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  • The late Quaternary ice sheet/ice shelf extent in the George V Basin (East Antarctica) has been reconstructed through analyses of Chirp sub-bottom profiles, integrated with multi-channel seismic data and sediment cores. Four glacial facies, related to the advance and retreat history of the glaciated margin, have been distinguished: Facies 1 represents outcrop of crystalline and sedimentary rocks along the steep inner shelf and comprises canyons once carved by glaciers; Facies 2 represents moraines and morainal banks and ridges with a depositional origin along the middle-inner shelf; Facies 3 represents glacial flutes along the middle-outer shelf; Facies 4 is related to ice-keel turbation at water depths <500 m along the outer shelf. A sediment drift deposit, located in the NW sector of the study area, partly overlies facies 2 and 3 and its ground-truthing provides clues to understanding their age. We have distinguished: a) an undisturbed sediment drift deposit at water depth >775 m, with drape/sheet and mound characters and numerous undisturbed sub-bottom sub-parallel reflectors (Facies MD1); b) a fluted sediment drift deposit at water depth <775 m, showing disrupted reflectors and a hummocky upper surface (Facies MD2). Radiocarbon ages of sediment cores indicate that the glacial advance producing facies MD2 corresponds to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and that during the LGM the ice shelf was floating over the deep sector of the basin, leaving the sediment drift deposit undisturbed at major depths (Facies MD1). This observation further implies that: a) glacial facies underneath the sediment drift were the result of a grounding event older than the LGM, b) this sector of the East Antarctic fringe was sensitive to sea-level rise at the end of the LGM; thus potentially contributing to meltwater discharge during the last deglaciation.

  • Climatically controlled glaciological and oceanogrphic environmental changes off the George V Coast during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene have been recontructed from changes in sedimentation processes. The evolution of a sediment drift deposit located deep in the deep trough on the shelf has been assessed using a sedimentological approach.

  • The sediments deposited beneath the floating ice shelves around the Antarctic margin provide important clues regarding the nature of sub-ice shelf circulation and the imprint of ice sheet dynamics and marine incursions on the sedimentary record. Understanding the nature of sedimentary deposits beneath ice shelves is important for reconstructing the icesheet history from shelf sediments. In addition, down core records from beneath ice shelves can be used to understand the past dynamics of the ice sheet. Six sediment cores have been collected from beneath the Amery Ice Shelf in East Antarctica, at distances from the ice edge of between 100 and 300 km. The sediment cores collected beneath this ice shelf provide a record of deglaciation on the Prydz Bay shelf following the last glaciation. Diatoms and other microfossils preserved in the cores reveal the occurrence and strength of marine incursions beneath the ice shelf, and indicate the varying marine influence between regions of the sub-ice shelf environment. Variations in diatom species also reveal changes in sea ice conditions in Prydz Bay during the deglaciation. Grain size analysis indicates the varying proximity to the grounding line through the deglaciation, and the timing of ice sheet retreat across the shelf based on 14C dating of the cores. Two of the cores contain evidence of cross-bedding towards the base of the core. These cross-beds most likely reflect tidal pumping at the base of the ice shelf at a time when these sites were close to the grounding line of the Lambert Glacier.

  • Within the general trend of post-Eocene cooling, the largest and oldest outlet of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet underwent a change from ice-cliff to ice-stream and/or ice-shelf dynamics, with an associated switch from line-source to fan sedimentation. Available geological data reveal little about the causes of these changes in ice dynamics during the Miocene Epoch, or the subsequent effects on Pliocene-Pleistocene ice-sheet history. Ice-sheet numerical modeling reveals that bed morphology was probably responsible for driving changes in both ice-sheet extent and dynamics in the Lambert-Amery system at Prydz Bay. The modeling shows how the topography and bathymetry of the Lambert graben and Prydz Bay control ice-sheet extent and flow. The changes in bathymetric volume required for shelf-edge glaciation correlate well with the Prydz Channel fan sedimentation history. This suggests a negative feedback between erosion and glaciation, whereby the current graben is overdeepened to such an extent that shelf-edge glaciation is now not possible, even if a Last Glacial Maximum environment recurs. We conclude that the erosional history of the Lambert graben and Prydz Bay in combination with the uplift histories of the surrounding mountains are responsible for the evolution of this section of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, once the necessary initial climatic conditions for glaciation were achieved at the start of the Oligocene Epoch.

