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A short animation of an atmospheric simulation of methane emissions from a coal mine (produced using TAPM) compared to actual methane concentrations detected by the Atmospheric Monitoring Station, Arcturus in Central Queensland. It illustrates the effectiveness of both the detection and simulation techniques in the monitoring of atmospheric methane emissions. The animation shows a moving trace of both the simulated and actual recorded emissions data, along with windspeed and direction indicators. Some data provided by CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research.
This story map is a concept used to bring a more interactive approach to visualising scientific data. In this application, it is providing an opportunity to raise awareness of the role that Geoscience Australia plays within the nation's disaster risk reduction framework and showcase the innovative modelling and monitoring capability it provides to the nation.
The Geoscience Australia 2015 Snapshot Videos are short 1-2 minute videos explaining key product releases and work programs, hot topics, Geoscience Australia Insights and Highlights articles and Public Talks given by Geoscience Australia scientists including the Geoscience Australia Wednesday Seminars and Distinguished Geoscience Australia Lecturer (DGAL) series.
Short video of earthquakes occurring in Tasmania during 2013 shown as a time lapse.
This short movie tells the story of the making of the <a href="">Radiometric Map of Australia</a>. Scientists at Geoscience Australia have, for the first time, been able to produce a map of Australia showing the distribution of the radioactive elements Potassium, Uranium and Thorium across the continent using airborne geophysical data that have taken over 30 years to acquire. This movie explores the questions: What have we done that is special; Why is it special; How did it all start - history; What is gamma-ray spectrometry; What was the problem encountered and how was it solved; Who uses the map. Flash movie is 17.7MB, 5 Minutes.
This is a 4.5 minute movie showcasing Australia's Benthic Bioregionalisation Zones. It was produced in GA for National Oceans Office Staff in Tasmania.
Geoscience Australia is providing extensive advice, expertise and support to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB). The ATSB is leading a seabed mapping and underwater search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370 in the southern Indian Ocean. Bathymetry is the study and mapping of the sea floor. It involves obtaining measurements of the depth of the ocean and is equivalent to mapping on land. Before the underwater search for MH370 could begin, it was necessary to accurately map the sea floor to ensure that the search is undertaken safely and effectively. Bathymetry survey vessels spent months at sea, scanning the sea floor with multibeam sonar to gather detailed, high-resolution data. The data has revealed many seabed features for the first time. This computer-animated 'flythrough' shows a visualisation of some of the sea floor terrain in the search area.
A selection of images and short animations explaining key aspects of the 2004 Indian Ocean/ Sumatra tsunami, revised and issued for release to the media and other interested organisations on the tenth anniversary of the disaster. This selection updates existing resources previously released by Geoscience Australia.
Staff survey video
A compilation of short animations, describing the key processes involved in tsunami generation.