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  • ACRES Update, Issue 17, July 1998 New leap forward as ACRES offers JERS data

  • ACRES Update, Issue 18, June 1999 Online ordering of satellite imagery ACRES to offer Landsat 7 imagery SAR data detects oil slicks New $2 million optiacal data processor

  • ACRES Update, Issue 21, July 2000 Terra Oberving the Earth New Product Catalogue Remote Sensing and emergency management

  • This document describes a tape format used by ACRES Data Acquisition Facility (DAF) in Alice Springs and the Tasmanian Earth Resources Satellite Station (TERSS) in Hobart for raw data storage of satellite data. Although the format is generic enough to be used with a variety of tape drive technologies, the ADF implementation is currently using Digital Linear Tapes (DLTs). This format description is therefore explicitly discussing (and may therefore appear limited to) the DLT. More specifically, the tape drives used at the DAF and TERSS ground stations are DLT7000s. PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENT This is an Interface Control Document (ICD). The intent is to produce a description detailed enough for any developer of a system or software module to make use of and interface in an optimum way to the device/module/format subject of this description.


  • ACRES Technical Document - Landsat MSS Data Format Description. Table of Contents.

  • In 2011, Geoscience Australia collected 484 km of deep-crustal (22 second) seismic reflection data. The survey (11GA-YO1) traverses the north-eastern edge of the Yilgarn Craton, the Officer Basin and the western end of the Musgrave Province. The purpose of the seismic survey was to delineate broad crustal architecture and define the Moho, with particular interest in the Yilgarn-Musgrave boundary. To compliment the seismic survey, a 3D geological model was constructed that incorporates interpretations derived from seismic, potential field, surface geology and borehole data. Forward and inverse modelling techniques were applied to the potential field data to extrapolate the seismic interpretations into 3D space. Borehole data was used to constrain the interpretation of upper crustal sequences where available. The model was later used to constrain 3D potential field inversions of the area. This poster presents a 3D geological model of the YOM region as well as the geological and geophysical constraints that were used to construct it. Some of the fundamental and technical limitations of the model are also discussed.

  • Collection of Palaeontological Papers, 1983.