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  • This service provides access to hydrochemistry data (groundwater and surface water analyses) obtained from water samples collected from Australian water bores or field sites.

  • <p>Lu-Hf isotopic analysis of zircon is becoming a common way to characterise the source signature of granite. The data are collected by MC-LA-ICP-MS (multi-collector laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) as a series of spot analyses on a number of zircons from a single sample. These data are often plotted as spot analyses, and variable significance is attributed to extreme values, and amount of scatter. <p>Lu-Hf data is used to understand the origin of granites, and often a distribution of εHf values is interpreted to derive from heterogeneity in the source or from mixing processes. As with any physical measurement, however, before the data are used to describe geologic processes, care ought to be taken to account for sources of analytical variability. The null hypothesis of any dataset is that there is no difference between measurements that cannot be explained by analytical uncertainty. This null hypothesis must then be disproven using common statistical methods. <p>There are many sources of uncertainty in any analytical method. First is the uncertainty associated with the counting statistics of each analysis. This uncertainty is usually recorded as the SE (standard error) uncertainty attributed to each spot. This uncertainty commonly underestimates the total uncertainty of the population, as it only contains information about the consistency of the measurement within a single analysis. The other source of uncertainty that needs to be characterised is similarity over multiple analyses. This is very difficult to assess in an unknown material, but can be assessed by measuring well-understood reference zircons. <p>Reference materials are characterised by homogeneity in the isotope of interest, and multiple analyses of this material should produce a single statistical population. Where these populations display significant excess scatter, manifested as a MSWD value that far exceeds 1, this means that counting statistics are not the sole source of uncertainty. This can be addressed by expanding the uncertainty on the analyses until the standard zircons form a coherent statistical population. This expansion should then be applied to the unknown zircons to accommodate this ‘spot-to-spot-uncertainty’ or ‘repeatability’ factor. This approach is routinely applied to SHRIMP U-Pb data, and here is similarly applied to Lu-Hf data from granites of the northeast Lachlan Orogen. <p>By applying these uncertainty factors appropriately, it is then possible to assess the homogeneity of unknown materials by calculating weighted means and MSWD factors. The MSWD is a measure of scatter away from a single population (McIntyre et al., 1966; Wendt and Carl, 1991). Where the MSWD is 1, the scatter in data points can be explained solely by analytical means. The higher the MSWD, the less likely it is that the data can be described as a single population. Data which disperses over several εHf units can still be attributed to a single population if the uncertainty envelopes of analyses largely overlap each other. These concepts are illustrated using the data presented in Figure 1. Four out of five of the εHf datasets on zircons from granites form statistically coherent populations (MSWD = 0.69 to 2.4). <p>A high MSWD does not necessarily imply that variation is due to processes occurring during granite formation. Although zircon is a robust mineral, isotopic disturbances are still possible. In the U-Pb system, there is often evidence of post-crystallisation ‘Pb-loss’ which leads to erroneously young apparent U-Pb ages. The Lu-Hf system in zircon is generally thought to be more robust than the U-Pb system, but that does not mean that it is impervious to such effects. In the data set presented in Figure 1, the sample with the most scatter in Lu-Hf (Glenariff Granite, εHf = -0.2 ± 1.5, MSWD = 7.20) is also the sample which had the most rejections in the SHRIMP U-Pb data due to Pb-loss. The subsequent Hf analyses targeted only those grains which fell within the magmatic population (i.e., no observed Pb-loss), but the larger volume excavated by laser Hf analysis means that it is likely that disturbed regions of these grains were incorporated into the measurement. This gives an explanation for the scatter that has nothing to do with geological source characteristics. <p>This line of logic can similarly be applied to all types of multi-spot analyses, including O-isotope analyses. While most of the εHf datasets presented here form coherent populations, the O-isotope data are significantly more scattered (MSWD = 2.8 to 9.4). The analyses on the unknowns scatter much more than on the co-analysed TEMORA2 reference zircon. This implies a source of scatter additional to those described above. In addition to the above described sources of uncertainty, O-isotope analysis by SIMS is also extremely sensitive to topography on the surface of the epoxy into which zircons are mounted (Ickert et al., 2008). O isotopes may also be susceptible to post-formation disturbance and so care should also be taken when interpreting O data, before assigning geological meaning. <p>While it is possible for Lu-Hf and O analyses of zircons in granites to reflect heterogeneous sources and/or complex formation processes, it is important to first exclude other sources of heterogeneity such as analytical sources of uncertainty, and post-formation isotopic disturbances.

