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  • This map show the boundaries of the Landside and Waterside Zones for the purposes of the Maritime Transport & Office Security Act 2003 1 sheet (Colour) April 2009 Not for sale or public distribution Contact Manager LOSAMBA project

  • The Gazetteer provides information on the location and spelling of more than 332 000 geographical names across Australia as at January 2011. The supply of data is coordinated by the Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping and derived from State, Territory and Australian Government agencies. Copyright of the Gazetteer data resides with the relevant state, territory and Australian Government agencies which are custodians of the data. The Gazetteer fields include: - Record ID - unique feature identifier for each feature. - Authority ID - custodian state or territory. - State ID - state or territory which contains the feature. - Name - name of the feature. - Feature Code - code indicating the type of feature - Status - indicates whether the name is authorised. - Variant name - variant or alternative name used for the feature. - Postcode - Postcode for the feature. - Concise Gazetteer - indicates whether the feature is included in the concise gazetteer. - Longitude - longitude of the feature in decimal degrees. - Latitude - latitude of the feature in decimal degrees. - 100K map number - 1:100 000 scale map number in which the feature is located. - CGDN - indicates whether the place name can be used in the second level domains by community website portals which reflect community interests. Product specifications: - Coverage: Australia - Currency: 2010 - Coordinates: Geographical - Datum: GDA94 - Format: Fixed width ASCII and Microsoft Access Database - Medium: WEB - Forward Program: Annual revision Please note: The custodians of the place name data do not guarantee that the data is free from errors and omissions. If possible errors or omissions in the data are identified, please contact <a></a>, corrections are forwarded to the State and Territories, Name Authorities for clarification. Updates will appear in subsequent revisions of the Gazetteer.

  • This map has been created to support the Taruman illegal fishing court case, and is part of a map series. It shows the route of the boat in the southern ocean with selected positions displaying the date and time of the positions. This map is not for public distribution.

  • This map has been created to support the Taruman illegal fishing court case, and is part of a map series. It shows the route of the boat obtained from the navigational log. This map is not for public distribution

  • This map has been created to support the Taruman illegal fishing court case, and is part of a map series. It shows recorded positions (with date and time) of the boat inside the Australian Fishing zone. This map is not for public distribution

  • Geoscience Australia may refer to a specimen as a sample of (material), that is, a limited quantity of something which is intended to be similar to or represent a larger amount of that material. Observations and measurements are recorded that relate to a specimen.

  • This data is a subset of the lastest release of PINEENA GW data - v9.3 ( with the most recenlty available data added) This subset includes: - Standing Water Levels (SWL) from unconfined intake areas (non artesian) - plots of the above data - locations of some of the bores (added by Geoscience Australia) Data is continuous (daily) and is measured in metres from a reference point. The reference point is unknown

  • This map has been created to support the Taruman illegal fishing court case, and is part of a map series. It shows recorded positions from Exhibit 11/09/05-4.1 of suspected long lines within Australia's AFZ around Macquarie Island for the 25-26/05/2005.

  • Geoscience Australia defines a borehole as the generalized term for any narrow shaft drilled in the ground, either vertically or horizontally, and would include Mineral Drillholes, Petroleum Wells and Water Bores along with a variety of others types, but does not include Costean, Trench or Pit. For the purpose of a borehole as defined by GeoSciML Borehole 3.0, the dataset has been restricted to onshore and offshore Australian boreholes, and bores that have the potential to support geological investigations and assessment of a variety of resources.

  • <p>The Gazetteer of Australia provides information on the location and spelling of 310 217 geographical names across Australia and its offshore territories as of October 2003. Supply of the data is coordinated through the Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM) and derived from state, tterritory and commonwealth authorities responsible for place naming.</p> <p>The 2004 release includes two new fields that indicate the conditions on use of Australian place names within Internet second level domain structures such as <em>.com, .net,</em> and <em></em> (e.g. The data is also available through a Microsoft Access database in addition to the traditional ASCII text files. This aims to provides users with a search interface to the data as well as the data in a database format.</p> <p>The fields within the Gazetteer data include:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Record ID</strong></li> <li><strong>Authority ID</strong></li> <li><strong>Name</strong></li> <li><strong>Feature Code</strong></li> <li><strong>Status</strong></li> <li><strong>Variant Name</strong></li> <li><strong>Postcode</strong></li> <li><strong>Concise Gazetteer</strong></li> <li><strong>Longitude</strong></li> <li><strong>Latitude</strong></li> <li><strong>100K Map</strong></li> <li><strong>auDA Reserved (new)</strong></li> <li><strong>auDA Allocated (new)</strong></li> </ul> <h3>Product specifications</h3> <p><strong>Coverage:</strong> Australia<br /> <strong>Currency:</strong> 2004<br /> <strong>Coordinates:</strong> Geographical<br /> <strong>Datum:</strong> GDA94<br /> <strong>Format:</strong> Fixed width ASCII and Microsoft Access Database<br /> <strong>Medium:</strong> CD-ROM<br /> <strong>Forward Program:</strong> Annual revision</p> <p> <strong>Please note:</strong> Any organisation or individual wanting to use the Gazetteer data in a similar capacity to the Online Place Name Search or any other online application requires an Internet user licence. The licence fee is on the licence and order form and on the Digital Data Licence Fees page. The custodians of the place name data do not guarantee that the data is free from errors and omissions. If possible errors or omissions in the data are identified, please contact <a></a>, corrections are forwarded to the State and Territories, Name Authorities for clarification. Updates will appear in subsequent revisions of the Gazatteer. </p>