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  • pH is one of the more fundamental soil properties governing nutrient availability, metal mobility, elemental toxicity, microbial activity and plant growth. The field pH of topsoil (0-10 cm depth) and subsoil (~60-80 cm depth) was measured on floodplain soils collected near the outlet of 1186 catchments covering over 6 M km2 or ~80% of Australia. Field pH duplicate data, obtained at 124 randomly selected sites, indicates a precision of 0.5 pH unit (or 7%) and mapped pH patterns are consistent and meaningful. The median topsoil pH is 6.5, while the subsoil pH has a median pH of 7 but is strongly bimodal (6-6.5 and 8-8.5). In most cases (64%) the topsoil and subsoil pH values are similar, whilst, among the sites exhibiting a pH contrast, those with more acidic topsoils are more common (28%) than those with more alkaline topsoils (7%). The distribution of soil pH at the national scale indicates the strong controls exerted by precipitation and ensuing leaching (e.g., low pH along the coastal fringe, high pH in the dry centre), aridity (e.g., high pH where calcrete is common in the regolith), vegetation (e.g., low pH reflecting abundant soil organic matter), and subsurface lithology (e.g., high pH over limestone bedrock). The new data, together with existing soil pH datasets, can support regional-scale decision-making relating to agricultural, environmental, infrastructural and mineral exploration decisions.

  • Iron (Fe) oxide mineralogy in most Australian soils is poorly characterised, even though Fe oxides play an important role in soil function. Fe oxides reflect the conditions of pH, redox potential (Eh), moisture and temperature in the soil environment. The Fe oxide mineralogy exerts a strong control on soil colour. Visible-near infrared (vis-NIR) spectroscopy can be used to identify and measure the abundance of certain Fe oxides in soil as well as soil colour. The aims of this paper are to: (i) measure the hematite and goethite content of Australian soils from their vis-NIR spectra, (ii) compare these results to measurements of soil colour, and (iii) describe the spatial variability of hematite, goethite and soil colour, and map their distribution across Australia. The spectra of 4606 surface soil sample from across Australia were measured using a vis-NIR spectrometer with a wavelength range between 350-2500 nm. We determined the Fe oxide content from characteristic absorptions of hematite (near 880 nm) and goethite (near 920 nm) and derived a normalised iron oxide difference index (NIODI) to better discriminate between them. The NIODI was generalised across Australia with its spatial uncertainty using sequential indicator simulation. We also derived soil RGB colour from the spectra and mapped its distribution and uncertainty across the country using sequential Gaussian simulations. The simulated RGB colour values were made into a composite true colour image and were also converted to Munsell hue, value and chroma. These colour maps were compared to the map of the NIODI and both were used for interpretation of our results. The work presented here was evaluated using existing studies on the distribution of Fe oxides in Australian soils.

  • The National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) project has collected catchment outlet sediment samples from 1315 sites located in 1186 catchments (~10% of which were sampled in duplicate) covering over 80% of Australia, in a collaborative venture between Geoscience Australia and the geoscience agencies of all States and the Northern Territory. At each site, composited samples were collected from two depth intervals: (1) the Top Outlet Sediment from 0-10 cm depth, and (2) the Bottom Outlet Sediment from 60-80 cm depth on average. In the laboratory, the samples were dried, homogenised and separated into two grain-size fractions: (1) a 'coarse' fraction (0-2 mm), and (2) a 'fine' fraction (0-75 um). All together, thus, 5260 samples were prepared for analysis. Bulk splits were also separated for the determination of bulk properties. Samples were analysed for up to 68 chemical elements after Total, Aqua Regia and Mobile Metal Ion digestion methods. Several quality control measures were taken throughout the project and the data quality was assessed in a separate report. This report used the acquired geochemical data to investigate the preliminary implications of this new national dataset on exploration for energy and mineral resources in Australia. This was mostly done by overlaying the NGSA data on coverages of known deposits and occurrences for selected commodities: uranium (U), thorium (Th), gold (Au), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and Rare Earth Elements (REEs). For U, an attempt was made to distinguish between calcrete-related and intrusion-related deposit types, and a local case study in the Pine Creek area is also presented. For Zn, preliminary results from an investigation into discrete field modelling using concentration-area (CA) fractal plots are also presented. Coincidence of known mineral deposits and occurrences with elevated geochemical element concentrations in the same catchment are highlighted. Several catchments have elevated geochemical element concentrations in catchments with no known mineral deposits or occurrences, which provide potential targets for exploration. This technique constitutes a useful and rapid tool for area selection where further, more detailed exploration effort could be expended to test these geochemical anomalies.

  • Global-scale mapping of surface mineralogy is now becoming possible using remote hyperspectral sensing technologies. Global-scale mineral maps have now been generated for Mars using thermal infrared hyperspectral data collected from the Mars-orbiting Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES-, including maps of feldspar, pyroxene, olivine and quartz contents. Other mineral maps of Mars are now being assembled using the recently launched Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer (CRISM -, including sulphates, kaolinite, illite/muscovite, chlorites, carbonate and water ( In contrast, even though mapping the mineralogy of the Earth's land surface can improve understanding and management of Earth's resources, including: - monitoring of soils (acid sulphate soils, salinity, soils loss and soil carbon); - better characterisation of regolith materials (e.g. transported versus in situ); - discovery of new mineral deposits using alteration vectors; and - more accurate environmental assessments during resource exploitation (baseline mapping, monitoring and closure)

