South Australia
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<div>This data package provides depth and isochore maps generated in support of the energy resource assessments under the Australia’s Future Energy Resources (AFER) project. Explanatory notes are also included.</div><div><br></div><div>The AFER project is part of Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future (EFTF) Program—an eight year, $225 million Australian Government funded geoscience data and precompetitive information acquisition program to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, Geoscience Australia is building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This will help support a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. The EFTF program is supporting Australia’s transition to a low emissions economy, industry and agriculture sectors, as well as economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. Further details are available at</div><div><br></div><div>The depth and isochore maps are products of depth conversion and spatial mapping seismic interpretations by Szczepaniak et al. (2023) and Bradshaw et al. (2023) which interpreted 15 regional surfaces. These surfaces represent the top of play intervals being assessed for their energy resource potential (Figure 1). These seismic datasets were completed by play interval well tops by Bradshaw et al. (in prep), gross depositional environment maps, zero edge maps by Bradshaw et al. (in prep), geological outcrop data as well as additional borehole data from Geoscience Australia’s stratigraphic units database.</div><div><br></div><div>Depth and isochore mapping were undertaken in two to interactive phases; </div><div><br></div><div>1. A Model Framework Construction Phase – In this initial phase, the seismic interpretation was depth converted and then gridded with other regional datasets. </div><div><br></div><div>2. A Model Refinement and QC Phase – This phase focused on refining the model and ensuring quality control. Isochores were generated from the depth maps created in the previous phase. Smoothing and trend modelling techniques were then applied to the isochore to provide additional geological control data in areas with limited information and to remove erroneous gridding artefacts. </div><div><br></div><div>The final depth maps were derived from isochores, constructing surfaces both upward and downward from the CU10_Cadna-owie surface, identified as the most data-constrained surface within the project area. This process, utilizing isochores for depth map generation, honours all the available well and zero edge data while also conforming to the original seismic interpretation.</div><div><br></div><div>This data package includes the following datasets: </div><div><br></div><div>1) Depth maps, grids and point datasets measured in meters below Australian Height Datum (AHD, for 15 regional surfaces (Appendix A). </div><div>2) Isochore maps, grids and point datasets measured in meters, representing 14 surfaces/play internals (Appendix B).</div><div> </div><div>These depth and isochore maps are being used to support the AFER Project’s play-based energy resource assessments in the Pedirka and western Eromanga basins, and will help to support future updates of 3D geological and hydrogeological models for the Great Artesian Basin by Geoscience Australia.</div><div><br></div>
<div>The Geological and Bioregional Assessment Program collected an extensive LiDAR elevation dataset focused on Cooper Creek Floodplain in Queensland and South Australia. The LiDAR data was collected by Fugro Australia Ltd in two aerial surveys in 2019 covering a total survey area of 31,780 km2 across the Cooper Creek Floodplain, and the Thomson and Barcoo river systems (GBA 2021). The data was acquired at an average density of 1 point per square metre, processed and compiled as LiDAR Classified Data in LAS 1 km tiles and 1 m grid DEM in ESRI ascii 1 km tiles. As part of the study of the <em>Cenozoic geology, hydrogeology and groundwater systems of Kati Thanda - Lake Eyre Basin</em> for the National Groundwater Systems project (Exploring for the Future program) (see Evans et al. 2024) these 1 km tiles were mosaiced into a seamless grid and resampled to 10 m cell resolution raster images for ease of visualisation and usability across GIS applications (refer to lineage field of this metadata record for the complete reference details of publications cited in this abstract).</div>
Seismic data form South Australian Network. Stations: ADE, ALV2, DNL, FR27, GHS, GHSS, GLN, GLN2, HML1, HML2, HTT, KNC, MRAT, MYP, NBK, PLMR, SDAN, STR2, TORR, UT, UTT. Date range,2006-2017, not definitive. Some logs files.
Detailed Earthquake Location files 2013-2016. Station Journals (Calibrations, logs and site visits) 1991-1993. "Scan Sheets" 1993-2016. Phase Worksheets, 1963-2016.
