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  • This Record presents new Sensitive High Resolution Ion MicroProbe (SHRIMP) U-Pb zircon results from the Mount Isa Orogen obtained under the auspices of the Geological Survey of Queensland-Geoscience Australia (GSQ-GA) National Collaboration Framework (NCF) geochronology project between July 2016 and June 2017. New results are presented from eight samples collected as part of ongoing regional mapping and geoscientific programs in the Mount Isa Orogen. GA work presented here represents part of the federally funded Exploring for the Future Program. As a part of ongoing geological mapping in the Mount Isa Orogen, the Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ) and Geoscience Australia (GA) have undertaken a geochronology program to enhance the understanding of the geological evolution of the province. There are two focus areas as a part of this Record. The first focus area is north of Mount Isa, in the Kalkadoon-Leichhardt and Sybella domains (Figure i), and includes geochronology results from three mafic to intermediate rocks. The second focus area is south of Cloncurry, in the Kuridala–Selwyn and Marimo–Staveley domains (Figure i), and includes geochronology results from one leucogranite and four sedimentary rocks. For ease of reporting, these two focus areas are split into two themes 1) ‘mafic rocks’ for the three geochronology results north of Mount Isa; and 2) ‘Kuridala–Selwyn corridor’ for the five geochronology results south of Cloncurry. <b>Bibliographic Reference:</b> LEWIS, C.J., WITHNALL, I.W., HUTTON, L.J., BULTITUDE, R.J., SLADE, A.P., SARGENT, S., 2020. Summary of results. Joint GSQ–GA geochronology project: Mount Isa region, 2016–2017. <i>Queensland Geological Record</i><b> 2020/01</b>.

  • Zircon U-Pb ages, εHf(t) and δ18O isotopic data, geochemistry and limited Sm-Nd results mostly from deep basement drill cores from undercover parts of the Thomson Orogen, provide strong temporal links with outcropping regions of the orogen as well as important clues for its evolution and relationship with the Lachlan Orogen. SHRIMP U–Pb ages from three Early Ordovician volcanic samples and one granite from the undercover, Thomson Orogen shows that magmatism of this age is widespread across the central, undercover regions of the orogen and occurred in a narrow time-window between 480 Ma and 470 Ma. These rocks have evolved, εHf(t)zrn (-6.26 to -12.18), εNd (-7.1 to -11.3), and supracrustal δ18Ozrn (7.01–8.50‰) which is in stark contrast to the Early Ordovician rocks in the Lachlan Orogen, that are isotopically juvenile. Two samples have latest Silurian to earliest Devonian ages (1586685 DIO Ella 1; 425.4 ± 6.6 Ma and 2122055 Hungerford Granite; 419.1 ± 2.5) and coincide with a major period of intrusive magmatism in the southern Thomson and the Eastern and Central Lachlan Orogen. These samples have evolved εHf(t)zrn (-4.62 to -6.42) and supracrustal δ18Ozrn (9.26–10.29‰) which is similar to Lachlan Orogen rocks emplaced during this time. Four samples have mid Early to early Late Devonian ages (408–382 Ma) and appear to have been emplaced in a generally extensional tectonic regime. Two of these are from the Gumbardo Formation (1682891 PPC Carlow 1 and 1682892 PPC Gumbardo 1), the basal unit of the Adavale Basin, and constrain its opening to between 408 Ma and 403 Ma. The other two samples (1585223 AAE Towerhill 1 and 2122056 Currawinya Granite) have ages of ca. 382 Ma. These latter samples generally show a shift towards more juvenile εHf(t)zrn and mantle-like δ18Ozrn values, a trend that is also seen in rocks of this age in the Lachlan Orogen. Collectively, zircon Hf and O isotopes show that magmatism in the central, undercover part of the Thomson Orogen was initially derived from isotopically evolved magma sources but progressed to more juvenile sources during the Devonian. Furthermore, it appears that samples from the Thomson Orogen may fall along two distinct Hf-O isotopic mixing trends. One trend, appears to have incorporated an older (more evolved) supracrustal component and occurs in the northern two-thirds of the Thomson Orogen, while the other trend is generally less evolved and occurs in the southern third of the Thomson Orogen and is geographically continuous with the Lachlan Orogen. <b>Citation:</b> A. J. Cross, D. J. Purdy, D. C. Champion, D. D. Brown, C. Siégel & R. A. Armstrong (2018) Insights into the evolution of the Thomson Orogen from geochronology, geochemistry, and zircon isotopic studies of magmatic rocks, <i>Australian Journal of Earth Sciences</i>, 65:7-8, 987-1008, DOI: 10.1080/08120099.2018.1515791

