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  • Compute Moonrise and Moonset Times To use this facility you need to know the latitude and longitude of the location you want to calculate rise and set times for. There are several ways you can determine this:

  • Natural hazards have an impact on every Australian State and Territory. These hazards include bushfires, cyclones, earthquakes, floods, landslides, severe weather, tsunami and volcanoes. These phenomena threaten lives and damage private and public assets, as well as disrupt water, power, transport and communication services. These hazards and their associated impacts also can seriously affect employment, public administration and incomes to industry, agriculture and commerce.

  • This application provides quick-look images and download options of the MOD43 Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance (NBAR) Products generated by ACRES. These products are a composite, generated for MODIS spectral bands 1-7 at the mean solar zenith angle over a 16 day period. In addition to the NBAR composite products, the BRDF parameters for each band, the ancillary, and band quality information are also provided. Each NBAR composite product is in GeoTIFF format at 500 metres resolution. All of the files are compressed using gzip/tar as "*.tar.gz". For Windows gzip/tar support please try WinZip.

  • An application to calculate geomagnetic field values in Australia using the 2010 Australian Geomagnetic Reference Field model (AGRF) model.

  • Geodetic Calculations - Vincenty's Formulae, Direct Method Given the latitude and longitude of a point (1) and the forward geodetic azimuth (1-2) and ellipsoidal distance to a second point (2), calculate the latitude and longitude of the second point and the reverse azimuth (2-1).

  • ANUGA is a software implementation of a hydrodynamic model which is specifically designed to model wetting and drying processes. ANUGA is a joint development project between Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Australian National University (ANU).

  • This application allows the user to see a `real-time' representation of the Earth from a satellite that is currently orbiting our planet. The satellite database that provides the positioning information is updated regularly, but may not reflect the current position of satellites that manoeuvre frequently after reaching orbit.

  • The intended use for this application is to provide spatial discoverability for the Offshore well and seismic datasets within National Offshore Petroleum Information Management System (NOPIMS). This web service within this application is NOPIMS_Offshore_Well_and_Seismic_Discovery will also require to be made into a product. It will display the NOPIMS Offshore Well and Seismic surveys. The data does not provide the actually surveys only the spatial location of what survey can be requested. The wells layer consists of drilling surveys. The 2D seismic survey is conducted along lines and produces a single vertical profile. The 3D seismic survey is conducted over and area and produces a 3D subsurface model.

  • Redfearn's Formula, Grid to Geographic Given Easting, Northing and Zone for a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection, calculate Latitude, Longitude, Grid convergence and Point Scale Factor.

  • FTP directory /geodesy-outgoing/gnss/logs/ at