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  • Australia's North West Shelf (NW Shelf) has been the premier hydrocarbon exploration and production province for over 30 years. Despite the large number of geological studies completed in this region, numerous geological questions remain to be answered such as the provenance of reservoir units and how this relates to reservoir quality, extent and correlation. Submission of offshore sample material by explorers on the NW Shelf has allowed U-Pb age results to be determined; providing insights into the potential provenance and sedimentary transport pathways of various Triassic to Cretaceous reservoir facies. Initial results reveal that the proximal Pilbara, Yilgarn and Kimberly cratons were not major proto-sources during the Middle to Upper Triassic. The prospective, Mungaroo Formation appears to display a Triassic volcanic signature; the source of which remains enigmatic, but numerous grain characteristics suggest a source proximal to the Exmouth Plateau. Many samples show a Gondwana Assemblage age. Sediment sources of this age are absent on the Australian continent suggesting a distal origin - most likely the Antarctic and Indian blocks. Transport pathways, for the Triassic Mungaroo Formation, are interpreted as possibly northward through a proto-Perth Basin or north-westward through the Gascoyne-Hamersley-Pilbara regions. Other results suggest subtle differences in provenance of the sediments between the Exmouth Plateau and Rankin Platform, and that the provenance signatures of the Bonaparte, Canning and Perth basins show distinctively different provenance signatures.

  • The Kalkadoon-Leichhardt Domain of the Mount Isa Inlier has been interpreted to represent the ‘basement’ of the larger inlier, onto which many of the younger, economically prospective sedimentary and volcanic units were deposited. The domain itself is dominated by 1860–1850 Ma granitic to volcanic Kalkadoon Supersuite rocks, but these units are interpreted to have been emplaced/erupted onto older units of the Kurbayia Metamorphic Complex. This study aims to provide insights into a number of geological questions: 1. What is the isotopic character of the pre-1860–1850 Ma rocks? 2. How do these vary laterally within the Kalkadoon-Leichhardt Domain? 3. What is the tectonic/stratigraphic relationship between the 1860–1850 Ma rocks of the Mount Isa Inlier and c. 1850 Ma rocks of the Tennant Creek region and Greater McArthur Basin basement? Detrital zircon U–Pb results indicate the presence of 2500 Ma detritus within the Kurbayia Metamorphic Complex, suggesting that the Kalkadoon-Leichhardt Domain was a sedimentary depocentre in the Paleoproterozoic and potentially had sources such as the Pine Creek Orogen, or, as some authors suggest, potential sources from cratons in northern North America. Existing Hf and Nd-isotopic data suggest that the ‘basement’ units of the Mount Isa Inlier have early Proterozoic model ages (TDM) of 2500–2000 Ma. Oxygen and Hf-isotopic studies on samples from this study will allow us to test these models, and provide further insights into the character and history of these ‘basement’ rocks within the Mount Isa Inlier, and northern Australia more broadly.