  • This Record presents data collected between March and September 2018 as part of the ongoing Northern Territory Geological Survey–Geoscience Australia (NTGS–GA) SHRIMP geochronology project under the National Collaborative Framework (NCF) agreement and Geoscience Australia's Exploring for the Future Programme. Five new U–Pb SHRIMP zircon geochronological results derived from five samples of meta-igneous and metasedimentary rocks from MOUNT RENNIE (southwestern Aileron Province and northwestern Warumpi Province) in the Northern Territory are presented herein. All five samples are located at or close to the recently discovered greenfield Grapple and Bumblebee prospects that contain precious and base metal sulfide mineralisation. This Record represents the first attempt to provide temporal constraints on the country rocks that host or occur close to this mineralisation. <b>Bibliographic Reference:</b> Kositcin N, McGloin MV, Reno BL and Beyer EE, 2019. Summary of results. Joint NTGS–GA geochronology project: Cu-Au-Ag-Zn mineralisation in MOUNT RENNIE, Aileron and Warumpi provinces, March – September 2018. <i>Northern Territory Geological Survey</i>, <b>Record 2019-011</b>.

  • <p>Understanding the geological evolution and resource prospectivity of a region relies heavily on the integration of different geological and geophysical datasets. Geochronology is one key dataset, as it underpins meaningful geological correlations across large regions, and also contributes to reconstruction of past tectonic settings. Using geochronology in combination with other datasets requires the geochronology data to be available in a unified dataset with a consistent format. Northern Australia is a vast and relatively underexplored area that offers enormous potential for the discovery of mineral and energy resources. The area has a long and variably complex tectonic history, which is yet to be fully understood. Numerous geochronology studies have been completed at various scales throughout northern Australia over several decades; however, these data are scattered amongst numerous sources, limiting the ease with which they can be used collectively. <p>The objective of this work is: <p>(1) to combine Uranium–Lead (U–Pb) data across north-northeastern Australia into one consistent dataset, and <p>(2) to visualise the temporal and spatial distribution of the U–Pb age data through thematic maps as a tool for better understanding the geological evolution and resource potential of northern Australia. <p>In this contribution, over 2000 U–Pb ages from the Northern Territory, Queensland, eastern Western Australia and northern South Australia have been compiled into a single, consistent dataset. Data were sourced from Geoscience Australia, State and Territory geological surveys and from academic literature. The compilation presented here includes age data from igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Thematic maps of magmatic crystallisation ages, high-grade metamorphic ages and sedimentary maximum depositional ages have been generated using the dataset. These maps enable spatial and temporal trends in the rock record to be visualised up to semi-continental scale and form a component of the ‘Isotopic Atlas’ of northern Australia currently being compiled by Geoscience Australia.

