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  • This is a dataset of the world divided into 1° by 1° blocks, in the WGS84 datum. The blocks are organised and named using the International UTM Map Index and contain attribution concerning name, area and point of origin. The dataset is intended to assist with offshore fisheries, petroleum and minerals licensing by providing a regular graticulated system of blocks. The blocks were created using the same method as used for the Australian Offshore Minerals Blocks, and have used the same naming convention, which is derived from the map sheets. The blocks have been densified with a vertex added every 30 seconds to ensure they display correctly regardless of map projection.

  • A geodatabase depicting the International Map of the World numbering index as 1: 1,000,000 Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) blocks with attribution.

  • Publicly available baseline ecology data are compiled to provide a common information base for environment, resource development and regulatory decisions in the Galilee Basin region. This web service summarises existing knowledge of the ecosystems and environmental assets in the Galilee Basin region.

  • Publicly available geology data are compiled to provide a common information base for resource development and regulatory decisions in the Adavale Basin region. This web service summarises the geology of the Adavale Basin.

  • Publicly available data was compiled to provide a common information base for resource development, and environmental and regulatory decisions in the Cooper Basin. This web service summarises the geological storage of carbon dioxide prospectivity of the Cooper Basin.

  • The potential for hydrogen production in the Adavale Basin region is assessed to provide a joint information base for hydrogen generation potential from renewable energy, groundwater, and natural gas coupled with carbon capture and storage (CCS). This web service summarises hydrogen potential in the Adavale Basin region.

  • Publicly available groundwater data have been compiled to inform environmental, resource development and regulatory decisions in the Adavale Basin region. This web service summarises salinity, water levels, resource size, potential aquifer yield and surface water–groundwater interactions for the Galilee Basin located within the Adavale Basin region.

  • Publicly available data was compiled to provide a common information base for resource development, environmental and regulatory decisions in the Galilee Basin. This web service summarises oil and gas prospectivity of the Galilee Basin.

  • This dataset includes point estimates of groundwater recharge in mm/year. Recharge rates have been estimated at monitoring bore locations in the basaltic aquifers of the Nulla and McBride basalt provinces. Recharge estimates have been calculated using the “chloride mass balance” method. The chloride mass balance process assumes that the chloride ion is a conservative tracer in precipitation, evapotranspiration, recharge and runoff; and that all the chloride is from rainfall, instead of for example halite saturation or dissolution processes. So the volumetric water balance and the flux of chloride balance must both be true. Assuming that runoff and evapotranspiration are negligible (so approximated by zero), the equation is simplified: Water balance P=ET+R+Q Water balance multiplied by chloride concentrations (chloridefluxbalance) P∙Cl_ppt=ET∙Cl_ET+R∙Cl_gw+Q∙Cl_riv | ΔCl_reac≈0 Assumptions to simplify equation P∙Cl_ppt=R∙Cl_gw | Q≈0 & ET≈0 Rearranging for recharge rate (unknown) R=P∙(Cl_ppt)/(Cl_gw ) | Q≈0 & ET≈0 Where P = precipitation rate; ET = evapotranspiration rate; R = recharge rate; Q = runoff to streams; Clppt = concentration of Cl in precipitation; ClET = concentration of chloride in evapotranspiration; Clgw = concentration of Cl in groundwater; Clriv = concentration of chloride in river runoff; ΔClreac = change in chloride concentrations from reactions.

  • Publicly available geology data are compiled to provide a common information base for resource development and regulatory decisions in the north Bowen Basin region. This web service summarises the geology of the north Bowen Basin.