  • This Record presents new Sensitive High Resolution Ion Micro Probe (SHRIMP) U–Pb geochronological results for six drill core samples from the Rover mineral field, an area of prospective Palaeoproterozoic rocks southwest of Tennant Creek that is entirely concealed below younger sedimentary cover rocks. The work is part of an ongoing collaborative effort between Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Northern Territory Geological Survey (NTGS) that aims to better understand the geological evolution and mineral potential of this region. SHRIMP U–Pb detrital zircon results from two samples, a meta-siltstone/mudstone from the Au–Cu–Bi Rover 1 deposit (drillhole WGR1D011; sample BW20PGF090) and a volcaniclastic sandstone from the Explorer 142 prospect (drillhole NR142D001; sample BW20PGF156) gave near identical maximum depositional ages of 1849.1 ± 3.1 Ma and 1848.9 ± 3.0 Ma respectively. The euhedral nature of the zircons in both samples and their unimodal age distributions, support the interpretation that the maximum depositional ages of these samples are good approximations for their true age of deposition. These results are a very close match with U–Pb zircon geochronology of some other drill core samples from the Rover mineral field. Two magmatic rocks from drillhole RVDD0002 (located in the East of the Rover field), gave ages of ca 1851–1850 Ma, while a volcaniclastic sandstone from RVDD0002 gave a maximum depositional age of 1854.0 ± 2.9 Ma (Cross et al 2021). Our new results from drillholes WGR1D011 and NR142D001 confirm the widespread presence of detrital zircons at ca 1854–1849 Ma across much of the Rover mineral field. SHRIMP U–Pb detrital zircon analysis was undertaken on four samples from the base metal Curiosity prospect drillhole, MXCURD002. The first sample analysed GS20PGF058 [520.0–525.7 m], has a maxima at ca 1842 Ma but youngest statistical grouping at 1729 ± 17 Ma (n = 6). This is in stark contrast with a previous sample from this drillhole (GS19DLH0056 [437.63–438.18 m]) that is 82 metres above GS20PGF058, and gave a MDA of 1854.0 ± 2.9 Ma (Cross et al 2021). In an effort to further investigate the ca 1729 Ma date given by GS20PGF058, three further samples were collected from drillhole MXCURD002, one sample below, GS20PGF190 [525.7–531.5 m] and two samples above, GS20PGF085 [515.0–520.0 m] and GS20PGF084 [468.1–473.45 m]. Additionally, samples GS20PGF190 and GS20PGF085 are continuations of the same meta-siltstone/mudstone unit sampled by GS20PGF058. These three samples returned maximum depositional ages of 1851.7 ± 3.9 Ma (GS20PGF085), 1846.6 ± 3.2 Ma (GS20PGF190) and 1841 ± 12 Ma (GS20PGF084). They are also indistinguishable within their uncertainties (MSWD = 0.71, POF = 0.49) and have an average date of ca 1848 Ma. Therefore, the evidence from SHRIMP U–Pb detrital zircon studies of four rocks from drillhole MXCURD002 (this study and that of Cross et al 2021), indicates that the metasedimentary rocks in MXCURD002 were probably deposited at ca 1850 Ma, similar to other metasedimentary units within the Rover mineral field. We suggest that the relatively younger statistical grouping in sample GS20PGF058 at ca 1730 Ma is possibly the result of isotopic re-setting due to a thermal and/or fluid event associated with lead–zinc–copper mineralisation at a similar time which has been recently reported by Farias et al (2022). Although other explanations to explain the ca 1730 Ma grains in this sample such as laboratory contamination or that the zircons have in fact preserved their original crystallisation age, cannot be ruled out. <b>Bibliographic Reference:</b> Cross AJ, Farias PG and Huston DL, 2022. Summary of results. Joint NTGS–GA geochronology project: Rover mineral field, Warramunga Province, July–December 2020. <i>Northern Territory Geological Survey</i>, <b>Record 2022-005</b>.

  • This Record presents new Sensitive High Resolution Ion Micro Probe (SHRIMP) U–Pb geochronological results for five drill core samples from the Rover mineral field, an area of prospective Palaeoproterozoic rocks southwest of Tennant Creek that is entirely concealed below younger sedimentary cover rocks. The work is part of an ongoing collaborative effort between Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Northern Territory Geological Survey (NTGS) that aims to develop better understanding of the geological evolution and mineral potential of this region. It is being undertaken as part of the Northern Territory Government’s Resourcing the Territory (RTT) initiative and the Federal Government’s Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program and was carried out under the auspices of the National Collaborative Framework (NCF) between GA and NTGS. The rocks studied were sampled from drill cores acquired under the Northern Territory Government’s Geophysics and Drilling Collaborations program; the drillholes sampled comprise RVDD0002 (Wetherley and Elliston 2019), MXCURD002 (Burke 2015) and R27ARD18 (Anderson 2010). <b>Bibliographic Reference:</b> Cross A, Huston D and Farias P, 2021. Summary of results. Joint NTGS–GA geochronology project: Rover mineral field, Warramunga Province, January–June 2020. <i>Northern Territory Geological Survey</i>, <b>Record 2021-003</b>.

