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  • The National Broadcasting Studios dataset presents the spatial locations; in point format, of all known broadcasting studios within Australia.

  • Alkaline rocks of Australia - Subset of Rockchem whole-rock database release 3. Contains 937 analyses of alkaline rocks from Australia.

  • No abstract available

  • The Yilgarn OZCHEM database subset is comprised of 4886 wholerock analyses derived from AGSO field work and the literature. AGSO's complete OZCHEM database contains approximately 50000 analyses, mainly from Australia but some are also from Papua New Guinea, Antarctica, Solomon Islands and New Zealand. Approximately 32000 analyses of Australian rocks of all ages and some New Zealand Tertiary volcanics are available for sale. The location is stored with each analysis along with geological descriptions, including the host stratigraphic unit and lithology. Most samples have been collected by AGSO field parties.OZCHEM is stored in an ORACLE relational database and is available in Oracle export, comma-delimited relational ASCII, and Microsoft Access formats.

  • The Tennant Creek Region OZCHEM database subset is comprised of 1662 wholerock analyses derived from AGSO field work and the literature. AGSO's complete OZCHEM database contains approximately 50000 analyses, mainly from Australia but some are also from Papua New Guinea, Antarctica, Solomon Islands and New Zealand. Approximately 32000 analyses of Australian rocks of all ages and some New Zealand Tertiary volcanics are available for sale. The location is stored with each analysis along with geological descriptions, including the host stratigraphic unit and lithology. Most samples have been collected by AGSO field parties.OZCHEM is stored in an ORACLE relational database and is available in Oracle export, comma-delimited relational ASCII, and Microsoft Access formats.

  • The Pilbara OZCHEM database subset is comprised of 2218 wholerock analyses derived from AGSO field work and the literature. AGSO's complete OZCHEM database contains approximately 50000 analyses, mainly from Australia but some are also from Papua New Guinea, Antarctica, Solomon Islands and New Zealand. Approximately 32000 analyses of Australian rocks of all ages and some New Zealand Tertiary volcanics are available for sale. The location is stored with each analysis along with geological descriptions, including the host stratigraphic unit and lithology. Most samples have been collected by AGSO field parties.OZCHEM is stored in an ORACLE relational database and is available in Oracle export, comma-delimited relational ASCII, and Microsoft Access formats.

  • 1993 release of Australian Proterozoic geochronology data from AGSO's OZCHRON database. Includes Rb_Sr, U-Pb conventional and SHRIMP ion probe U-Pb ages.

  • Subset of Rockchem whole-rock database release 3. Contains 2093 whole-rock analyses of rocks from the Lachlan Fold Belt, Rocky Cape Block and Dundas Trough.

  • This document provides an overview of the data model.

  • During the 1950s to the late 1990's Geoscience Australia (and it's predecessors) were heavily involved in geoscience exploration in the Antarctic. This historical engagement is now manifest in the naming of geographic features in the Australian Antarctic Territory using the names of BMR/AGSO/GA and AUSLIG employees involved in the mapping programs during this era.