  • <div>The Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia represents one of the largest pieces of Precambrian crust on Earth, and a key repository of information on the Meso-Neoarchean period. Understanding the crustal, tectonic, thermal, and chemical evolution of the craton is critical in placing these events into an accurate geological context, as well as developing holistic tectonic models for the Archean Earth. In this study, we collected a large U-Pb (420 collated samples) and Hf isotopic (2163 analyses) dataset on zircon to investigate the evolution of the craton. These data provide strong evidence for a Hadean-Eoarchean origin for the Yilgarn Craton from mafic crust at ca. 4000 Ma. This ancient cratonic nucleus was subsequently rifted, expanded and reworked by successive crustal growth events at ca. 3700 Ma, ca. 3300 Ma, 3000-2900 Ma, 2825-2800 Ma, and ca. 2730-2620 Ma. The <3050 Ma crustal growth events correlate broadly with known komatiite events, and patterns of craton evolution, revealed by Hf isotope time-slice mapping, image the periodic break-up of the Yilgarn proto-continent and the formation of rift-zones between the older crustal blocks. Crustal growth and new magmatic pulses were focused into these zones and at craton margins, resulting in continent growth via internal (rift-enabled) expansion, and peripheral (crustal extraction at craton margins) magmatism. Consequently, we interpret these major geodynamic processes to be analogous to plume-lid tectonics, where the majority of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) felsic crust, and later granitic crust, was formed by reworking of hydrated mafic rocks and TTGs, respectively, via a combination of infracrustal and/or drip-tectonic settings. While this process of crust formation and evolution is not necessarily restricted to a specific geodynamic system, we find limited direct evidence that subduction-like processes formed a major tectonic component, aside from re-docking the Narryer Terrane to the craton at ca. 2740 Ma. Overall, these 'rift-expansion' and 'craton margin' crustal growth process led to an intra-cratonic architecture of younger, juvenile terranes located internal and external to older, long-lived, reworked crustal blocks. This framework provided pathways that localized later magmas and fluids, driving the exceptional mineral endowment of the Yilgarn Craton.</div> This Abstract/Poster was submitted to & presented at the 2023 6th International Archean Symposium (6IAS) 25 - 27 July (

  • <div>This Queensland Geological Record presents ten new Sensitive High Resolution Ion MicroProbe (SHRIMP) U–Pb zircon and monazite results obtained under the auspices of the Geological Survey of Queensland–Geoscience Australia (GSQ–GA) National Collaborative Framework (NCF) geochronology project between July 2017 and June 2018. These data were collected in support of ongoing regional mapping and geoscientific programs led by the GSQ in the Mount Isa region.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><strong>Bibliographic reference:</strong></div><div>Kositcin, N., Lewis, C. J. Withnall, I. W., Slade, A. P., Sargent, S. and Hutton, L. J. 2023. Summary of results. Joint GSQ–GA Geochronology Project: Mount Isa region, 2017–2018. GSQ Record 2023/03. Geoscience Australia, Canberra. Record 2023/32, Geological Survey of Queensland.</div>

  • <div>This Record presents data collected in March 2022–February 2023 as part of the ongoing Northern Territory Geological Survey–Geoscience Australia SHRIMP geochronology project under the National Collaborative Framework agreement and Geoscience Australia’s <em>Exploring for the Future Program</em>. New U–Pb SHRIMP zircon geochronological results were derived from sedimentary rock chip samples of the Warburton Basin collected from four petroleum exploration wells (Beachcomber 1, Thomas 1, Simpson 1, Colson 1) in the southeastern corner of the Northern Territory. Geologically, this is a region in the Simpson Desert that encompasses several superimposed intracratonic sedimentary basins that are separated by regional unconformities that extend over areas of adjoining Queensland, South Australia and New South Wales. The exposed Mesozoic Eromanga Basin overlies the late Palaeozoic Pedirka Basin, which is largely restricted to the subsurface. The Warburton Basin is an early Palaeozoic pericratonic basin containing an early Cambrian and Ordovician succession (Edgoose and Munson, 2013), with possible Devonian rocks observed in some areas (Radke, 2009). As the Warburton Basin is entirely concealed beneath the Pedirka and Eromanga basins, our current understanding of the geology of the western Warburton Basin is constrained by the lack of surface exposures, the small number of well penetrations, limited biostratigraphic age control, and relatively sparse seismic data coverage. </div><div> The samples analysed herein were collected to aid in understanding the chronostratigraphy and provenance characteristics of the concealed Warburton Basin. All four sedimentary samples are dominated by Mesoproterozoic detritus (ca 1000–1300 Ma), have fewer zircons of Paleozoic age, and generally have sparse older Palaeoproterozoic–Archaean aged zircons. Samples from the two westernmost wells yielded 238U/206Pb maximum depositional ages of 469&nbsp;±&nbsp;9&nbsp;Ma (Colson 1) and 394&nbsp;±&nbsp;6&nbsp;Ma (Simpson 1). Samples from the two easternmost wells yielded older 238U/206Pb maximum depositional ages of 569&nbsp;±&nbsp;10&nbsp;Ma (Thomas 1) and 506&nbsp;±&nbsp;5&nbsp;Ma (Beachcomber 1). These data imply that known Devonian stratigraphy extends at least as far as the Simpson 1 well, but may not extend further east.</div><div><br></div><div>BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Kositcin N, Verdel C and Edgoose C, 2023. Summary of results. Joint NTGS–GA geochronology project: western Warburton Basin, March 2022–February 2023. <em>Northern Territory Geological Survey, Record </em>2023-006.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>