  • This record presents new Sensitive High Resolution Ion MicroProbe (SHRIMP) U– Pb zircon results for eighteen samples from the Cairns, Cape York and Georgetown regions in Queensland. Samples from the Cairns region comprise one granite and one microgranite. Eight samples from the Cape York region and three from the Georgetown region comprise Paleozoic igneous rocks, all but one of which are part of the Carboniferous to Permian Kennedy Igneous Association. Of particular interest are the results for two rhyolitic intrusions from the Coen Inlier that are host to gold mineralisation and gave ages of approximately 280 Ma. These results are supported by similar ages reported by Kositcin et al. (2016), also from felsic dykes spatially associated with gold mineralisation. Together, they suggest a widespread, early-Permian gold (Kungurian) event in this region. The results for two felsic dykes spatially associated with gold mineralisation much farther to the south in the Georgetown region, also gave similar early-Permian ages. The geochronology of five metamorphic rocks from the Cape York region, which were analysed in support of the Coen–Cape Weymouth geology mapping project has resulted in all samples being reassigned to other formations. The work contained in this report was carried out under the auspices of the National Collaborative Framework (NCF) between Geoscience Australia and the Geological Survey of Queensland. The data and age interpretations are also available in Geoscience Australia’s Geochronology Delivery database ( <b>Bibliographic Reference: </b>CROSS, A.J., DHNARAM, C., BULTITUDE, R.J., BROWN, D.D., PURDY, D.J. & VON GNIELINSKI, F.E., 2019. Summary of results. Joint GSQ–GA geochronology project: Cairns, Cape York and Georgetown regions, 2015–2016. <i>Queensland Geological Record</i> <b>2019/01</b>.

  • The ISOTOPE database stores compiled age and isotopic data from a range of published and unpublished (GA and non-GA) sources. This internal database is only publicly accessible through the webservices given as links on this page. This data compilation includes sample and bibliographic links. The data structure currently supports summary ages (e.g., U-Pb and Ar/Ar) through the INTERPRETED_AGES tables, as well as extended system-specific tables for Sm-Nd, Pb-Pb, Lu-Hf and O- isotopes. The data structure is designed to be extensible to adapt to evolving requirements for the storage of isotopic data. ISOTOPE and the data holdings were initially developed as part of the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program. During development of ISOTOPE, some key considerations in compiling and storing diverse, multi-purpose isotopic datasets were developed: 1) Improved sample characterisation and bibliographic links. Often, the usefulness of an isotopic dataset is limited by the metadata available for the parent sample. Better harvesting of fundamental sample data (and better integration with related national datasets such as Australian Geological Provinces and the Australian Stratigraphic Units Database) simplifies the process of filtering an isotopic data compilation using spatial, geological and bibliographic criteria, as well as facilitating ‘audits’ targeting missing isotopic data. 2) Generalised, extensible structures for isotopic data. The need for system-specific tables for isotopic analyses does not preclude the development of generalised data-structures that reflect universal relationships. GA has modelled relational tables linking system-specific Sessions, Analyses, and interpreted data-Groups, which has proven adequate for all of the Isotopic Atlas layers developed thus far. 3) Dual delivery of ‘derived’ isotopic data. In some systems, it is critical to capture the published data (i.e. isotopic measurements and derived values, as presented by the original author) and generate an additional set of derived values from the same measurements, calculated using a single set of reference parameters (e.g. decay constant, depleted-mantle values, etc.) that permit ‘normalised’ portrayal of the data compilation-wide. 4) Flexibility in data delivery mode. In radiogenic isotope geochronology (e.g. U-Pb, Ar-Ar), careful compilation and attribution of ‘interpreted ages’ can meet the needs of much of the user-base, even without an explicit link to the constituent analyses. In contrast, isotope geochemistry (especially microbeam-based methods such as Lu-Hf via laser ablation) is usually focused on the individual measurements, without which interpreted ‘sample-averages’ have limited value. Data delivery should reflect key differences of this kind.

  • This Record presents new zircon U–Pb geochronological data, obtained via Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) for six samples of volcanic and intrusive rocks from the Cobar Basin, NSW. The work is part of an ongoing Geochronology Project, conducted by the Geological Survey of New South Wales (GSNSW) and Geoscience Australia (GA) under a National Collaborative Framework (NCF) agreement, to better understand the geological evolution and mineralisation history of the Cobar Basin. The results herein correspond to zircon U–Pb SHRIMP analysis undertaken by the GSNSW-GA Geochronology Project during the July 2018 – June 2019 reporting period.

  • This Record presents new U–Pb geochronological data, obtained via Sensitive High Resolution Ion Micro Probe (SHRIMP), from 43 samples of predominantly igneous rocks collected from the East Riverina region of the central Lachlan Orogen, New South Wales. The results presented herein correspond to the reporting period July 2016–June 2020. This work is part of an ongoing Geochronology Project, conducted by the Geological Survey of New South Wales (GSNSW) and Geoscience Australia (GA) under a National Collaborative Framework agreement, to better understand the geological evolution and mineral prospectivity of the central Lachlan Orogen in southern NSW (Bodorkos et al., 2013; 2015; 2016, 2018; Waltenberg et al., 2019).

