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  • <div>Report on expression of interest, assessment and identification process of case studies to be included in the Exploring for the Future Geoscience Knowledge Sharing Project Remote Community Education Module and Building Relationships with Aboriginal Peoples Modules. &nbsp;The Geoscience Knowledge Sharing Project is a pilot study to discover best practices to improve engagement with non-technical stakeholders. </div>

  • <div>Australia's vast terrains harbour small seismic events that often go unnoticed due to sparse station coverage and ambient noise interference. Innovative data processing techniques hold the key to revealing signals present in the seismic records that are suppressed by noise. In this presentation, I will talk about how seismic array techniques play an important role in our ability to detect and understand these subtle seismic signals, and how we employ these methods to bridge the gaps in our seismic coverage. This has applications to earthquake monitoring, hazard assessment, and environmental insights.</div>

  • <div>The Trusted Environmental and Geological Information (TEGI) Program (2021-2023) was a multi-disciplinary program that brought together the geology, energy resources, groundwater, carbon and hydrogen storage, mineral occurrences, surface water and ecology for four Australian basin regions. This talk covers how the team leveraged their varied scientific expertise to deliver integrated scientific outcomes for the North Bowen, Galilee, Cooper and Adavale basin regions. This talk highlights the approach and importance of meaningful engagement with those that live in, work in, rely on and care for the regions. The story of the TEGI program outlines how a committed team, collaborating across Australia’s leading scientific organisations, delivered genuine impact during a time of political change.</div><div><br></div>

  • <div>As a planet without plate tectonics, Mars has a fundamentally different setting to Earth, and yet we observe many familiar structural features at the surface. Mars is also home to the largest volcanoes in the Solar System, which are the spectacular surface expressions of an enormous, long-lived magmatic system underlying the region known as Tharsis. The many surface structures in the Tharsis region are an important record of the geologic and volcanic history of Mars. They can provide insight into the timing and nature of volcanic systems, which is important to investigations of past climate and potential habitability. This talk will explore how volcanism has driven formation of the structures we see on the surface of Mars and how this can help us answer important questions about the evolution of the red planet. The work presented is based on Dr Claire Orlov's PhD research conducted at the University of Leeds, UK. </div>