  • A new continental-scale geochemical atlas and dataset were officially released into the public domain at the end of June 2011. The National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) project, which started in 2007 under the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program at Geoscience Australia, aimed at filling a huge knowledge gap relating to the geochemical composition of surface and near-surface materials in Australia. Better understanding the concentration levels and spatial distributions of chemical elements in the regolith has profound implications for energy and mineral exploration, as well as for natural resource management. In this world first project, a uniform regolith medium was sampled at an ultra-low density over nearly the entire continent, and subsamples from two depths and two grain-size fractions were analysed using up to three different (total, strong and weak) chemical digestions. This procedure yielded an internally consistent and comprehensive geochemical dataset for 68 chemical elements (plus additional bulk properties). From its inception, the emphasis of the project has been on quality control and documentation of procedures and results, and this has resulted in eight reports (including an atlas containing over 500 geochemical maps) and a large geochemical dataset representing the significant deliverables of this ambitious and innovative project. The NGSA project was carried out in collaboration with the geoscience agencies from every State and the Northern Territory under National Geoscience Agreements. .../...

  • Spectral data from airborne and ground surveys enable mapping of the mineralogy and chemistry of soils in a semi-arid terrain of Northwest Queensland. The study site is a region of low relief, 20 km southeast of Duchess near Mount Isa. The airborne hyperspectral survey identified more than twenty surface components including vegetation, ferric oxide, ferrous iron, MgOH, and white mica. Field samples were analysed by spectrometer and X-ray diffraction to test surface units defined from the airborne data. The derived surface materials map is relevant to soil mapping and mineral exploration, and also provides insights into regolith development, sediment sources, and transport pathways, all key elements of landscape evolution.

  • Geochemical data from two continental-scale soil surveys in Europe and Australia are presented and compared. Internal project standards were exchanged to assess comparability of analytical results. The total concentration of 26 elements (Al, As, Ba, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Fe, Ga, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Si, Sr, Th, Ti, V, Y, Zn, and Zr), Loss On Ignition (LOI) and pH are found to be comparable. In addition, for the first time, directly comparable data for 14 elements in an aqua regia extraction (Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Ce, Co, Cs, Cu, Fe, La, Li, Mn, Mo, and Pb) are provided for both continents. Median soil compositions are remarkably close, though overall Australian soils are slightly depleted in all elements with the exception of SiO2 and Zr. This is interpreted to reflect the overall longer and, in places, more intense weathering in Australia. Calculation of the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) gives a median value of 72% for Australia compared to 60% for Europe. In general, element concentrations vary over 3 (and up to 5) orders of magnitude. Several elements (As, Ni, Co, Bi, Li, Pb, Mn, and Cu) have a lower element concentration by a factor of 2-3 in the soils of northern Europe compared to southern Europe. The break in concentration coincides with the maximum extent of the last glaciation. In Australia the central region with especially high SiO2 concentrations is commonly depleted in many elements. The data provided define the natural background variation for two continents on both hemispheres based on real data. Judging from the experience of these two continental surveys it can be concluded that analytical quality is the key requirement for the success of global geochemical mapping.

  • A weathering intensity index (WII) over the Australian continent has been developed at 100 m resolution using regression models based on airborne gamma-ray spectrometry imagery and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevation data. Airborne gamma-ray spectrometry measures the concentration of three radioelements - potassium (K), thorium (Th) and uranium (U) at the Earth's surface. The total gamma-ray flux (dose) is also calculated based on the weighted additions of the three radioelements. Regolith accounts for over 85% of the Australian land area and has a major influence in determining the composition of surface materials and in controlling hydrological and geomorphological processes. The weathering intensity prediction is based on the integration of two regression models. The first uses relief over landscapes with low gamma-ray emissions and the second incorporates radioelement distributions and relief. The application of a stepwise forward multiple regression for the second model generated a weathering intensity index equation of: WII = 6.751 + -0.851*K + -1.319* Relief + 2.682 * Th/K + -2.590 * Dose. The WII has been developed for erosional landscapes but also has the potential to inform on deposition processes and materials. The WII correlates well with site based geochemical indices and existing regolith mapping. Interpretation of the WII from regional to local scales and its application in providing more reliable and spatially explicit information on regolith properties is described.

  • From 2007 to 2009, the National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) project collected sediment samples from 1315 sites located in 1186 catchments (~10 % of which were sampled in duplicate) from across Australia. Overbank sediments were chosen as sampling media, with a near-surface sample (Top Outlet Sediment, TOS, from 0-10 cm below the surface) and a bottom sample (Bottom Outlet Sediment, BOS, ~10 cm interval between approximately 60-80 cm below the surface) being collected. The sample sites were selected to be near outlets or spill points of large catchments, so that overbank sediments there could reasonably be assumed to represent well-mixed, fine-grained composite samples of all major rock and soil types present in the catchment. Sample sites and their corresponding sediment samples were subjected to a detailed description and the determination of bulk parameters in the field (texture, moist and dry colour, field pH). This is complemented by a series of laboratory measurements and analyses reported elsewhere. This report documents the complete field dataset and discusses the pH and soil colour data that were collected in the field. At the time of writing, field pH and colour are the only datasets available for all sites. Maps are presented showing the spatial distribution of these data in both TOS and BOS samples. These data will be the basis of further interpretative work.

  • Data gathered in the field during the sample collection phase of the National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) has been used to compile the Preliminary Soil pH map of Australia. The map, which was completed in late 2009, offers a first-order estimate of where acid or alkaline soil conditions are likely to be expected. It provides fundamental datasets that can be used for mineral exploration and resource potential evaluation, environmental monitoring, landuse policy development, and geomedical studies into the health of humans, animals and plants.