transparent to users across business and technical teams. The process continues to be refined as bottlenecks are now easily identifiable. Our Workflow Manager web application means that managers and all users can now track the progress of their services. Workflow Manager has been a great solution for Geoscience Australia to better manage our web services publication workflow. The process used to require a word document to be sent around to various individuals in the agency filling in their parts at different stages of the process. When staff wanted to find out exactly where in the process their web service was, it would take numerous emails and phone calls. These word documents were stored in various different locations on our network which made it difficult to be able to find that document when needed. Workflow Manager meant we could now store all the information for each web service in a database. We have used the extended properties functionality to store the information that was recorded in the word document. Utilising the workflow manager service meant we were able to create our own web application using Angular JS so staff do not have to have ArcGIS installed on their computers; this is ideal for managers who want to track the progress of their web service but don¿t use ArcGIS. We have created a web application that can be reused for other Workflow Manager workflows that we create, that do not have a requirement to interact with ArcGIS desktop.