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The Surface Hydrology Points (Regional) dataset provides a set of related features classes to be used as the basis of the production of consistent hydrological information. This dataset contains a geometric representation of major hydrographic point elements - both natural and artificial. This dataset is the best available data supplied by Jurisdictions and aggregated by Geoscience Australia it is intended for defining hydrological features.
Collection of mineral and meteorite specimens derived from Geoscience Australia (GA) surveys, donations, purchases and bequests, some of which are held for Australian National Museum. Sample are displayed in GA foyer, National Museum of Australia, Miners Hall of Fame in Kalgoorlie, Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (RET) and Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) and in several other organisations. Co-located is a teaching set of rocks and minerals used by the education centre, the 'Crown Jewels' large ore/rock specimens, off-cuts from building stone used in the construction of Parliament House, and presentation boxes of rock or mineral specimens given to GA staff in Australia and overseas.
The AVHRR sensor collects global data on a daily basis for a variety of land, ocean, and atmospheric applications. Specific applications include forest fire detection, vegetation analysis, weather analysis and forecasting, climate research and prediction, global sea surface temperature measurements, ocean dynamics research and search and rescue. The first operational NOAA satellite (NOAA-6) was launched in 1979. This was followed by a series of additional NOAA satellites with the latest launch being NOAA-16 in September 2000. NOAA's 11, 12, 14, 15 and 16 are all still transmitting data. The AVHRR sensor is a five or six channel (depending on the model) scanner, sensing the visible, near-infrared, and thermal infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. It provides global on board collection of data over a 2399 km swath. The sensor orbits the earth 14 times each day from an altitude of 833 km. ACRES keeps a 7 day old rolling archive which is available free to registered users. Acquisitions older than 7 days are archived by CSIRO Earth Observation Centre.
Geoscience Australia has the most extensive historical aerial photography collection in terms of land coverage and time (from 1928-1996). This online catalogue provides means of easy search of the collection records. The mapping system allows users to understand what information is available and, if digitised, to preview and download the image data. The application contains a map which users can search areas, current location or an area of interest, as well as customize the search criteria (date range, film number etc). The search results list the available aerial photography or flight line diagram, and if is available for direct download for free.
Australian National Seismograph Network (ANSN) These data are the time series seismograph, hydroacoustic and infrasound data recorded from ANSN Australian National Seismograph Network (ANSN) These data are the time series seismograph, hydroacoustic and infrasound data recorded from ANSN observatories in Australia, islands in the Pacific, Southern and Indian Ocean's and the Australian Antarctic Territory. ANSN observatories include facilities operated by Geoscience Australia in collaboration with other international agencies. These data are acquired for the purpose of the detection and location of earthquakes and tsunamigenic events within the Australian continent and its surrounds. The dataset is also used to meet a subset of Australia's obligations to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) to fulfil Australia's commitment to nuclear explosion monitoring. The seismic waveform data records seismic events to allow for the detection, location estimation (position and depth) and magnitude of earthquakes of magnitude of 3.0 or greater anywhere in Australia.
These data are the time series seismograph, hydroacoustic and infrasound data recorded from Australian National Seismograph Network (ANSN) observatories in Australia, islands in the Pacific, Southern and Indian Ocean's and the Australian Antarctic Territory. ANSN observatories include facilities operated by Geoscience Australia in collaboration with other international agencies. These data are acquired for the purpose of the detection and location of earthquakes and tsunamigenic events within the Australian continent and its surrounds. The dataset is also used to meet a subset of Australia's obligations to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) to fulfil Australia's commitment to nuclear explosion monitoring. The seismic waveform data records seismic events to allow for the detection, location estimation (position and depth) and magnitude of earthquakes of magnitude of 3.0 or greater anywhere in Australia. Seismic (Digital). Seismograms (Physical plots (paper & film) and Digital Scans).
Compilation of data for the MINLOC database began in 1989 and now contains location data for mineral occurrences in Australia. Location data includes co-ordinates, name of occurrence, and commodity(ies). All data points are referenced. This dataset is a snapshot at the "Ending Date" of the current database entries.
The Gazetteer of Australia is the authoritative data source providing information on the location and spelling of approved place names on the Australian mainland extending to the 3 mile marine limit, together with its external territories, except the Australian Antarctic Territory. Contains all the authorised place names covering Australia's land and offshore areas. The 2010 release consists of over 300,000 place names. The Gazetteer is compiled by the Geospatial and Earth Monitoring Division of Geoscience Australia, on behalf of the Committee for Geographical Names in Australasia (a committee of the Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM)). Data is sourced from the relevant State and Territory jurisdictions (ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA) along with various Australian Government agencies (Australian Antarctic Division, Australia Hydrographic Service, and Geoscience Australia).
The Australian Geological Provinces Database contains descriptions and polygon outlines of geological provinces of the Australian continent and surrounding marine jurisdictional area. The provinces are mapped at a nominal 1:1 million scale. The database can be interactively queried, and the results retrieved as reports and maps. Attributes include igneous, sedimentary and structural characteristics, age limits, parent and constituent units, relations to surrounding provinces, and mineral and petroleum resources.
The collection is derived from the submission of data under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act (OPGGSA) and previous legislation. The Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act (and the Offshore Petroleum Act & OPGGSA) requires petroleum data to be submitted to the State Designated Authority (DA). These Acts also require the DA's to make copies of the data/samples available to the Commonwealth Minister through the Joint Authority. The collection also contains cores, cuttings, paper reports, logs and stratigraphic cores drilled by BMR and a limited collection of water bores and engineering cores from around Canberra.