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  • In addition to typical seafloor VHMS deposits, the ~3240 Ma Panorama district contains contemporaneous greisen- and vein-hosted Mo-Cu-Zn-Sn occurrences that hosted by the Strelley granite complex, which drove VHMS circulation. High-temperature alteration zones in volcanic rocks underlying the VHMS deposits are dominated by quartz-chlorite±albite assemblages, with lesser low-temperature quartz-sericite±K-feldspar assemblages, typical of VHMS hydrothermal systems. Alteration assemblages associated with granite-hosted greisens and veins, which do not extend into the overlying volcanc pile, include quartz-topaz-muscovite-fluorite and quartz-muscovite(sericite)-chlorite-ankerite. Fluid inclusion and stable isotope data suggest that the greisens formed from high temperature (~590C), high salinity (38-56 wt % NaCl equiv) fluids with high densities (>1.3 g/cm3) and high -18O (9.3±0.6-), which are compatible with magmatic fluids evolved from the Strelley granite complex. Fluids in the volcanic pile (including the VHMS ore-forming fluids) were of lower temperature (90-270C), lower salinity (5.0-11.2 wt % NaCl equiv), with lower densities (0.88-1.01 g/cm3) and lower -18O (-0.8±2.6), compatible with evolved Paleoarchean seawater. Fluids that formed the quartz-chalcopyrite-sphalerite-cassiterite veins, which are present within the upper granite complex, were intermediate in temperature and isotopic composition (T = 240-315C; -18O = 4.3±1.5-) and are interpreted to indicate mixing between the two end-member fluids. Evidence of mixing between evolved seawater and magmatic-hydrothermal fluid in the granite complex, along with a lack of evidence for a magmatic component in fluids from the volcanic pile, suggest partitioning of magmatic-hydrothermal from evolved seawater hydrothermal systems in the Panorama VHMS system, interpreted as a consequence swamping of the system by evolved seawater or density contrasts.

  • Physical property measurements provide a critical link between geological observations and geophysical measurements and modelling. To enhance the reliability of gravity and magnetic modelling in the Yilgarn Craton's Agnew-Wiluna greenstone belt, mass and magnetic properties were analysed on 157 new rock samples and combined with an existing corporate database of field measurements. The new samples include sulphide ore, serpentinised and olivine-bearing ultramafic host rocks, granitoid, and felsic and mafic volcanic and volcaniclastic country rock. Synthesis of the data provides a useful resource for future geophysical modelling in the region. Several rock types in the region have sufficiently distinct physical properties that a discriminant diagram is proposed to facilitate a basic classification of rock types based on physical properties. However the accumulation of emplacement, metamorphic, hydrothermal and structural processes has complicated the physical properties of the rocks by imposing duplicate and sometimes opposing physical property trends. The data confirms that massive sulphide and ultramafic rocks have the most distinctive mass and magnetic properties but with variability imposed by their complex history. Sulphide content imposes the strongest control on densities, but can only be identified when comprising > 10 vol. % of the rock. The pyrrhotite-rich Ni-sulphide assemblages generally have similar magnetic properties to the host ultramafic rocks, but can have much lower susceptibilities where the thermal history of the rocks has favoured development of hexagonal pyrrhotite over monoclinic pyrrhotite. In ultramafic rocks that contain < 10 vol. % sulphides, density and susceptibility are primarily controlled by serpentinisation, with olivine breaking down to serpentine and magnetite in the presence of water.

  • An integrated package comprising geological, structural, geophysical, geochronological and geochemical data. The GIS encompasses the outcropping and covered portions of Palaeoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic rocks straddling the NSW-SA border (the Broken Hill, Euriowie, Olary, Mount Painter and Mount Babbage Inliers). The GIS features recent data collected by the Broken Hill Exploration Initiative.

