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  • From 1995 to 2000 information from the federal and state governments was compiled for Comprehensive Regional Assessments (CRA), which formed the basis for Regional Forest Agreements (RFA) that identified areas for conservation to meet targets agreed by the Commonwealth Government with the United Nations. These 3 CDs were created as part of GA's contribution to the Tasmania CRA. CD1 contains final versions of all data coverages and shapefiles used in the project, and final versions of documents provided for publishing. CD2 contains Published Graphics files in ArcInfo (.gra), postscript (.ps) and Web ready (.gif) formats. CD3 contains all Geophysical Images and Landsat data.

  • GIS package attached to the final reports on activities in the Gawler - Eucla, TiTree, Wilkinkarra, Murchison and Paterson regions for the Palaeovalley Groundwater Project.

  • From 1995 to 2000 information from the federal and state governments was compiled for Comprehensive Regional Assessments (CRA), which formed the basis for Regional Forest Agreements (RFA) that identified areas for conservation to meet targets agreed by the Commonwealth Government with the United Nations. These 5 CDs were created as part of GA's contribution to the SE Queensland CRA. CD1 contains ArcView Legends and Projects, data coverages, shapefiles, all documents and reports and associated maps and figures. CD2 contains various edited versions of covers and shapefiles, original data supplied by custodians, and staff workareas. CD3 contains Landsat, Magnetics etc. images. CD4 contains DEM etc. CD5 contains integration data, miscellaneous ArcInfo grids, and ArcInfo graphic files.

  • When the CRCLEME project concluded at Geoscience Australia, some data was left unsorted. This directory contains that residual data. The Cooperative Research Centre for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration (CRC LEME) was established and supported under the Australian Government Cooperative Research Centre Program. LEME is now closed after a seven-year renewal in 2002, being the successor of the highly acclaimed CRC for Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration, which formally finished in June 2001. LEME's role was to apply regolith science to the challenges facing Australia in natural resource management and mineral exploration. Regolith is the surficial mantle of weathered rock, sediments, soils, biotic complexes and water that are formed by the natural processes of weathering, erosion, transportation and deposition. LEME was an unincorporated joint venture between Geoscience Australia, CSIRO (represented by the Divisions of Exploration & Mining and Land & Water), Australian National University, Curtin University of Technology, University of Adelaide, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Primary Industries and Resources South Australia and the Minerals Council of Australia. As such it had access to 155 (amounting to 78 Full Time Equivalent) research scientists, drawn from both in-kind contributions and cash-funded positions in participating organisations. In addition it had a large cohort of PhD and Honours students, supported by its Student Program. This body of research expertise was assembled into multi-disciplinary research teams, under a program structure managed by the Executive, to address LEME's strategic research priorities.

  • This data release includes digital data produced during the regional assessment of the CO2 geological storage potential in the Petrel Sub-basin CO2, documented in GA Record 2014/**. Refer to the GA Record for the details of data generation.

  • This data package was preduced in response to a request by Rodney King from Teck Australia for a compilation of GA borehole datasets from the Isa Superbasin, in particular for gamma-ray data. The data set includes drill hole/section location information, and lithological, geochemical and gamma ray data. All data were extracted from GA databases.

  • The Arcturus greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring station began operation in July 2010 50 km southeast of Emerald, Queensland. The station was part of a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia (GA) and CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (CMAR) to establish and operate a high precision atmospheric monitoring facility for measurement of baseline greenhouse gases in a geological carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) region. The primary purpose of the station was to establish newly developed greenhouse gas monitoring technology and demonstrate best practice for regional baseline atmospheric monitoring appropriate for geological storage of carbon dioxide. An Eddy Covariance flux tower was installed at the station to compliment baseline atmospheric measurements by providing; supplementary meteorlogical measurements, atmospheric turbulence and stability parameters, the net vertical transport of water vapour and CO2 to (and from) the surface, establishing the energy, water and carbon balance for the area. The site is located in a semi-arid, subtropical clime with a summer (Dec-Feb) wet season. The site lies on the boundary between pasture to the west, and cropping to the east, split north to south. EC measurements were taken at 10 Hz frequency and used to prepare 30 minute averages. Data was collected for 2.5 years from 10 June 2011 to 31 December 2013. It was processed using standard OzFlux methods, involving rigorous QA/QC to ensure the output of high quality data. For more information on the site location, installation and instrument set-up see the Installation Report for Arcturus (Berko et al., 2012), while for more information on the metadata and data store for the EC and baseline monitoring instruments see the Metadata Report: Arcturus atmospheric greenhouse gas monitoring (Etheridge et al. 2014).

  • This 2 CD package contains the January 2002 edition of the Australian bathymetry and topography grid at 0.01 deg (~1 km) cell size. Both binary and ASCII formats are included, suitable for most common image processing and GIS applications. The topography is from Geoscience Australia's (formerly AUSLIG's) 2nd edition digital elevation model for Australia. It is included for continuity with bathymetric features. The bathymetry is from digitised charts obtained from the Australian Hydrographic Service, swath bathymetry surveys, and other ship-track data of various vintages and navigational accuracy sourced from Geoscience Australia databases. The ship-track data have been levelled to reduce the artefacts due to misties at intersections.

  • The Geophysical Airborne Survey Index presents a summary of the essential specifications of over 800 airborne surveys held in the National Airborne Geophysics Database.

  • Dataset for the Northwest Shelf Release area contains biostratigraphic, reservoir facies, and organic geochemistry from wells in the release region.