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Pine Creek TEMPEST AEM Survey, Northern Territory, 2010 Final Inversion Data and Conductivity Models
Airborne Electromagnetic data are being acquired by Geoscience Australia in areas considered to have potential for uranium or thorium mineralisation under the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP). The surveys have been managed and interpreted by Geoscience Australia's Airborne Electromagnetic Acquisition and Interpretation project. In contrast to industry style deposit scale investigations, these surveys are designed to reveal new geological information at regional scale. The Pine Creek airborne electromagnetic survey comprised of three survey areas Woolner Granite, Rum Jungle and Kombolgie. Tempest data were acquired for Woolner Granite and Rum Jungle survey areas and are included in this report. Woolner Granite and Rum Jungle survey areas cover a total of 21 100 line km and an area of 43 200 km2. Phase-1 data, that is, contractor quality-controlled and quality-assessed data for Woolner Granite, Rum Jungle and Kombolgie, were released during 2009. Phase-2 data, that is Geoscience Australia layered earth inversion (GA-LEI) data and derived products for Woolner Granite and Rum Jungle, are included in this data release. The data and products described in this report are contained on the accompanying DVD. The Kombolgie survey data were acquired with VTEM. The VTEM Kombolgie inversion data and report will be included in a separate data release. The main products from the AEM surveys are conductivity depth slices and sections, conductance grids and an AEM Depth of Investigation grid. The data is provided in formats which can be viewed on most computers systems. They include, JPEG (.jpg) with associated world files for easy use in geographic information system (GIS) packages, ER Mapper grids (.ers), ESRI shape files (.shp) of the flight path, and point-located ASCII data with relevant metadata for derived products.
These data are one of a set of 13 that captures a consistent horizon and fault interpretation of approximately 35 000 km of regional, mostly deep, seismic reflection data recorded by AGSO along the north and northwestern continental margins of Australia between 1990 and 1994.
These data are one of a set of 13 that captures a consistent horizon and fault interpretation of approximately 35 000 km of regional, mostly deep, seismic reflection data recorded by AGSO along the north and northwestern continental margins of Australia between 1990 and 1994.
This 2 CD package contains the January 2002 edition of the Australian bathymetry and topography grid at 0.01 deg (~1 km) cell size. Both binary and ASCII formats are included, suitable for most common image processing and GIS applications. The topography is from Geoscience Australia's (formerly AUSLIG's) 2nd edition digital elevation model for Australia. It is included for continuity with bathymetric features. The bathymetry is from digitised charts obtained from the Australian Hydrographic Service, swath bathymetry surveys, and other ship-track data of various vintages and navigational accuracy sourced from Geoscience Australia databases. The ship-track data have been levelled to reduce the artefacts due to misties at intersections.
These data are one of a set of 13 that captures a consistent horizon and fault interpretation of approximately 35 000 km of regional, mostly deep, seismic reflection data recorded by AGSO along the north and northwestern continental margins of Australia between 1990 and 1994.
This report covers the new NSW Metallic Mineral Occurrence Database (METMIN) which has been developed to replace the former former MRLIS/ALLMIN databases. The METMIN database is a relational database that has been developed using MS ACCESS software. The database has been designed for modelling in a GIS environment. Two fundamental changes distinguish this database from previous databases. The database uses the full term rather than a concatenated code as the allowable term in any field, and the amount of metal present in a deposit is recorded in a 'calculated field'. Included in the METMIN-97 data package is the new data for the Bathurst, Bega, and Ulladulla 1:250 000 sheet areas together with the preliminary data for the Dubbo, Menindi and Canberra areas. In total, the METMIN-97 data release contains details on over 8000 mineral occurrences covering the southern New England, Lachlan, Adelaide and the southern part of the Broken Hill terrains. In addition, a number of occurrences from the Kanmantoo Fold Belt and the Sydney-Bowen Basin have been included. The METMIN-97 data package contains the METMIN database together with a Mineral Occurrence map in both Mapinfo V4 and ArcView V2.1 format. In addition three other layers have been included from the Lachlan Fold Belt package (available separately). These are the Structural block map, a 250K sheet boundary index and a 100K sheet boundary index. These layers have been included to give those users without appropriate GIS coverages for New South Wales, a set of basic layers. In addition the dataset has been included as a single Ascii file for those users wishing to use other software.
No abstract available
These data are one of a set of 13 that captures a consistent horizon and fault interpretation of approximately 35 000 km of regional, mostly deep, seismic reflection data recorded by AGSO along the north and northwestern continental margins of Australia between 1990 and 1994.
Density and magnetic susceptibility measurements were taken from 254 rock samples in the Tanami region to provide rock property constraints during modelling. Multiple measurements were taken for each rock type, in each geological package, in order to provide a statistically representative sample for each package. The samples covered a large geographic portion of the model area, to account for any regional variations in rock properties. Samples selected for measurement were confined to rocks of the Tanami basement and the Birrindudu Group platform cover. Three rock sample datasets were accessed and consist of: Bureau of Mineral Resources (BMR) drill core collected during reconnaissance mapping of the Tanami Region in the early seventies (Blake, 1974) in order to penetrate cover and sample basement rock; NTGS hands samples collected as part their Tanami region project; and NTGS drill core collected as part their Tanami region project.
These shapefiles were prepared by the Geological Survey of NSW from the original 1993 Bureau of Mineral Resources ESRI coverages. The data is also available from the Geological Survey of NSW website.