Seismic data, calibration and State of Health files. 2005-2007
The document summarises new seismic interpretation metadata for two key horizons from Base Jurassic to mid-Cretaceous strata across the western and central Eromanga Basin, and the underlying Top pre-Permian unconformity. New seismic interpretations were completed during a collaborative study between the National Groundwater Systems (NGS) and Australian Future Energy Resources (AFER) projects. The NGS and AFER projects are part of Exploring for the Future (EFTF)—an eight year, $225 million Australian Government funded geoscience data and precompetitive information acquisition program to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This will help support a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. The EFTF program is supporting Australia’s transition to a low emissions economy, industry and agriculture sectors, as well as economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. Further details are available at The seismic interpretations build on previous work undertaken as part of the ‘Assessing the Status of Groundwater in the Great Artesian Basin’ (GAB) Project, commissioned by the Australian Government through the National Water Infrastructure Fund – Expansion (Norton & Rollet, 2022; Vizy & Rollet, 2022; Rollet et al., 2022; Rollet et al., in press.), the NGS Project (Norton & Rollet, 2023; Rollet et al., 2023; Vizy & Rollet, 2023) and the AFER Project (Bradshaw et al., 2022 and in press, Bernecker et al., 2022, Iwanec et al., 2023; Iwanec et al., in press). The recent iteration of revisions to the GAB geological and hydrogeological surfaces (Vizy & Rollet, 2022) provides a framework to interpret various data sets consistently (e.g., boreholes, airborne electromagnetic, seismic data) and in a 3D domain, to improve our understanding of the aquifer geometry, and the lateral variation and connectivity in hydrostratigraphic units across the GAB (Rollet et al., 2022). Vizy and Rollet (2022) highlighted some areas with low confidence in the interpretation of the GAB where further data acquisition or interpretation may reduce uncertainty in the mapping. One of these areas was in the western and central Eromanga Basin. New seismic interpretations are being used in the western Eromanga, Pedirka and Simpson basins to produce time structure and isochore maps in support of play-based energy resource assessment under the AFER Project, as well as to update the geometry of key aquifers and aquitards and the GAB 3D model for future groundwater management under the NGS Project. These new seismic interpretations fill in some data and knowledge gaps necessary to update the geometry and depth of key geological and hydrogeological surfaces defined in a chronostratigraphic framework (Hannaford et al., 2022; Bradshaw et al., 2022 and in press; Hannaford & Rollet, 2023). The seismic interpretations are based on a compilation of newly reprocessed seismic data (Geoscience Australia, 2022), as part of the EFTF program, and legacy seismic surveys from various vintages brought together in a common project with matching parameters (tying, balancing, datum correcting, etc.). This dataset has contributed to a consolidated national data coverage to further delineate groundwater and energy systems, in common data standards and to be used further in integrated workflows of mineral, energy and groundwater assessment. The datasets associated with the product provides value added seismic interpretation in the form of seismic horizon point data for two horizons that will be used to improve correlation to existing studies in the region. The product also provides users with an efficient means to rapidly access a list of core data used from numerous sources in a consistent and cleaned format, all in a single package. The following datasets are provided with this product: 1) Seismic interpretation in a digital format (Appendix A), in two-way-time, on key horizons with publically accessible information, including seismic interpretation on newly reprocessed data: Top Cadna-owie; Base Jurassic; Top pre-Permian; 2) List of surveys compiled and standardised for a consistent interpretation across the study area (Appendix B). 3) Isochore points between Top Cadna-owie and Base Jurassic (CC10-LU00) surfaces (Appendix C). 4) Geographical layer for the seismic lines compiled across Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory (Appendix D). These new interpretations will be used to refine the GAB geological and hydrogeological surfaces in this region and to support play-based energy resource assessments in the western Eromanga, Pedirka and Simpson basins.
<p>The current coexistence framework for the Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA) was established in 2014; it seeks to balance the interests of all users in the Area. Under this framework, the Department of Defence is the primary user of the WPA for the testing of weaponry and related war materiels. Access to the WPA by a range of non-Defence users, including Aboriginal groups, the resources sector, pastoralists and tourists, is also provided for. The coexistence framework is being reviewed in August 2018. <p>As part of this 2018 WPA Review, Geoscience Australia, together with the Office of the Chief Economist, has undertaken the following tasks: <p>• Updated the current understanding of the region’s geology; <p>• assessed the known Economic Demonstrated Resources (EDR) and potentially undiscovered mineral and petroleum resources (including critical commodities) and groundwater; <p>• documented resource exploration activities in the WPA; and <p>• provided an economic assessment of the known mineral resources and possible future mine developments in the WPA. <p>An assessment of the potential for undiscovered mineral and petroleum resources has been conducted by considering the results of Geoscience Australia’s 2010 WPA assessment and by updating those findings as far as practicable within the available time of the present Review. Overall, this assessment confirms the results of the 2010 assessment and shows that many parts of the WPA have moderate to high potential for the discovery of new mineral and petroleum resources. Analysis of new data by this 2018 assessment has also identified additional areas with potential for groundwater resources in the WPA. <p>There is high potential for the discovery of new deposits, similar to those already known, especially of copper, gold, silver, iron, titanium and zirconium and uranium. Some of these deposits may contain economic REE and other critical commodities. <p>Modelling of the economic impact of possible new mine developments was carried out for high-value commodities with high potential for discovery in the WPA. The commodities included in the possible future mine scenarios are gold, copper, silver, uranium, iron, titanium and zirconium. Two scenarios were modelled, conservative and optimistic. <p>The Net Present Value of Economic Demonstrated Resources in the WPA is estimated to be $5.9 billion. The Net Present Value of possible future mines in the WPA is estimated to be between $6.4 billion and $19 billion. Annual direct employment across the future possible mines ranges from 150 people to 1350 people per mine, with secondary employment between 70 people and 1250 people. Annual value add across the future possible mines ranges between $8 million per mine to $920 million per mine.
