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  • This map is suitable for schools, office and home use as a single-sheet wall poster or as a handy reference item. The map scale is 1:5 million and it incorporates 1:2.5 million water data of Australia with features such as Capital Cities, State Borders, Drainage Division boundaries, River Catchment boundaries, Rivers, Perennial and Non Perennial Lakes, Major Ocean Reefs and Hypsometric Land and Bathymetric Tints. At this scale 1cm on the map represents 50km on the ground. Digital data at this scale is suitable for use in a GIS capacity and is also available for free download. The Drainage Division and River Catchment boundaries have been derived from the Australian SRTM 1 second DEM with Hydro enforcement of the surface Hydrology Data set at a 1:250K generalisation produced in 2016. Coordinates: Geographic Datum: (GDA94) AHD Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic on two standard parallels (18° and 36°).

  • Geometric representations of major surface water features of Australia, such as rivers, lakes, reservoirs, dams, canals and catchments. Also includes hydrologic features such as catchment boundaries and drainage basins. <b>Value:</b> This data is not authoritative, but represent a valuable resource for visualisation, decision support and planning activities. <b>Scope:</b> This is a National dataset at resolution relevant for presentation of regional spatial data such as digital maps.