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  • Our planet provides everything we need for our lives, including the food we eat. As the human population increases and expectations for lifestyle quality increases, so too do the pressures placed on our planet to provide that food. We therefore need to be better at producing food and understanding how that links to our scientific understanding of our planet. For National Science Week 2021, the Geoscience Australia public seminar (co-sponsored by the ACT Division of the Geological Society of Australia and the ACT Branch of the Australian Marine Sciences Association) will present four speakers to demonstrate how geoscience is integral to the provision of our food. Steve Hill – The Long View: Across many disciplines of geoscience and different spatial scales, geology, soils and even plate tectonics influence our food (and wine). Andrew Carroll – Finding Important Seabed Habitat (FISH): Did you know that seabed mapping data directly contributes $9 billion to the Australian economy each year and employs over 56,000 people? For the fishing and aquaculture sectors, seabed mapping is valued at $3 billion. However, only one quarter of Australia’s seabed is mapped! Learn how GA is addressing this challenge to support the rapid growth of Australia's Blue Economy. Claire Krause – Food at Scale: In a country as big and dynamic as Australia, producing food is no small task. Satellite imagery is being leveraged to map, monitor and understand Australia’s food production regions and to identify and manage challenges in the sector. Anna Riddell – From Paddock to Plate with Positioning: Have you ever wondered how your food arrives on your plate and the role that navigation satellites play? Positioning is becoming ubiquitous in everyday life and even has a part in enabling our food to be grown, harvested and transported.

  • The present report is a compilation of 531 geochemical maps that result from the National Geochemical Survey of Australia. These constitute the first continental-scale series of geochemical maps based on internally consistent, state-of-the-art data pertaining to the same sampling medium collected, prepared and analysed in a uniform and well documented manner and over a short time period (four years). Interpretations of the data and maps will be published separately.

  • We describe the information content of soil visible-near infrared (vis-NIR) reflectance spectra and map their spatial distribution across Australia. The spectra of 4030 surface soil sample from across the country were measured using a vis-NIR spectrometer with a wavelength range between 350-2500 nm. The spectra were treated using a principal component analysis (PCA) and the resulting scores were mapped by ordinary point kriging. The largely dominant and common feature in the maps was the difference between the more expansive, older and more weathered landscapes in the centre and west of Australia and the generally younger, more complex landscapes in the east. A surface soil class map derived from the clustering of the principal components was similar to an existing soil classification map. We show that vis-NIR reflectance spectra: (i) provide an integrative measure to rapidly and efficiently measure the constituents of the soil, (ii) can replace the use of traditional soil properties to describe the soil and make geomorphological interpretations of its spatial distribution and (iii) can be used to classify soil objectively.

  • A new continental-scale geochemical atlas and dataset for Australia were officially released into the public domain at the end of June 2011. The National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) project, which started in 2007 under the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program at Geoscience Australia, aimed at filling a huge knowledge gap relating to the geochemical composition of surface and near-surface materials in Australia. Better understanding the concentration levels and spatial distributions of chemical elements in the regolith has profound implications for energy and mineral exploration, as well as for natural resource management. In this world first project, a uniform regolith medium was sampled at an ultra-low density over nearly the entire continent, and subsamples from two depths and two grain-size fractions were analysed using up to three different (total, strong and weak) chemical digestions. This procedure yielded an internally consistent and comprehensive geochemical dataset for 68 chemical elements (plus additional bulk properties). From its inception, the emphasis of the project has been on quality control and documentation of procedures and results, and this has resulted in eight reports (including an atlas containing over 500 geochemical maps) and a large geochemical dataset representing the significant deliverables of this ambitious and innovative project. The NGSA project was carried out in collaboration with the geoscience agencies from every State and the Northern Territory under National Geoscience Agreements. .../...

  • A shallow vertical CO2 injection test was conducted over a 21 day period at the Ginninderra Controlled Release Facility in May 2011. The objective of this test was to determine the extent of lateral CO2 dispersion, breakthrough times and permeability of the soil present at the Ginninderra site. The facility is located in Canberra on the CSIRO agricultural Ginninderra Experiment Station. A 2.15m deep, 15cm stainless steel screened, soil gas sampling well was installed at the site and this was used as the CO2 injection well. The CO2 flow rate was 1.6 L/min (STP). CO2 soil effluxes (respiration and seepage) were measured continuously using a LICOR LI-8100A Automated Soil CO2 Flux System equipped with 5 accumulation chambers spaced 1m apart in a radial pattern from the injection well. These measurements were supplemented with CO2 flux spot measurements using a WestSystems portable fluxmeter. Breakthrough at 1m from the injection point occurred within 6 hrs of injection, 32hrs at 2m and after almost 5 days at 3m. The average steady state CO2 efflux was 85 ?mol/m2/s at 1m, 15 ?mol/m2/s at 2m and 5.0 ?mol/m2/s at 3m. The average background CO2 soil respiration efflux was 1.1 - 0.6 ?mol/m2/s. Under windy conditions, higher soil CO2 efflux could be expected due to pressure pumping but this is contrary to the observed results. Prolonged windy periods led to a reduction in the CO2 efflux, up to 30% lower than the typical steady state value.

