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22-1/H54-12/4 Vertical scale: 200
22-1/I51-3/1 Contour interval: 20
22-1/H53-9/15 Vertical scale: 1
The Camp Hill Sandstone of Opik (1958) is unconformable not only on the Black Mountain Sandstone but also the State Circle Shale (whose age is established as Late Llandovery by the occurrence of Monograptus exiguus). It is almost certain that the Black Mountain Sandstone overlies the State Circle Shale, and is thus of Late Llandovery age, not Early Ordovician.
A large cylindrical vacuum chamber has been constructed (1180 mm long, 405 mm diameter) and used for impregnating unconsolidated, undisturbed sediment samples. To ensure complete sample impregnation and to avoid stress fracturing of the resin, a very slow-curing impregnating mixture of Daystar Escon CR6-1 polyester resin with 0.5% by volume cumene hydroperoxide hardener is used in this chamber. This gives a curing time for large samples of about 1-3 months. With such long curing times, all but the finest-grained samples have been successfully impregnated.