  • This record presents new zircon U-Pb geochronological data, obtained via Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) for eleven samples of plutonic and volcanic rocks from the Lachlan Orogen, and the New England Orogen. The work is part of an ongoing Geochronology Project (Metals in Time), conducted by the Geological Survey of New South Wales (GSNSW) and Geoscience Australia (GA) under a National Collaborative Framework (NCF) agreement, to better understand the geological evolution of New South Wales. The results herein (summarised in Table 1.1 and Table 1.2) correspond to zircon U-Pb SHRIMP analysis undertaken on GSNSW mineral systems projects for the reporting period July 2015-June 2016. Lachlan Orogen In the Lachlan Orogen, the age of 418.9 ± 2.5 Ma for the Babinda Volcanics is consistent with the accepted stratigraphy of its parent Kopyje Group, agrees with the ages of other I-type volcanic rocks within the Canbelego-Mineral Hill Volcanic Belt and indicates eruption and emplacement of this belt during a single event. The age of the Shuttleton Rhyolite Member (421.9 ± 2.7 Ma) of the Amphitheatre Group is compatible with recent U-Pb dating of the Mount Halfway Volcanics, which interfingers with the Amphitheatre Group (MacRae, 1987). The age is also similar to nearby S-type granite intrusions, which suggests that the limited eruptive volcanic activity in the region was accompanied by local coeval plutonism. The results for the Babinda Volcanics and Shuttleton Rhyolite Member, in conjunction with previous GA dating and other dating and studies (summarised in Downes et al., 2016) establishes that significant igneous activity occurred between ~423 and ~418 Ma within the Cobar region but comprised two compositionally distinct but broadly contemporaneous belts of volcanics and comagmatic granite intrusions. The new age for the unnamed quartz monzonite at Hobbs Pipe constrains the maximum age of the hosted gold mineralisation to 414.7 ± 2.6 Ma. The wide range in ages for granites along the Gilmore Suture suggests that mineralisation in this region is not necessarily constrained to a single short-lived event. The new age of 413.5 ± 2.3 Ma for volcanics at Yerranderie indicates that that the Bindook Volcanic Complex was erupted over a relatively short period, and also indicates that the epithermal mineralisation at Yerranderie was not genetically related to the host volcanics but probably to a younger rifting event in the east Lachlan. New England Orogen Four units were dated from the Clarence River Supersuite in the New England Orogen. All four are between 255 and 256 Ma, demonstrating that these granites are related chemically, spatially, and temporally. While these four ages are indistinguishable, the current age span for Clarence River Supersuite is more than 40 million years. This wide age range indicates that classification of granites into the Clarence River Supersuite needs further refinement. The new age for the Newton Boyd Granodiorite (252.8 ± 1.0 Ma) is similar to some previously dated units within the Herries Supersuite, but both the Herries Supersuite and Stanthorpe Supersuite (into which the Herries Supersuite was reclassified by Donchak, 2013) incorporate units with a broad range of ages: the age distribution for the Stanthorpe Supersuite spans 50 million years. Classification of granites in the New England Orogen in New South Wales is worth revisiting. Two units were dated from the Drake Volcanics, nominally in the Wandsworth Volcanic Group and indicate that the middle to upper section of the Drake Volcanics, including the mineralising intrusions, were emplaced within the space of 1-2 million years. These results support a genetic and temporal link between the Au-Ag epithermal mineralisation at White Rock and Red Rock and their host Drake Volcanic packages rather than to younger regional plutonism (i.e., Stanthorpe Supersuite) or volcanism (i.e., Wandsworth Volcanics). The almost 10 Ma gap between the Drake Volcanics and the next lowest units of the Wandsworth Volcanic Group supports the argument for considering the Drake Volcanics a distinct unit.

  • This web service provides access to the Geoscience Australia (GA) ISOTOPE database containing compiled age and isotopic data from a range of published and unpublished (GA and non-GA) sources. The web service includes point layers (WFS, WMS, WMTS) with age and isotopic attribute information from the ISOTOPE database, and raster layers (WMS, WMTS, WCS) comprising the Isotopic Atlas grids which are interpolations of the point located age and isotope data in the ISOTOPE database.