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22-2/D52-14/2-6 Contour interval: 100
22-2/H56-03/1-4 Contour interval: 2
50% coverage 22-2/F52-4/2-4 Contour interval: 25
22-2/F54-10/1-6 Contour interval: 5
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22-2/F54-14/1-6 Contour interval: 5
This dataset maps the geomorphic habitat environments (facies) for 213 Queensland coastal waterways. This version of the dataset includes 73 newly mapped estuaries, classified as 'Near pristine'. The classification system contains 12 easily identifiable and representative environments: Barrier/back-barrier, Bedrock, Central Basin, Channel, Coral, Flood- and Ebb-tide Delta, Fluvial (bay-head) Delta, Intertidal Flats, Mangrove, Rocky Reef, Saltmarsh/Saltflat, Tidal Sand Banks (and Unassigned). These types represent habitats found across all coastal systems in Australia. Southern and central Great Barrier Reef lagoon coasts have a broad spectrum of river, tide and wave- dominated estuaries.
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No abstract available