This record contains processed and topographically corrected Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data (.segy, .bmp), and a summary shapefile collected on fieldwork at Adelaide Metropolitan Beaches, South Australia for the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC Project, Resilience to Clustered Disaster Events on the Coast - Storm Surge. The data was collected from 16-19 February 2015 using a MALA ProEx GPR system with a 250 MHz shielded antennae. The aim of the field work was to identify and define a minimum thickness for the beach and dune systems, and where possible depth to any identifiable competent substrate (e.g. bedrock) or pre-Holocene surface which may influence the erosion potential of incident wave energy. Surface elevation data was co-acquired and used to topographically correct the GPR profiles. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia.
<div>Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future program provides precompetitive information to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This leads to a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. This includes supporting Australia’s transition to net zero emissions, strong, sustainable resources and agriculture sectors, and economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. The Exploring for the Future program, which commenced in 2016, is an eight year, $225m investment by the Australian Government. This work contributes to building a better understanding of the Australian continent, whilst giving the Australian public the tools they need to help them make informed decisions in their areas of interest. </div><div>To enable a sustainable and responsible use of the Earth's subsurface environment,<strong> </strong>a quantified knowledge of the geological composition and structure of the subsurface is an economic imperative to inform decision-making. Geoscience Australia developed a start-to-end<strong> </strong>open-source methodology ranging from data acquisition, interpretation and storage<strong> </strong>to data modelling, to create a national seamless chronostratigraphic framework and predict depth and spatial extent of potential resources (Bonnardot et al., 2020; 2024). </div><div>This data package contains a layered depth to sedimentary cover model and associated constraints, that was generated in the Darling-Curnamona-Delamerian (DCD) region (between 27.6‒39⁰ S of latitude and 137.7‒144⁰ E of longitude) to characterise depth and thickness of key stratigraphic sequences, e.g. Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic and Neoproterozoic. </div><div>The layered cover model integrates the interpretation of depth estimates from stratigraphic logs (Vizy and Rollet, 2024), surface and layered geology, depth to magnetic source estimates (Foss et al., 2024; Hope et al., 2024), and airborne electromagnetic data (Wong et al., 2023) that were consistently stored in a data repository (Estimates of Geophysical and Geological Surfaces, EGGS database). Geoscience Australia’s (GA) Estimates of Geological and Geophysical Surfaces (EGGS) database (Matthews et al., 2020) is the national repository for standardised depth estimate points, where all points are attributed with stratigraphic information populated from the Australian Stratigraphic Units Database (ASUD). </div><div> </div><div>Two sets of depth surfaces were generated using different approaches: 1) interpolation of 4 depth surfaces, e.g. base of Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic and Neoproterozoic were generated using the implicit interpolator LoopStructural (Grose et al., 2021) from the open-source Loop 3D modelling platform ( (see Bonnardot et al., 2024 for the methodology) and 2) machine learning algorithm, UncoverML (Wilford et al., 2020) was used to model the depth of the Cenozoic surface. Machine learning allows to learn relationship between datasets and therefore, can provide higher resolution in areas of sparse data points distribution. </div><div> </div><div>The data package includes: </div><div>- Depth estimates data point compiled and used for gridding each surface, for the Base Cenozoic, Base Mesozoic, Base Paleozoic and Base Neoproterozoic (Figure 1), </div><div>- Four regional depth surface grids generated with LoopStructural for the Base Cenozoic, Base Mesozoic, Base Paleozoic and Base Neoproterozoic (Figure 2). </div><div>- One regional depth surface grid generated with UncoverML for the Base Cenozoic. </div><div>- Four regional isochore grids generated for the thickness of the Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic, Neoproterozoic. </div><div><br></div>
Seismic data, event information from temporary deployments in South Australia, 2002-2004