  • <div>Magmatic arcs represent a critical source of modern civilisation’s mineral wealth, with their importance only enhanced by the ongoing global transition to a low-carbon society. The ~830-495 Ma Delamerian Orogen, formed at Australia’s eastern cratonic margin, represents rocks ascribed to rift/passive-margin, convergent margin arc, orogenic, and post-orogenic settings. However, poor exposure has limited exploration activity across much of the orogen, despite demonstrated potential for numerous mineral systems. To address this issue, an orogen-wide zircon Hf-O isotope and trace element survey was performed on 55 magmatic samples to constrain the crustal architecture, evolution, and fertility of the Delamerian Orogen, and in turn map parameters that can be used as a guide to mineral potential. These new data define two broad magmatic episodes at: (1) ~585-480 Ma, related to rift/passive margin, convergent arc, orogenic, and post-orogenic activity (Delamerian Cycle); and (2) magmatism associated with the ~490-320 Ma Lachlan Orogen, with peaks at ~420 Ma (onshore, Tabberabberan Cycle) and ~370 Ma (western Tasmania). Isotopic and geochemical mapping of these events show that the ~585-480 Ma Delamerian Cycle has significant orogen-wide variation in magmatic Hf-O isotopes and oxidation-state, suggesting a spatial variation in the occurrence and type of potential mineral systems. The ~420 Ma magmatic event involved predominantly mantle-like Hf-O and oxidised magmatism, whilst the ~370 Ma magmatism shows opposing features. In general, The potential to host Cu-Au porphyry and VMS mineralisation (e.g., Stavely, Koonenberry) is present, but restricted, whereas signatures favourable for Sn-W granite-hosted systems (e.g., Tasmania), are more common. These new data constrain time-space variations in magma composition that provide a valuable geological framework for mineral system fertility assessments across the Delamerian Orogen. Furthermore, these data and associated maps can used to assess time-space mineral potential and facilitate more effective exploration targeting in this covered region.</div> <b>Citation:</b> Mole, D., Bodorkos, S., Gilmore, P.J., Fraser, G., Jagodzinski, E.A., Cheng, Y., Clark, A.D., Doublier, M., Waltenberg, K., Stern, R.A., Evans, N.J., 2023. Architecture, evolution and fertility of the Delamerian Orogen: Insights from zircon. In: Czarnota, K. (ed.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, <a href+""></a>