  • Lord Howe Island is a small, mid-ocean volcanic and carbonate island in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. Skeletal carbonate eolianite and beach calcarenite on the island are divisible into two formations based on lithostratigraphy. The Searles Point Formation comprises eolianite units bounded by clay-rich paleosols. Pore-filling sparite and microsparite are the dominant cements in these eolianite units, and recrystallised grains are common. Outcrops exhibit karst features such as dolines, caves and subaerially exposed relict speleothems. The Neds Beach Formation overlies the Searles Point Formation and consists of dune and beach units bounded by weakly developed fossil soil horizons. These younger deposits are characterised by grain-contact and meniscus cements, with patchy pore-filling micrite and mirosparite. The calcarenite comprises several disparate successions that contain a record of up to 7 discrete phases of deposition. A chronology is constructed based on U/Th ages of speleothems and corals, TL ages of dune and paleosols, AMS 14C and amino acid racemization (AAR) dating of land snails and AAR whole-rock dating of eolianite. These data indicate dune units and paleosols of the Searles Point Formation were emplaced during oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 7 and earlier in the Middle Pleistocene. Beach units of the Neds Beach Formation were deposited during OIS 5e while dune units were deposited during two major phases, the first coeval with or shortly after the beach units, the second later during OIS 5 (e.g. OIS 5a) when the older dune and beach units were buried. Large-scale exposures and morphostratigraphical features indicate much of the carbonate was emplaced as transverse and climbing dunes, with the sediment source located seaward of and several metres below the present shoreline. The lateral extent and thickness of the eolianite deposits contrast markedly with the relatively small modern dunes.

  • Throughout New Zealand, the Torlesse Supergroup forms an extensive Permian to Cretaceous accretionary wedge of rather monotonous, sandstone-dominated turbidites. In contrast to contemporaneous rocks in neighbouring terranes within the accretionary wedge, the turbidites have less intermediate-volcaniclastic compositions, and show more quartzose, continent-derived, plutonic provenances. Petrographic, geochemical, isotopic and detrital mineral age characteristics all indicate that they did not originate at the contemporary Gondwanaland margin in New Zealand, but rather, constitute a suspect terrane (Torlesse Terrane), having sediment sources elsewhere along the margin. This latter subject has been controversial, with sediment sources suggested in Antarctica, southern South America and northeast Australia, but detailed Torlesse detrital mineral (zircon and mica) age data and bulk rock Sr-isotope patterns can be best matched for the most part with Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic sources in the New England Orogen, and the remainder with Cambrian and Ordovician sources in its hinterland.

  • The Nolans Bore deposit, located in the Aileron Province of south-central Northern Territory, is an emerging Australian rare earth development. It consists of steeply northwest dipping apatite veins hosted by ~1806 Ma granite gneiss. A preliminary ~1240 Ma U-Pb age for apatite may correspond to a major global period of alkalic magmatism between 1300 and 1130 Ma, including emplacement of the Bayan Obo deposit in China. Low ?Nd and 87Sr/86Sr in the mineralisation is reminiscent of modern EM-1 ocean island basalts and may indicate a link to carbonatitic magmatism. Oxygen isotope thermometry indicates a mineralisation temperature of 410°C, with '18Ofluid of ~8.0'. Fertilisation of the mantle to produce the EM-1 source may relate to subduction associated with convergence along the southern margin of the North Australian Craton.

  • Devonian-Carboniferous granites are widespread in Tasmania. In the east they intrude the Ordovician-Early Devonian quartzwacke turbidites of the Mathinna Supergroup, whereas the western Tasmanian granites intrude a more diverse terrane of predominantly shelf sequences, with depositional ages extending probably back to the Late Mesoproterozoic. The earliest (~400 Ma) I-type granodiorites in the east may be arc-related and pre-date the Tabberabberan Orogeny (~388 Ma), which appears to represent the juxtaposition of the two terranes. Subsequently more felsic and finally strongly fractionated I- and S-type granites were emplaced until ~373 Ma. In western Tasmania, mostly felsic and fractionated I- and S-types granites were emplaced from ~374-351 Ma, possibly in response to back-arc or post-collisional crustal extension

