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  • This paper presents a new style of bedload parting from western Torres Strait, northern Australia. Outputs from a hydrodynamic model identified an axis of bedload parting centred on the western Torres Strait islands (~142°15"E). Unlike bedload partings described elsewhere in the literature, those in Torres Strait are generated by incoherence between two adjacent tidal regimes as opposed to overtides. Bedload parting is further complicated by the influence of wind-driven currents. During the trade wind season, wind-driven currents counter the reversing tidal currents to a point where peak currents are directed west. The eastwards-directed bedload pathway is only active during the monsoon season. Satellite imagery was used to describe six bedform facies associated with the bedload parting. Bedform morphology was used to indicate sediment supply. Contrary to bedload partings elsewhere, sand ribbons are a distal facies within the western bedload transport pathway despite peak currents directed toward the west throughout the year. This indicates that sediment is preferentially trapped within sand banks near the axis of parting and not transported further west into the Gulf of Carpentaria or Arafura Sea.

  • Several grounding zone wedges were left on the floor and flanks of Prydz Channel in western Prydz Bay by the Lambert Glacier during the last glacial cycle. Seismic profiles indicate that vertical accretion at the glacier bed was the most important depositional process in forming the wedges, rather than progradation by sediment gravity flows. Sidescan sonographs reveal extensive development of flutes on the sea floor inshore from the wedges, indicating deformable bed conditions beneath the ice. The region inshore of the east Prydz Channel wedge features extensive dune fields formed by currents flowing towards the grounding zone. This orientation is consistent with models of circulation beneath ice shelves in which melting at the grounding line generates plumes of fresher water that rise along the base of the ice shelf, entraining sea water into a circulation cell. The Lambert Deep is surrounded by a large composite ridge of glacial sediments. Internal reflectors suggest formation mostly by subglacial accretion. The sea floor in the Lambert Deep lacks dune fields and shows evidence of interspersed subglacial cavities and grounded ice beneath the glacier. The absence of bedforms reflects sea floor topography that would have inhibited the formation of energetic melt water-driven circulation.

  • Models of seabed sediment mobilisation by waves and currents over Australia's continental shelf environment are used to examine whether disturbance regimes exist in the context of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH). Our study shows that it is feasible to model the frequency and magnitude of seabed disturbance in relation to the dominant energy source (wave-dominated shelf, tide-dominated shelf or tropical cyclone dominated shelf). Areas are mapped where the recurrence interval of disturbance events is comparable to the rate of ecological succession, which meets criteria defined for a disturbance regime. We focus our attention on high-energy, patch-clearing events defined as exceeding the Shields (bed shear stress) parameter value of 0.25. Using known rates of ecological succession for different substrate types (gravel, sand, mud), predictions are made of the spatial distribution of a dimensionless ecological disturbance index (ED), given as: ED = FA (ES/RI), where ES is the ecological succession rate for different substrates, RI is the recurrence interval of disturbance events and FA is the fraction of the frame of reference (surface area) disturbed. Maps for the Australian continental shelf show small patches of ED-seafloor distributed around the continent, on both the inner and outer shelf. The patterns are different for wave-dominated (patches on the outer shelf trending parallel to the coast), tide-dominated (patches crossing the middle-shelf trending normal to the coast) and cyclone-dominated (large oval-shaped patches crossing all depths). Only a small portion of the shelf (perhaps ~10%) is characterised by a disturbance regime as defined here. To our knowledge, this is the first time such an analysis has been attempted for any continental shelf on the earth.

  • Monitoring changes in the spatial distribution and health of biotic habitats requires spatially extensive surveys repeated through time. Although a number of habitat distribution mapping methods have been successful in clear, shallow-water coastal environments (e.g. aerial photography and Landsat imagery) and deeper (e.g. multibeam and sidescan sonar) marine environments, these methods fail in highly turbid and shallow environments such as many estuarine ecosystems. To map, model and predict key biotic habitats (seagrasses, green and red macroalgae, polychaete mounds [Ficopamatus enigmaticus] and mussel clumps [Mytilus edulis]) across a range of open and closed estuarine systems on the south-west coast of Western Australia, we integrated post-processed underwater video data with interpolated physical and spatial variables using Random Forest models. Predictive models and associated standard deviation maps were developed from fine-scale habitat cover data. Models performed well for spatial predictions of benthic habitats, with 79-90% of variation explained by depth, latitude, longitude and water quality parameters. The results of this study refine existing baseline maps of estuarine habitats and highlight the importance of biophysical processes driving plant and invertebrate species distribution within estuarine ecosystems. This study also shows that machine-learning techniques, now commonly used in terrestrial systems, also have important applications in coastal marine ecosystems. When applied to video data, these techniques provide a valuable approach to mapping and managing ecosystems that are too turbid for optical methods or too shallow for acoustic methods.