  • Geoscience Australia and CO2CRC have constructed a greenhouse gas controlled release reference facility to simulate surface emissions of CO2 (and other GHG gases) from an underground slotted horizontal well into the atmosphere under controlled conditions. The facility is located at an experimental agricultural station maintained by CSIRO Plant Industry at Ginninderra, Canberra. The design of the facility is modelled on the ZERT controlled release facility in Montana. The facility is equipped with a 2.5 tonne liquid CO2 storage vessel, vaporiser and mass flow controller unit with a capacity for 6 individual metered CO2 gas streams (up to 600 kg/d capacity). Injection of CO2 into soil is via a shallow (2m depth) underground 120m horizontally drilled slotted HDPE pipe. This is equipped with a packer system to partition the well into six CO2 injection chambers. The site is characterised by the presence of deep red and yellow podsolic soils with the subsoil containing mainly kaolinite and subdominant illite. Injection is above the water table. The choice of well orientation based upon the effects of various factors such as topography, wind direction, soil properties and ground water depth will be discussed. An above ground release experiment was conducted from July - October 2010 leading to the development of an atmospheric tomography technique for quantifying and locating CO2 emissions1. This technique will be applied to the first sub-surface experiment held in January-March 2012 in addition to soil flux surveys, microbiological surveys, and tracer studies. An overview of monitoring experiments conducted during the subsurface release and preliminary results will be presented. Additional CO2 releases are planned for late 2012 and 2013. Abstract for "11th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture Utilization & Sequestration" April 30 - May 3, 2012, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

  • Recently, continental-scale geochemical surveys of Europe and Australia were completed. Thanks to having exchanged internal project standards prior to analysing the samples, we can demonstrate direct comparability between these datasets for 10 major oxides (Al2O3, CaO, Fe2O3, K2O, MgO, MnO, Na2O, P2O5, SiO2 and TiO2), 16 total trace elements (As, Ba, Ce, Co, Cr, Ga, Nb, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, Th, V, Y, Zn and Zr), 14 aqua regia extracted elements (Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Ce, Co, Cs, Cu, Fe, La, Li, Mn, Mo and Pb), Loss On Ignition (LOI) and pH. By comparing these new datasets to one another, we can learn lessons about continental-scale controls on soil geochemistry and about critical requirements for global geochemical mapping. Although the median soil compositions of both continents are overall quite similar, the Australian median values are systematically lower, except for SiO2 and Zr. This reflects the generally longer and, locally more intense weathering in Australia (median Chemical Index of Alteration values are 72 and 60% for Australia and Europe, respectively). We found that element concentrations typically span 3 (and up to 5) orders of magnitude on each continent. The comparison of 2 continental geochemical surveys shows that the most critical requirement for global geochemical mapping is good analytical quality. Only where a comprehensive quality control program, including field and laboratory duplicates, internal project standards and Certified Reference Materials, is implemented and documented, are the results credible and comparable with other datasets.

  • Abstract The ability of thermal infrared (TIR) spectroscopy to characterise mineral and textural content was evaluated for soil samples collected in the semi-arid environment of north-western Queensland, Australia. Grain size analysis and separation of clay, silt and sand sized soil fractions were undertaken to establish the relationship between quartz and clay emissivity signatures and soil texture. Spectral band parameters, based on thermal infrared specular and volume scattering features, were found to discriminate fine clay mineral-rich soil from mostly coarser quartz-rich sandy soil, and to a lesser extent, from the silty quartz-rich soil. This study found that there was the potential for quantifying soil mineral and texture content using TIR spectroscopy. Key Words Soil composition, quartz, kaolinite, smectite, grain size, Tick Hill

  • Geoscience Australia and the CO2CRC have constructed a greenhouse gas controlled release facility at an experimental agricultural station maintained by CSIRO Plant Industry at Ginninderra, Canberra. The facility is designed to simulate surface emissions of CO2 (and other greenhouse gases) from the soil into the atmosphere. CO2 is injected into the soil is via a 120m long slotted HDPE pipe installed horizontally 2m underground. This is fitted with a straddle packer system to partition the well into six CO2 injection chambers with each chamber connected to its own CO2 injection line. CO2 was injected into 5 of the chambers during the first sub-surface release experiment (March - May 2012) and the total daily injection rate was 100 kg/d. A krypton tracer was injected into one of the 5 chambers at a rate of 10 mL/min. Monitoring methods trialled at the site include eddy covariance, atmospheric tomography using a wireless networked array of solar powered CO2 stations, soil flux, soil gas, frequency-domain electromagnetics (FDEM), soil community DNA analysis, and krypton tracer studies (soil gas and air). A summary of the findings will be presented. Paper presented at the 2012 CO2CRC Research Symposium, Sunshine Beach, 27-29 November 2012.

  • The National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) provides the first national coverage of multi-element chemistry at a continental scale. The NGSA data is an important complement to other national-scale geological and geophysical datasets, particularly the Radiometric Map of Australia. The Radiometric Map of Australia shows potassium (K) measured directly from gamma-rays emitted when 40K decays to argon (40Ar), whereas thorium (Th) and uranium (U) do not emit gamma-rays. Instead, their abundances are inferred indirectly by measuring gamma-ray emissions associated with parent radionuclides (thallium-208 for Th, and bismuth-214 for U) within their radioactive decay chains. Airborne-derived grids provide a continuous prediction of these radioelements across the Australian landscape. In contrast, the NGSA data provide a series of precise single point geochemical measurements of surface (0-10 cm) and near-surface (~60-80 cm depth) unconsolidated catchment outlet sediments.