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  • Seismic data form South Australian Network. Stations: ADE, ALV2, DNL, FR27, GHS, GHSS, GLN, GLN2, HML1, HML2, HTT, KNC, MRAT, MYP, NBK, PLMR, SDAN, STR2, TORR, UT, UTT. Date range,2006-2017, not definitive. Some logs files.

  • Seismic Station ADE Teleseismic times charts. 2002-2008

  • Contains Events, arrivals, locations and other eqfocus results tables, for the South Australian Government Seismic Network

  • Geoscience Australia provides rapid, event-specific, earthquake information from its 24x7 earthquake information centre. Information in this service includes basic earthquake parameters (time, location and magnitude) and information about local effects including ground shaking (modelled).

  • Geoscience Australia provides rapid, event-specific, earthquake information from its 24x7 earthquake information centre. Information in this service includes basic earthquake parameters (time, location and magnitude) and information about local effects including ground shaking (modelled). This includes all historic data.

  • Contains local, blast and teleseismic event information from SA network. 2002-2017

  • This 12-page teacher guide is intended for upper primary teachers but may also be useful in secondary classrooms as well. The guide explains how to set up a micro:bit (tiny inexpensive computer) as a mini seismometer that will detect shaking, and how to collect and display the data. The guide also includes classroom-ready activities on how to introduce and explore vibrations and earthquake monitoring.

  • Set of old historical documents including, Adelaide Observatory Seismological Bulletins, historical events, Stations installations, SA Activity Bulletins, Regional Events, Maintence Reports, Seismometer Handbooks and Rainfall Observations.

  • Scanned phase data for station ADE, Mt Bonython, 1958-1983

  • <div>Australia's vast terrains harbour small seismic events that often go unnoticed due to sparse station coverage and ambient noise interference. Innovative data processing techniques hold the key to revealing signals present in the seismic records that are suppressed by noise. In this presentation, I will talk about how seismic array techniques play an important role in our ability to detect and understand these subtle seismic signals, and how we employ these methods to bridge the gaps in our seismic coverage. This has applications to earthquake monitoring, hazard assessment, and environmental insights.</div>