  • Seagrass communities in the northwest of Torres Strait are known to disappear episodically over broad areas. Sediment mobility surveys were undertaken within two study areas during the monsoon and trade wind seasons, in the vicinity of Turnagain Island, to find out if the migration of bedforms could explain this disappearance. The two study areas covered sand bank and sand dune environments to compare and contrast their migration characteristics. Repeat multibeam sonar surveys were used to measure dune-crest migration during each season.

  • This dataset contains species identifications of echinoderms collected during survey GA2476 (R.V. Solander, 12 August - 15 September 2008). Animals were collected from the Western Australian Margin with a BODO sediment grab or rock dredge. Specimens were lodged at Museum of Victoria on the 10 March 2009. Species-level identifications were undertaken by Tim O'Hara at the Museum of Victoria and were delivered to Geoscience Australia on the 24 April 2009. See GA Record 2009/02 for further details on survey methods and specimen acquisition. Data is presented here exactly as delivered by the taxonomist, and Geoscience Australia is unable to verify the accuracy of the taxonomic identifications.

  • This introductory chapter provides an overview of the book's contents and definitions of key concepts including benthic habitat, potential habitat and seafloor geomorphology. The chapter concludes with a summary of commonly used habitat mapping technologies. Benthic (seafloor) habitats are physically distinct areas of seabed that are associated with particular species, communities or assemblages that consistently occur together. Benthic habitat maps are spatial representations of physically distinct areas of seabed that are associated with particular groups of plants and animals. Habitat maps can illustrate the nature, distribution and extent of distinct physical environments present and importantly they can predict the distribution of the associated species and communities.

  • This dataset contains species identifications of molluscs collected during survey SOL4934 (R.V. Solander, 27 August - 24 September, 2009). Animals were collected from the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf with a benthic sled. Specimens were lodged at Northern Territory Museum on the 3 May 2010. Species-level identifications were undertaken by Richard Willan at the Northern Territory Museum and were delivered to Geoscience Australia on the 5 May 2010 (leg 1 only). See GA Record 2010/09 for further details on survey methods and specimen acquisition. Data is presented here exactly as delivered by the taxonomist, and Geoscience Australia is unable to verify the accuracy of the taxonomic identifications.

  • The legacy of multiple marine transgressions is preserved in a complex morphology of ridges, mounds and reefs on the Carnarvon continental shelf, Western Australia. High-resolution multibeam sonar mapping, underwater photography and sampling across a 280 km2 area seaward of the Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area shows that these raised features provide hardground habitat for modern coral and sponge communities. Prominent among these features is a 20 m high and 15 km long shore-parallel ridge at 60 m water depth. This ridge preserves the largely unaltered form of a fringing reef and is interpreted as the predecessor to modern Ningaloo Reef. Landward of the drowned reef, the inner shelf is covered by hundreds of mounds (bommies) up to 5 m high and linear ridges up to 1.5 km long and 16 m high. The ridges are uniformly oriented to the north-northeast and several converge at their landward limit. On the basis of their shape and alignment, these ridges are interpreted as relict long-walled parabolic dunes. Their preservation is attributed to cementation of calcareous sands to form aeolianite, prior to the post-glacial marine transgression. Some dune ridges abut areas of reef that rise to sea level and are highly irregular in outline but maintain a broad shore-parallel trend. These are tentatively interpreted as Last Interglacial in age. The mid-shelf and outer shelf are mostly sediment covered with relatively low densities of epibenthic biota and have patches of low-profile ridges that may also be relict reef shorelines. An evolutionary model for the Carnarvon shelf is proposed that relates the formation of drowned fringing reefs and aeolian dunes to Late Quaternary eustatic sea level.

  • This dataset contains species identifications of sponges collected during survey SOL4934 (R.V. Solander, 27 August - 24 September, 2009). Animals were collected from the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf with a benthic sled. Specimens were lodged at Northern Territory Museum on the 26 September 2009. Species-level identifications were undertaken by Belinda Glasby at the Northern Territory Museum and were delivered to Geoscience Australia on the 23 February 2011. See GA Record 2010/09 for further details on survey methods and specimen acquisition. Data is presented here exactly as delivered by the taxonomist, and Geoscience Australia is unable to verify the accuracy of the taxonomic identifications.