  • New provenance data from Palaeoproterozoic and possible Archaean sedimentary units in the central eastern Gawler Craton forms part of a growing dataset suggesting that the Gawler Craton shares important basin formation and tectonic time lines with the adjacent Curnamona Province and the Isan Inlier in northern Australia. U-Pb dating of detrital zircons from the Eba Formation (previously mapped as Tarcoola Formation), yield exclusively Archaean ages (~2530-3300 Ma). This is consistent with whole rock Nd and zircon Hf isotopic data for the Eba Formation which have evolved compositions. Elsewhere in the eastern Gawler Craton, cover sequences historically considered to be Palaeoproterozoic in age also contain exclusively Neo and Meso Archaean aged detrital zircons (Reid et al, 2009 Econ. Geol.; Szpunar et al, 2007, SGTSG). The absence of Palaeoproterozoic detrital grains in several differently mapped sequences (including the Eba Formation) despite the proximity of voluminous Palaeoproterozoic rock units, suggests that the Eba Formation may be part of a Neo-Archaean or early Palaeoproterozoic cover sequence derived from erosion of a complex Archaean aged source region. The Labyrinth Formation unconformably overlies the Eba Quartzite, and contains rhyolitic units that constrain deposition to 1715 ± 9 Ma (Fanning et al., 2007; PIRSA Bulletin 55). This age is identical to the timing of deposition of the lower Willyama Supergroup in the adjacent Curnamona Province. Detrital zircon ages in the Labyrinth Formation range from NeoArchaean to Palaeoproterozoic, and are consistent with derivation from > 1715 Ma components of the Gawler Craton. Isotopic zircon Hf data and whole rock Nd data also suggest a source region with a mixed crustal evolution (-Nd -4.5 to -6), consistent with what is known about the Gawler Craton. Compared to the Lower Willyama Supergroup, the Labyrinth Formation has a source more obviously reconcilable with the Gawler Craton.

  • Database containing analytical data and interpretations from the Geoscience Geoscience (GA) geochronology program. Includes some legacy methods and externally sourced data. A collection of analytical data to support geochronology data or ages used in other reporting and publications.

  • Australia as it exists today is a product of geological processes that have occurred over its 4.5 billion year history. Isotopic studies are one approach to understanding the history and evolution of the Australian continent. Isotope geochronology tells us about the timing of a wide range of geological processes like crystallisation, deformation and cooling of rocks. Isotope geochemistry informs on the precursor components from which the rocks formed, and can act as 'paleogeophysical' sensors to tell us more about the subsurface. The Isotopic Atlas of Australia brings together five of the most widely used isotopic systems in geology and delivers publicly available maps and datasets in a consistent format. This work is unlocking the collective value of decades of investment in data collection, and facilitating qualitative and quantitative comparison and integration with other datasets such as geophysical images. This talk will be an introduction to the world of isotopes as applied to understand geology, and an overview of the Isotopic Atlas recently produced as part of the Exploring for the Future Program.

  • Metallogenic, geologic and isotopic data indicate secular changes in the character of VHMS deposits relate to changes in tectonic processes, tectonic cycles, and changes in the hydrosphere and atmosphere. The distribution of these deposits is episodic, with peaks at 2740-2680 Ma, 1910-1840 Ma, 510-460 Ma and 370-355 Ma that correspond to the assembly of Kenorland, Nuna, Gondwana and Pangea. Quiescent periods of VHMS formation correspond to periods of supercontinent stability. Large ranges in source 238U/204Pb that characterize VHMS deposits in the Archean and Proterozoic indicate early (Hadean to Paleoarchean) differentiation. A progressive decrease in - variability suggests homogenisation with time of these differentiated sources. Secular increases in the amount of lead and decreases in 100Zn/(Zn+Pb) relate to an increase in felsic-dominated sequences as hosts to deposits and an absolute increase in the abundance of lead in the crust with time. The increase in sulfate minerals in VHMS deposits from virtually absent in the Meso- to Neoarchean to relatively common in the Phanerozoic relates to oxidation of the hydrosphere. Total sulfur in the oceans increased, resulting in an increasingly important contribution of seawater sulfur to VHMS ore fluids with time. Most sulfur in Archean to Paleoproterozoic deposits was derived by leaching rocks below deposits, with little contribution from seawater, resulting in uniform, near-zero-permil values of 34Ssulfide. In contrast the more variable values of younger deposits reflect the increasing importance of seawater sulfur. Unlike Meso- to Neoarchean deposits, Paleoarchean deposits contain abundant barite, which is inferred to have been derived from photolytic decomposition of atmospheric SO2 and does not reflect overall oxidised oceans. Archean and Proterozoic seawater was more salty than Phanerozoic, particularly upper Phanerozoic, seawater. VHMS fluids ore fluids reflect this, also being saltier in Precambrian deposits.