  • This map presents radiogenic crustal heat production values calculated from available geochemical data from basement rock exposures from across the Australian Antarctic Territory (AAT). Heat production is derived from the radiogenic decay of the radioactive elements, primarily, U, Th and K. This map, along with the companion GA record (2012/63), highlights the magnitude and heterogeneity of crustal heat production across the AAT, and provides earth scientists with the first crustal heat production assessment across much of East Antarctica. Crustal heat production values across the AAT show a wide range from negligible to as much as 65 'Wm-3. Generally, elevated heat production values are characteristic of Cambrian felsic intrusives, with intermediate values from Proterozoic intrusive and metasediments (2-8 Wm-3), and low values (<2 'Wm-3) from Archean rocks. A good illustration of the correlation of geological age with heat production is from Prydz Bay (map 5), where the Vestfold Hills (mostly ~2500 Ma in age) exhibits uniformly low heat production (average ~0.8 'Wm-3), whereas Proterozoic rocks south of the Vestfold Hills have intermediate values (average ~2.6 'Wm-3). Cambrian intrusives, in contrast, have significantly elevated values (average ~15 'Wm-3). We anticipate that this simple compilation of crustal heat production may form a basis for future studies on the thermal structure of the East Antarctic crust, in particular, sub-glacial heat flow, which remains a critical, yet poorly characterised, boundary parameter controlling the dynamic behaviour of the vast Antarctic ice sheet. For further information and data tables, the reader is referred to 'A reconnaissance crustal heat production assessment of the Australian Antarctic Territory (AAT)' by C. J. Carson and M. Pittard, GA record 2012/063 (pp 57), Geocat 74073.

  • This report contains an interpretation of the geological framework of the continental margin off the AAT based on data recorded by the Australian Antarctic and Southern Ocean Profiling Project in 2001 and 2002.

  • The Antarctic region has profoundly affected the global climates of the past 50 million years, influencing sea levels, atmospheric composition and dynamics, and ocean circulation. A greater understanding of this region and the Antarctic cryosphere is crucial to a broader understanding of the global climates and palaeoceanography at all scales. Much of the information obtained during the last two decades derives from studies of sedimentary sequences drilled in and around Antarctica.

  • In October 2001, maintenance work on the GPS and ancillary equipment at Australia's Antarctic base at Casey was carried out. This site forms part of the Australian Regional GPS Network (ARGN). In addition accurate measurements were taken of the relationship between the ARGN monument and the three reference marks to check for any possible local movement since the site was established in December 1993. These measurements also provide a reliable base measurement for future monitoring. A GPS connection and difference in height by optical levelling between the ARGN monument and the tide gauge benchmark was also completed. This report documents the methods and results of these surveys.

  • The Cenozoic glacial history of East Antarctica is recorded in part by the stratigraphy of the Prydz Bay-Lambert Graben region. The glacigene strata and associated erosion surfaces record at least 10 intervals of glacial advance (with accompanying erosion and sediment compaction), and more than 17 intervals of glacial retreat (enabling open marine deposition in Prydz Bay and the Lambert Graben). The number of glacial advances and retreats is considerably less than would be expected from Milankovitch frequencies due to the incomplete stratigraphic record. Large advances of the Lambert Glacier caused progradation of the continental shelf edge. At times of extreme glacial retreat, marine conditions reached > 450 km inland from the modern ice shelf edge. This review presents a partial reconstruction of Cenozoic glacial extent within Prydz Bay and the Lambert Graben that can be compared to eustatic sea-level records from the southern Australian continental margin.

  • Abstract: The Collaborative East Antarctic Marine Census (CEAMARC) surveys to the Terre Adélie and George V shelf and margin highlight the requirement for a revised high resolution depth model that can be used as a spatial tool for improving physical models of the region. We have combined available shiptrack and multibeam bathymetry, coastline and land topographic data to develop a new high-resolution depth model, called GVdem. GVdem spans an area 138°E to 148°E longitude and 63°S to 69°S latitude, with a choice of three ESRI grids with cell pixel sizes: 15 arcsec, 9 arcsec and 3.6 arcsec. The revised depth model is an improvement over previously available regional-scale grids, and highlights seabed physiographic detail not previously observed for this part of East Antarctica. In particular, the extent and complexity of the inner-shelf depressions are revealed and their relationship with large shelf basins and adjacent flat-topped banks.