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  • An optimal combination of geological, geomorphological and climatic properties, along with its high level of contemporary seismicity, makes the Archean craton in the SW corner of Australia an excellent natural laboratory for studying earthquake behaviour in stable continental regions (SCR). Analysis of the palaeo-seismic data derived from 35+ palaeo-earthquake scarps suggests that the long-term seismicity rate is a tenth of the contemporary rate. A 50 site regional GPS/Geodetic network was occupied over the 200 x 400 km study area in 2002 and 2006. Analysis of this data suggests that the long term tectonic strain-rate is about a one seventh (with an uncertainty range of half to a hundredth) of the rate derived from the seismicity recorded over the past 60 years. Re-occupation of this network in 2012 and reprocessing of the 2002 and 2006 data, using updated techniques, should reduce the uncertainty range. The difference between the contemporary seismicity and that suggested by the geological and geodetic data is strong evidence for an episodic (or non-stationary) model of seismicity in non-extended cratonic SCC. By contrast, the Mt Lofty/Flinders Ranges region in South Australia may be exhibiting stationary seismicity behaviour. The geologic structure of this region originally formed in an extensional setting in the Precambrian, and was reactivated in compression in the Cambrian (ca. 500 Ma.) and under the current the current stress field (since ~10-5 ma.). A 50 site GPS/Geodetic network was established in the Flinders ranges in 2003 and reoccupied in 2012. The strain-rate estimated from this data is expected to answer the key question of: Whether the geodetic strain-rate is consistent with the contemporary seismicity (and palaeo-seismicity) in this region or not. Consistency would suggest that the seismicity in this non-extended SCR is stationary, and should be described by a different seismo-tectonic model than the non-extended cratonic SCR

  • No abstract available

  • Geoscience Australia in collaboration with the Geological Survey of Western Australia conducted a seismic testing program on the Eucla Basin carbonate sediments during May 2012, during a survey to collect deep seismic data across the western Eucla Basin. These data were collected as part of the Albany-Fraser Seismic Survey that consists of three traverses in south-east Western Australia with a total length of 671 km. The major aim of this survey was to image the basement relationship between the Yilgarn craton, the Albany-Fraser zone, and basement rocks further east. Much of this eastern area is covered by the limestones of the Eucla Basin, and there has been little seismic data acquired in this area. These tests were required to confirm the feasibility of collecting deep seismic data beneath the limestones through the region. Geoscience Australia has had little success in penetrating the limestones of the Eucla Basin in previous surveys. Several sets of recording parameters were tested, including 10 Hz geophones and lower frequency 4.5 Hz geophones as parallel spreads. Also, linear upsweeps were compared to low-dwell non-linear upsweeps designed to introduce more low frequency energy into the signal. Initial results from the testing program were encouraging. Production data were subsequently collected along the Trans Australia Railway access road as far as Haig, using Geoscience Australia's standard deep crustal seismic acquisition parameters.

  • Initial 2D seismic survey using mini-vibroseis with high frequency band 10 - 150Hz. This seismic survey is part of the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) projects.

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