  • Gold deposits in the Archaean Eastern Goldfields Province in Western Australia were deposited in greenstone supracrustal rocks by fluids migrating up crustal scale fault zones. Regional ENE-WSW D2 shortening of the supracrustal rocks was detached from lower crustal shortening at a regional sub-horizontal detachment surface which transects stratigraphy below the base of the greenstones. Major gold deposits lie close to D3 strike slip faults that extend through the detachment surface and into the middle to lower crust. The detachment originally formed at a depth near the plastic-viscous transition. In orogenic systems the plastic-viscous transition correlates with a low permeability pressure seal separating essentially lithostatic fluid pressures in the upper crust from supralithostatic fluid pressures in the lower crust. This situation arises from collapse in permeability below the plastic-viscous transition because fluid pressures cannot match the mean stress in the rock. If the low permeability pressure seal is subsequently broken by a through-going fault, fluids below the seal would flow into the upper crust. Large, deeply penetrating faults are therefore ideal for focussing fluid flow into the upper crust. Dilatant deformation associated with sliding on faults or the development of shear zones above the seal will lead to tensile failure and fluid-filled extension fractures. In compressional orogens, the extensional fractures would be sub-horizontal, have poor vertical connectivity for fluid movement and could behave as fluids reservoirs. Seismic bright spots at 15-25 km depth in Tibet, Japan and the western United States have been described as examples of present day water or magma concentrations within orogens. The likely drop in rock strength associated with overpressured fluid-rich zones would make this region just above the plastic-viscous transition an ideal depth range to nucleate a regional detachment surface in a deforming crust.

  • Economic geologists and remote sensing specialists have long been interested in hydrothermal systems for their valuable ore deposits. Alteration mineral assemblages caused by hydrothermal activity typically display certain spectral characteristics due to vibration of the hydroxyl (OH-) anion in the near infrared. This feature can be exploited by satellites using imaging infrared spectrometers. Hyperspectral equipment such as the Australian built HyMap airborne system and the PIMA II field spectrometer collect detailed spectral information, often in contiguous wavelengths, which can be analysed and interpreted to make highly detailed mineralogical and alteration pattern maps . Two Precambrian hydrothermal systems, well suited to testing remote sensing of hydrothermal systems are described here, the first in the northern Flinders Ranges in South Australia, comprising one of Earth?s largest hydrothermal deposits and, the second in the North Pole Dome in the Pilbara region of north western Australia, host to many famous stromatolitic horizons.

  • Comprehensive studies of the well preserved, Paleoarchean Panorama volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VHMS) district provide for the first time definitive evidence that Zn, Pb, Cu, Mo and Ba were leached from the base of the volcanic pile and redeposited at the top in VHMS deposits. This leaching provided more than enough metal to form known deposits, implying that direct input of metal is not required. Sulfur is depleted from the base of the volcanic pile, in line with an increase in Fe2O3/FeO and hematite alteration. These data, combine with sulfur isotope data, indicate that seawater sulfate reduction was facilitated by the oxidation of rock FeO to hematite at high temperature in the H2S stability field. This is the first time such processes have been demonstrated regionally in ancient VHMS mineral systems. The data presented here require Paleoarchean seawater to be sulfate-bearing.

  • A metamorphic database covering the entire eastern Yilgarn Craton has been compiled from pre-existing mapping, 14,500 sites with qualitative metamorphic information, and 470 new key sites with detailed quantitative metamorphic data including P, T, temperature/depth ratio and P-T paths. The derived temporal and spatial patterns contrast with previous tectonic models and invariant crustal depth with the single prograde metamorphic event of the long-standing metamorphic paradigm. In particular, there are large variations in peak metamorphic crustal depths (12 to 31 km), and five metamorphic periods can now be recognised. &#149; Ma: Very localised, low-P granulite of high temperature/depth ratio (>50ºC/km). &#149; M1: High-P (8.7kb), low temperature/depth ratio (<20ºC/km) assemblages localised to major shear zones with clockwise isothermal decompression P-T paths. &#149; M2: Regional matrix parageneses with T ranging 300-550ºC across greenstone belts and elevated temperature/depth ratio of 30-40ºC/km throughout. Tight clockwise paths evolved through maximum prograde pressures of 6 kb and peak metamorphic pressures of 3.5-5.0 kb. &#149; M3a: An extension related thermal pulse localised on the Ockerburry Fault and post-volcanic late basins. Anticlockwise paths to peak conditions of 500-580ºC and 4.0 kb, define moderately high temperature/depth ratio of 40-50ºC/km. &#149; M3b: Multiple localised hydrothermal alteration events during a period of exhumation from 4 kb to 1 kb. Metamorphic patterns during each event have been temporally and spatially integrated with the new deformation framework (Blewett & Czarnota, 2007c) by a process of metamorphic domain analysis and using metamorphic field gradients. The continual evolution with time of fundamental metamorphic parameters throughout the entire history have been constructed as evolution curves and integrated with the deformation, magmatic, stratigraphic and mineralization history. <p>Related material<a href="">East Yilgarn Craton Metamorphism and Strain</a> - Map.</p>