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  • Abstract is too large to be pasted here. See TRIM link: D2011-144613

  • The inventory of over 200 fault scarps captured in GA's Australian neotectonics database has been used to estimate the maximum magnitude earthquake (Mmax) across the Stable Continental Regions (SCRs) of Australia. This was done by first grouping the scarps according to the spatial divisions described in the recently published neotectonics domain model and calculating the 75th percentile scarp length for each domain. The mean Mmax was then found by averaging the maximum magnitudes predicted from a range of different published relations. Results range between Mw 7.0-7.5±0.2. This suggests that potentially catastrophic earthquakes are possible Australia-wide. These data can form the basis for future seismic hazard assessments, including those for building design codes, both in Australia and analogous SCRs worldwide.

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • This set is composed of a selection of geoscience booklets, paper models and an image set - Climate Change booklet - Time and Life Booklet - Volcanoes booklet - Earthquakes booklet - Australian Earthquakes image set - Plate Tectonics booklet - Plate tectonics 3D paper model set Suitable for secondary Year levels 7-12

  • The role of neotectonism in the recent landscape evolution of the Eastern Blue Mountains, NSW Dan Clark, Andrew McPherson and Kerrie Tomkins Faults of the Lapstone Structural Complex (LSC) underlie 100 km, and perhaps as much as 160 km, of the eastern range front of the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney. More than a dozen major faults and monoclinal flexures have been mapped along its extent. The Lapstone Monocline is the most prominent of the flexures, and accounts for more than three quarters of the deformation across the complex at its northern end. Opinion varies as to whether recent tectonism, erosional exhumation of a pre-existing structure, or a combination of both, best accounts for the deeply dissected Blue Mountains plateau that we see today. We present results from an ongoing investigation of Mountain Lagoon, a small fault-bound basin bordering the Kurrajong Fault in the northern part of the LSC. Drilling has identified 15 m of fluvial, colluvial and lacustrine sediments overlying shale bedrock trapped behind a sandstone fault barrier corresponding to the Kurrajong Fault. Dating of pollen grains preserved in the basal sediments overlying shale suggest that the fault angle depression began trapping sediment in the Early to Middle Miocene. Strongly heated Permo-Triassic gymnosperm pollen in the same strata provides circumstantial evidence that sediment accumulation postdates the emplacement of basalts at Green Scrub at ca. 18.8 Ma. Our results indicate that only 15 m of the 130 m of throw across the Kurrajong Fault is Neogene in age. From this it may be deduced that erosional exhumation is the dominant process responsible for formation of the deeply dissected Blue Mountains landscape. However, it is also possible to demonstrate the influence of ongoing tectonism on stream channel over-steepening, knick point initiation, and the continuing dissection of the plateau.