  • <div>This record presents nine new zircon and titanite U–Pb geochronological data, obtained via Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) for seven samples of plutonic rocks from the Lachlan Orogen and the Cobar Basin, plus one garnet-bearing skarn vein from the Cobar region. Many of these new ages improve existing constraints on the timing of mineralisation in the Cobar Basin, as part of an ongoing Geochronology Project (Metals in Time), conducted by the Geological Survey of New South Wales (GSNSW) and Geoscience Australia (GA) under a National Collaboration Framework (NCF) agreement. The results herein (summarised in Table 1.1) correspond to zircon and titanite U–Pb SHRIMP analysis undertaken on GSNSW Mineral Systems projects over July 2017–June 2019.</div><div><br></div><div>Our new data establish an episode of c. 427–425 Ma I-type plutonism, coeval with regional S-type granites, which marginally predated opening of the Cobar Basin. Widespread S-type and high-level I-type magmatism accompanied 423–417 Ma basin development. At least two episodes of skarn-related mineralisation are recognised in the southern Cobar Basin: c. 387 Ma (from pre-mineralisation skarn veins) at Kershaws prospect, and c. 403 Ma at the adjacent Hera mine (Fitzherbert et al., 2021).</div><div><br></div><div>Three intrusive rocks were dated at the Norma Vale prospect in the southwestern Cobar Basin, where calcic iron-copper skarn mineralisation is thought to have been caused by I-type but compositionally complex high-level intrusive rocks emplaced along a northeast-oriented fault related to the nearby Rookery Fault (Fitzherbert et al., 2017). A 423 ± 8 Ma I-type quartz diorite potentially constrains the timing of skarn mineralisation, but is indistinguishable in age from a 421.3 ± 3.0 Ma S-type cordierite-biotite granite and a 417.5 ± 3.3 Ma coarse-grained S-type granite, both from deeper in the same drillhole. These results suggest that at least some of the coeval S-type and high-level I-type magmatic activity accompanying opening of the Cobar Basin was associated with early mineralisation, although skarn-forming processes regionally are complex and episodic (Fitzherbert et al., 2021).</div><div><br></div><div>In the Cobar mining belt, our new date of 422.8 ± 2.8 Ma for I-type rhyolitic porphyry at Carissa Shaft (which is one of the southernmost high-level intrusions associated with the Perseverance and Queen Bee orebodies) is coeval with the 423.2 ± 3.5 Ma ‘Peak rhyolite’ (Black, 2007), but marginally older than the 417.6 ± 3.0 Ma Queen Bee Porphyry (Black, 2005). At Gindoono, a 423.0&nbsp;±&nbsp;2.6&nbsp;Ma unnamed dacitic porphyry intruded and hornfelsed the undated I-type Majuba Volcanics, thereby establishing a minimum age for that unit.</div><div><br></div><div>East of Cobar, the I-type Wild Wave Granodiorite intruded the Ordovician Girilambone Group, but was exhumed and eroded to form clasts within pebble conglomerates of the lowermost Cobar Basin. Its new U–Pb SHRIMP zircon age of 424.1 ± 2.8 Ma constrains the timing of I-type plutonism which marginally predated formation of the Cobar Basin. A similar zircon age of 426.7 ± 2.3 Ma was obtained from the concealed Fountaindale Granodiorite north of Condoblin, indicating that this I-type pluton is coeval with the nearby and much larger c. 427 Ma S-type Erimeran Granite. Titanite from the same sample of Fountaindale Granodiorite yielded an age of 421.6 ± 2.7 Ma, which is significantly younger than the zircon age, and is interpreted to constrain the timing of ‘deuteric’ (chlorite-albite-epidote-titanite-sericite-carbonate) alteration during post-magmatic hydrothermal activity (e.g. Blevin, 2003b).</div><div><br></div><div>A garnet-bearing skarn vein at Kershaws prospect, adjacent to the Hera orebody (Fitzherbert et al., 2021), predates the main phase of mineralisation, and yielded a titanite age of 387.2 ±&nbsp;6.2&nbsp;Ma. This indicates that the skarn-forming hydrothermal event at Kershaws prospect is significantly younger than the c. 403 Ma age for the main mineralising event at Hera mine (Fitzherbert et al., 2021).</div>

  • This Record presents new U–Pb geochronological data, obtained via Sensitive High Resolution Ion Micro Probe (SHRIMP), from 43 samples of predominantly igneous rocks collected from the East Riverina region of the central Lachlan Orogen, New South Wales. The results presented herein correspond to the reporting period July 2016–June 2020. This work is part of an ongoing Geochronology Project, conducted by the Geological Survey of New South Wales (GSNSW) and Geoscience Australia (GA) under a National Collaborative Framework agreement, to better understand the geological evolution and mineral prospectivity of the central Lachlan Orogen in southern NSW (Bodorkos et al., 2013; 2015; 2016, 2018; Waltenberg et al., 2019).