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The foraminiferid faunas of 14 samples of Tertiary nanno foram chalks of Late Paleocene to Early Pliocene age are documented. They are the first described from the Exmouth Plateau. The Globorotalia fohsi lineage is documented for the first time from northwestern Australia. Bulava indica Boltovskoy, originally described from the Indian Ocean, is part of a planktic species belonging to Protentella or Hastigerinella. Coiling ratio changes from several species of Globorotalia suggest cooling in the Middle Miocene.
Gravity data measure small changes in gravity due to changes in the density of rocks beneath the Earth's surface. The data collected are processed via standard methods to ensure the response recorded is that due only to the rocks in the ground. The results produce datasets that can be interpreted to reveal the geological structure of the sub-surface. The processed data is checked for quality by GA geophysicists to ensure that the final data released by GA are fit-for-purpose. This North Perth Gingin Brook Gravity Spherical Cap Bouger Anomaly 267GU Geodetic p201360.ers is a complete Bouguer anomaly grid for the North Perth Gingin Brook Gravity Survey, 2013 (P201360) survey. This gravity survey was acquired under the project No. 201360 for the geological survey of WA. The grid has a cell size of 0.00363 degrees (approximately 374m). The data are given in units of um/s^2, also known as 'gravity units', or gu. A total of 1236 gravity stations were acquired to produce this grid.
Gravity data measures small changes in gravity due to changes in the density of rocks beneath the Earth's surface. The data collected are processed via standard methods to ensure the response recorded is that due only to the rocks in the ground. The results produce datasets that can be interpreted to reveal the geological structure of the sub-surface. The processed data is checked for quality by GA geophysicists to ensure that the final data released by GA are fit-for-purpose. This Wyloo Geochem-Gravity (P199861) contains a total of 1245 point data values acquired at a spacing of 4000 metres. The data is located in WA and were acquired in 1998, under project No. 199861 for Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO); Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA).
Structural mapping and reconnaissance K-Ar studies have helped to delineate and date the latest deformational stages (D4 and D5) in the King Leopold Orogen, to the north of the Canning Basin. The dates have been determined for schists selected from both contractional shear zones and from rocks metamorphosed to the lower greenschist facies during the final phase of basement deformation. These dates imply that the basement-deforming event started in the latest Precambrian to earliest Cambrian (ca 560 Ma), and that tectonism recurred in the latest Cambrian to earliest Ordovician (ca 500 Ma). The final contractional deformation is slightly older than the oldest-known sedimentary rocks in the basin (latest Tremadoc), and helps to define the time that basin subsidence started .
The radiometric, or gamma-ray spectrometric method, measures the natural variations in the gamma-rays detected near the Earth's surface as the result of the natural radioactive decay of potassium (K), uranium (U) and thorium (Th). The data collected are processed via standard methods to ensure the response recorded is that due only to the rocks in the ground. The results produce datasets that can be interpreted to reveal the geological structure of the sub-surface. The processed data is checked for quality by GA geophysicists to ensure that the final data released by GA are fit-for-purpose. The terrestrial dose rate grid is derived as a linear combination of the filtered K, U and Th grids. A low pass filter is applied to this grid to generate the filtered terrestrial dose rate grid. This GSWA North Canning 4 Lagrange Munro 2010 Doserate Grid Geodetic has a cell size of 0.00083 degrees (approximately 90m) and shows the terrestrial dose rate of the Lagrange-Munro, WA, 2010 (North Canning 4). The data used to produce this grid was acquired in 2010 by the WA Government, and consisted of 103921 line-kilometres of data at 400m line spacing and 60m terrain clearance.
The radiometric, or gamma-ray spectrometric method, measures the natural variations in the gamma-rays detected near the Earth's surface as the result of the natural radioactive decay of potassium (K), uranium (U) and thorium (Th). The data collected are processed via standard methods to ensure the response recorded is that due only to the rocks in the ground. The results produce datasets that can be interpreted to reveal the geological structure of the sub-surface. The processed data is checked for quality by GA geophysicists to ensure that the final data released by GA are fit-for-purpose. This radiometric potassium grid has a cell size of 0.00083 degrees (approximately 88m) and shows potassium element concentration of the Byro, WA, 2008 in units of percent (or %). The data used to produce this grid was acquired in 2008 by the WA Government, and consisted of 84239 line-kilometres of data at 400m line spacing and 60m terrain clearance.
Gravity data measures small changes in gravity due to changes in the density of rocks beneath the Earth's surface. The data collected are processed via standard methods to ensure the response recorded is that due only to the rocks in the ground. The results produce datasets that can be interpreted to reveal the geological structure of the sub-surface. The processed data is checked for quality by GA geophysicists to ensure that the final data released by GA are fit-for-purpose. This Grant's Patch Contract Survey (P200061) contains a total of 5668 point data values acquired at a spacing between 50 and 200 metres. The data is located in WA and were acquired in 2000, under project No. 200061 for Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO).
Gravity data measures small changes in gravity due to changes in the density of rocks beneath the Earth's surface. The data collected are processed via standard methods to ensure the response recorded is that due only to the rocks in the ground. The results produce datasets that can be interpreted to reveal the geological structure of the sub-surface. The processed data is checked for quality by GA geophysicists to ensure that the final data released by GA are fit-for-purpose. This Poole Range Detail Gravity (P195310) contains a total of 32 point data values acquired at a spacing of 1500 metres. The data is located in WA and were acquired in 1953, under project No. 195310 for None.
The radiometric, or gamma-ray spectrometric method, measures the natural variations in the gamma-rays detected near the Earth's surface as the result of the natural radioactive decay of potassium (K), uranium (U) and thorium (Th). The data collected are processed via standard methods to ensure the response recorded is that due only to the rocks in the ground. The results produce datasets that can be interpreted to reveal the geological structure of the sub-surface. The processed data is checked for quality by GA geophysicists to ensure that the final data released by GA are fit-for-purpose. This radiometric uranium grid has a cell size of 0.00083 degrees (approximately 88m) and shows uranium element concentration of the Carnarvon Basin South, WA, 2011 in units of parts per million (or ppm). The data used to produce this grid was acquired in 2012 by the WA Government, and consisted of 124028 line-kilometres of data at 400m line spacing and 60m terrain clearance.
Gravity data measure small changes in gravity due to changes in the density of rocks beneath the Earth's surface. The data collected are processed via standard methods to ensure the response recorded is that due only to the rocks in the ground. The results produce datasets that can be interpreted to reveal the geological structure of the sub-surface. The processed data is checked for quality by GA geophysicists to ensure that the final data released by GA are fit-for-purpose. This West Murchison Gravity Complete Spherical Cap Bouguer 1VD Grid Geodetic is the first vertical derivative of the complete spherical cap Bouguer anomaly grid for the West Murchison Gravity Survey (P201260). This gravity survey was acquired under the project No. 201260 for the geological survey of WA. The grid has a cell size of 0.00478 degrees (approximately 499m). A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) process was applied to the original grid to calculate the first vertical derivative grid. A total of 11816 gravity stations at 2500m spacing were acquired to produce this grid.