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Kaufana No. 1 Bore was drilled to a depth of 3,380 feet. Thin Pliocene calcareous greywacke unconformably overlies Miocene "f-3" siltstone; this in turn disconformably overlies Miocene "fl-2" siltstone, shale, and greywacke. The Miocene "f-3" Bokama Limestone was not encountered, but may have been represented by a stratigraphic equivalent with a different lithology. No shows of hydrocarbons were observed.
A Seismic reflection survey was conducted by the Bureau of Mineral Resources during 1955 7 in the La Grange area of Western Australia. The object orthe Survey was to investigate the sedimentary development of the Canning Basin south of the Fenton Fault. A sedimentary section of at least 4,400 feet and possibly as much as 7,000 to 8,000 feet was indicated. Although no evidence of an angular unconformity was obtained, there is probably a change in the type of sedimentation at 2,760 feet.
In March and April 1959, a seismic party from the Bureau of Mineral Resources extended a seismic survey carried out in 1958 in the Latrobe Valley. A seismic reflection traverse was run across the Latrobe Syncline between Tyers and Traralgon South to determine the structure of the coal measures, the depth of basement and, if possible, the type of basement. Results indicated that the Latrobe Syncline (the structural feature which coincides with the Latrobe River Valley) is a broad syncline in which the strata are more or less horizontally bedded. The maximum thickness of coal measures is about 2200 ft. The survey provided information on the structures of the limbs of the Latrobe syncline and on several minor structures superimposed on the main syncline. It did not, however, show for certain what type of basement rock underlies the coal measures. The survey provided information on the structure of the formations beneath the coal measures; and although some of the seismic data is of poor quality, there is probably an unconformity in the stratigraphic section between 5000 and 9000 ft. Reflections recorded at times as great as 2700 millisec, show that the sediments in the Latrobe Valley are probably between 10,500 and 15,000 ft. deep.
In October and November 1959 a seismic party from the Bureau of Mineral Resources carried out a seismic survey in the Surat Basin, Queensland at the request of Australian Oil and Gas Corporation Ltd. A traverse extending from Surat eastward to within 10 miles of Tara was shot in five-mile sections of continuous reflection profiling with approximately five-mile intervals between the sections.^In addition two refraction traverses were shot near Surat to record velocities and depths of as many horizons as possible. Reflections were of fair to good quality throughout the survey and it was possible to correlate bands of reflections from one five-mile section to the next with considerable certainty. Over most of the traverses four reflecting horizons were followed, and in a few places reflections were obtained from a still deeper fifth horizon. The reflection survey revealed a wide basin between Surat and Cabawin (about 70 miles east of Surat), with its maximum thickness of sediments under Meandarra. The sediments there appear to be at least 19,000 ft thick. A marked anticline was discovered near Cabawtin. The refraction survey, using the "Depth Probing" method, revealed a refractor with a calculated velocity of 20,180 ft/sec situated about 1000 ft below the fourth reflecting horizon.
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